1983 美國康奈爾大學 (Cornell University) 植物病理學博士
1979 中興大學植物病理學碩士
1974 中興大學植物病理學學士
2004/08~2010/12 國立中興大學副校長
2006/08迄今 國立中興大學講座教授
1989/08迄今 國立中興大學植物病理學系教授
2001/08~2004/07 國立中興大學生物科技發展中心主任
1984/08~1989/07 國立中興大學植物病理學系副教授
1983/11~1984/07 美國康奈爾大學植物病理學系博士後研究員
1976/09~1979/08 國立中興大學植物病理學系助理研究員
電話:04-22840780 #306 #322 #357
- 植物病毒分子生物學
- 病毒鞘蛋白轉基因植物
- 輕症病毒交護保護系統
- 病毒診斷工具之製備
本實驗室主要研究方向為植物病毒分子生物學及以遺傳工程防治植物病毒病害,所研究的植物病毒包括蚜蟲傳播的 Potyvirus 屬中的木瓜輪點病毒 (papaya ringspot virus, PRSV)、木瓜輪點病毒西瓜型 ( PRSV W type) 與矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒 (zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV),以及薊馬傳播的 Tospovirus 屬中的西瓜銀斑病毒 (watermelon silver mottle virus, WSMV)、花生環斑病毒 (groundnut ringspot virus, GRSV)、鳳仙花疽斑病毒 (impatiens necrotic spot virus, INSV)、花生黃化扇斑病毒 (peanut chlorotic fan spot virus, PCFV) 等。
- 病毒基因體核酸序列解析及基因功能分析;
- 將病毒基因導入寄主植物以產生抗病毒性狀;
- 以遺傳工程方法構築輕症病毒系統來防治強系病毒的危害;
- 病毒診斷工具之製備包括病毒之單元與多元抗體之製備及核酸探針之開發。
- 利用輕症病毒之交互保護作用防治木瓜輪點病毒
木瓜輪點病毒 (PRSV) 為台灣及熱帶地區木瓜栽培之主要限制因子,葉教授利用亞硝酸突變處理獲得無病徵感染之輕症病毒,利用交互保護作用 (cross protection) 原理防治PRSV,此方法經於1985-1994年間,處理過四百餘萬棵木瓜苗木,推廣面積達二千餘公頃,維持台灣木瓜之生產,此為世界上大規模應用交互保護作用防治蚜蟲傳播病毒之首例。此成就於1988年獲美國Plant
Disease期刊邀請作特別報導 (Feature article),並於1994年獲Advances in Disease Vector Research邀請做review報導(Yeh et al., 1988; Yeh and Gonsalves, 1994)。 - 木瓜輪點病毒PRSV之分子研究
主要成就包括首先將此病毒之完整基因核酸體序列10326 nt解出,建構其基因圖譜,為當時已知植物正極性ssRNA病毒已解序者之最長者 (Yeh et al., 1992)。基於此,以T3啟動子驅動之生體外具感染力轉錄體in vitro infectious transcript及以35S promoter啟動之生體內具感染力轉錄體in vivo infectious transcript亦已構築完成 (Chiang et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1997),此使得葉教授實驗室有能力對PRSV的任何基因做功能分析。利用強系病毒和前述輕症病毒在cDNA層次上之重組分析,已找出病原性相關之區域。目前正利用這些基礎,構築本省分離株不具病原性的遺傳工程二代疫苗供交互保護作用防治PRSV。且已解出感染木瓜最關鍵之因子為NIa-Pro基因上的一個Lys27胺基酸 (Chen et al., 2008),葉教授實驗室於木瓜輪點病毒之分子研究已取得世界先導地位。 - 抗病毒之基因工程作物之育成
由PRSV病毒全長度基因體定序、病毒核鞘蛋白轉基因的構築、木瓜基因轉殖與組織培養技術平台的建立,一直到完成由政府相關單位所指定之各階段田間試驗,發展出一套非常有效的木瓜輪點病毒防治策略,並且參與各項病毒病害防治及轉基因技術的國際會議,成為國際上著名的防治木瓜輪點病毒的專家。葉教授實驗室獨力研發木瓜轉型作用,研發出幼胚再生及鞘蛋白基因農桿菌轉殖技術 (Cheng et al., 1996),目前已有多個木瓜輪點病毒鞘蛋白轉基因木瓜株系,具備極佳抗PRSV之性狀 (Fan et al., 2009; Kung et al., 2010),已完成溫室評估。且於1996年取得農委會田間試驗許可,已完成農試所轉基因專用試驗田進行田間評估,結果非常顯著,對木瓜產業有革命性衝擊。所有田間試驗結果已於2003年獲農委會生物安全審查委員會通過,此為我國第一宗轉基因作物田間試驗範例。而葉教授所研發之轉基因木瓜對世界各地之木瓜輪點病毒均有抗性,廣受各國重視,此方面之成就獲選為美國期刊Phytopathology (Bau et al., 2003, Jan.) 與Plant Disease (Bau et al., 2004, June) 之封面報導。 另外渠等亦已完成CMV CP轉基因菸草及番茄、TMV CP及replicase轉基因菸草及PWV CP轉基因菸草 (見著作)。目前正進行抗Tospovirus、ZYMV及PRSV-W之多重抗病性轉基因甜瓜及西瓜之構築,已有良好結果。另外於木瓜輪點病毒防治試驗當中,於田間發現另一木瓜崎葉嵌紋病毒 (Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus, PLDMV) 可感染抗PRSV之轉基因木瓜 (Bau et al., 2008),爲解決此問題,該研究室育成了同時具有PRSV與PLDMV之鞘蛋白基因的轉基因木瓜,並於隔離溫室接種試驗中獲得可同時抵抗PSRV與PLDMV二者之抗性 (Kung et al., 2009; 十一月封面報導)。目前已獲得農委會的許可,進行田間試驗。此具備雙重抗病毒性狀木瓜之成果,已穩居世界領先之位置。 - Tospovirus病毒屬之研究
近年來台灣西瓜及其他瓜類廣受由薊馬傳播之病毒危害,此病毒經分離鑑定及血清比對,證實和Tospovirus屬中已知病毒不同。葉教授進一步完成此病毒之nucleocapsid (N) gene之分析比對,確認此為Tospovirus之新病毒,並命為西瓜銀斑病毒 (Watermelon silver mottle virus, WSMoV) (Yeh and Chang, 1995)。此病毒之全長度S RNA (Yeh et al., 1996) 及M RNA (Chu and Yeh, 1998) 之全長序列分析均已完成,其N-gene轉基因菸草及番茄亦已育成。除WSMoV外,該實驗室目前尚有落花生分離株及蝴蝶蘭分離株均具血清特異性為二可能新種 (Yeh et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2005)。實驗室目前並自行製備世界上最齊全之serogroup I-VI之各種單元及多元抗體,已成為全球Tospovirus屬病毒鑑定及分類重鎮。由於在Tospovirus屬上之優異成就,葉教授於1995年獲選為國際病毒Tospovirus study group國際七名委員之一成員,為個人及國家之光榮。在國際上對於此屬病毒的研究已佔有首席之地,渠並於2003年獲國際重要書刊Advances in Plant Disease Management之邀撰寫專章「Occurrence, Importance, Taxonomy and Control of Thrips-borne Tospoviruses」,可見其成就非凡。目前已將WSMoV中L RNA之高保留性序列以不同之構築形式轉殖於菸草,可獲得具有廣效性對抗兩種不同tospoviruses的轉基因植株,且抗性表現良好。菸草模式建立後,目前正努力育成轉基因番茄,以期能實際應用於經濟作物以防治熱帶及亞熱帶tospoviruses所造成的嚴重經濟損失。葉教授在tospoviruses的偵測檢疫工作上成果輝煌,如多元或單株抗體之製備 (Chen et al., 2006,中華民國發明專利第I301853號),以及專一性或簡併性引子對之開發等 (Chu et al., 2001a & b),可針對tospoviruses的多數病毒或是個別血清型的病毒進行快速暨準確之偵測及分類。這些成果皆有助於對田間或自國外進口的植物檢體提供良好的鑑定依據,在防檢疫及防治的工作上無疑是不可或缺的利器。 - 植物病毒載體之開發利用
葉教授亦對植物病毒載體之建構投入不少心力,將分離自田間罹病甜瓜之矮南瓜黃化嵌紋病毒 (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, ZYMV) 基因體定序後,開發成病毒載體,可於感染後在植物體內大量表現水母綠色螢光蛋白GFP、塵螨過敏原Der p 5,以及另一感染瓜類之西瓜銀斑病毒 (Watermelon silver mottle virus, WSMoV) 之核鞘蛋白 (nucleocapsid protein, NP) 與非結構性NSs蛋白。所表現之蛋白經Ni2+-NTA親和性管柱純化後,可做為抗血清或單株抗體製備之用。此外,於動物試驗中證實小白鼠餵食含有ZYMV表現之塵螨過敏原Der p 5的植物材料後,能有效地降低過敏反應的指數,該成果亦於國際免疫學期刊中發表 (Hsu et al., 2004,中華民國發明專利第I288778號)。另一方面,以定點突變方式所產生的弱系ZYMV載體則具有在系統性寄主上僅產生輕微病徵且於單斑寄主無局部病斑形成之特性,相當適合做為研究植物交互保護及病毒基因與植物間交互作用關係之用 (Lin et al., 2007; 三月封面報導)。此外,以開發ZYMV病毒載體之經驗,亦將分離自彩色海芋之蕪菁嵌紋病毒 (Turnip mosaic virus, TuMV) 建構成為另一植物病毒載體,並成功地表現GFP、Der p 5以及WSMoV之NP與NSs等蛋白,經定點突變之弱系TuMV亦能對野生型病毒提供良好的交互保護抗性 (Chen et al., 2007)。
- Yazhisai, U., Rajagopalan, P. A., Raja J. A. J., Chen, T.-C,
and Yeh, S.-D. (2015) Untranslatable tospoviral NSs fragment
coupled with L conserved region enhances transgenic resistance
against the homologous virus and a serologically unrelated
tospovirus. Transgenic Research. 24(4):635-649. - Kung, Y.-J., You, B.-J., Raja. J. A. J., Chen, K.-C., Huang,
C.-H., Bau, H.-J., Yang, C.-F., Huang, C.-H., Chang, C.-P., and
Yeh, S.-D. (2015) Nucleotide sequence-homology-independent
breakdown of transgenic resistance by more virulent virus
strains and a potential solution. Scientific Reports. 5:9804,
1-10. - Huang, C.-H., Hsiao, W.-R., Huang, C.-W., Chen, K.-C., Lin,
S.-S., Chen, T-C., Raja. J. A. J., Wu, H.-W., and Yeh, S.-D.
(2015) Two novel motifs of Watermelon Silver Mottle Virus NSs
protein are responsible for RNA silencing suppression and
pathogenicity. PLoS One. 10:e0126161. - Chen, T.-C., Tsai, W.-T., Kang, Y.-C., Wang, Y.-C., Yeh,
S.-D. (2015) Using monoclonal antibodies against the common
epitopes of NSs proteins for the prompt detection and
differentiation of tospoviruses prevalent in Euro-America and
Asia Regions. European Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI
10.1007/s10658-015-0791-8. - Wu, P.-R., Chien, W.-C., Okuda, M., Takeshita, M., Yeh,
S.-D., Wang, Y.-C.‚ and Chen, T.-C. (2015) Genetic and
serological characterization of chrysanthemum stem necrosis
virus, a member of the genus Tospovirus. Archives of Virology.
160:529-536. - Lin, H.-T., Yen, G.-C., Lee, W.-C., Tsai, Y.-T. Wu, J.-H.,
Yeh, S.-D., Cheng, Y.-H., Chang, S.-C., Liao, J.-W. (2015)
Repeated dose 90-day feeding study of whole fruits of
genetically modified papaya resistant to Papaya ringspot virus
in rats. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
64(4):1286-1292. - Kung, Y.-J., Lin, S.-S., Huang, Y.-L., Chen, T.-C., Harish,
S. S., Chua, N.-H. & Yeh, S.-D. (2012) Multiple artificial
microRNAs targeting conserved motifs of the replicase gene
confer robust transgenic resistance to negative-sense ssRNA
plant virus. Molecular Plant Pathology 13, 303-317. - Chen, T.-C., Li, J.-T., Lin, Y.-P., Yeh, Y.-C., Kang, Y.-C.,
Huang, L.-H. & Yeh, S.-D. (2012) Genomic characterization of
Calla lily chlorotic spot virus and design of broad-spectrum
primers for detection of tospoviruses. Plant Pathology 61,
183-194. - Yen, G.-C. Lin, H.-T., Cheng, Y.-H., Lin, Y.-J., Chang,
S.-C., Yeh, S.-D., Chan, Y.-C., Chung, Y.-C. & Liao, J.-W.
(2011) Food safety evaluation of papaya fruits resistant to
Papaya ring spot virus. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 19,
269-280. - Lin, C.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Tan, C.-W., Yeh, S.-D. & Jan, F.-J.
(2011) Construction of the binary vector with bi-selectable
markers for generating marker-free transgenic plants. Botanical
Studies 52, 239-248. - Chen, T.-C., Lu, Y.-Y., Kang, Y.-C., Li, J.-T., Yeh, Y.-C.,
Kormelink, R.J.M. & Yeh, S.-D. (2011) Detection of eight
different tospoviruses species by the monoclonal antibody
against the common epitopes of NSs protein. Acta Horticulturae
901, 61-66. - Peng, J.-C., Yeh, S.-D., Huang, L.-H., Li, J.-T., Cheng,
Y.-F. & Chen, T.-C. (2011) Emerging threat of thrips-borne Melon
yellow spot virus on melon and watermelon in Taiwan. European
Journal of Plant Pathology 130, 205-214. - Lin, Y.-T., Lin, C.-W., Chung, C.-H., Su, M.-H., Ho, H.-Y.,
Yeh, S.-D., Jan, F.-J. & Ku, H.-M. (2011) In Vitro Regeneration
and Genetic Transformation of Cucumis metuliferus through
Cotyledon Organogenesis. Hortscience 46, 616-621. - Yu, T.-A., Chiang, C.-H., Wu, H.-W., Li, C.-M., Yang, C.-F.,
Chen, J.-H. Chen, Y.-W. & Yeh, S.-D. (2011) Generation of
transgenic watermelon resistant to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
and Papaya ringspot virus type W. Plant Cell Reports 30,
359-371. - Kunkalikar, S. R., Poojari, S., Arun, B. M., Rajagopalan, P.
A., Chen, T. C., Yeh, S. D., Naidu, R. A., Zehr, U. B. & Ravi,
K. S. (2011) Importance and genetic diversity of
vegetable-infecting tospoviruses in India. Phytopathology 101,
367-376. - Li, J.-T., Yeh, Y.-C., Yeh, S.-D., Raja, J. A. J.,
Rajagopalan, P. A., Liu, L.-Y. & Chen, T.-C. (2011) Complete
genomic sequence of watermelon bud necrosis virus. Arch. Virol.
156, 359-362. - Chen, K.-C. & Yeh, S.-D. (2010). Genetic determinant of
Papaya ringspot virus for infection of papaya. Acta
Horticulturae 851, 163-172. - Wu, H.-W., Yu, T.-A., Raja, J. A. J., Christopher, S. J.,
Wang, S.-L. & Yeh, S.-D. (2010) Double-virus resistance of
transgenic oriental melon conferred by untranslatable chimeric
construct carrying partial coat protein genes of two viruses.
Plant Disease 94, 1341-1347. - Chen, Y.-T., Fang, Q.-S., Chiang, C.-H., Yeh, S.-D., Wu,
H.-W. & Yu, T.-A. (2010) Transgenic Eustoma grandiflorum
expressing the bar gene are resistant to the herbicide Basta®.
Plant Cell Tiss. Org. 102, 347-356. - Chao, C.-H., Wu, H.-W., Chen, K.-C., Lin, S.-S. & Yeh, S.-D.
(2010) Aphid transmissibility and cross-protection effectiveness
of an attenuated mutant of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus. Plant
Protection Bulletin 52, 1-16. - Chao, C.-H., Chen, T.-C., Kang, Y.-C, Li, J.-T., Huang,
L.-H. & Yeh, S.-D. (2010) Characterization of Melon yellow spot
virus infecting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in Taiwan. Plant
Pathology Bulletin 19, 41-52. - Kung, Y.-J., Yu, T.-A., Huang, C.-H., Wang, H.-C., Wang,
S.-L. & Yeh, S.-D. (2010) Generation of hermaphrodite transgenic
papaya lines with virus resistance via transformation of somatic
embryos derived from adventitious roots of in vitro shoots.
Transgenic Res. 19, 621-635. - Chen, T.-C., Lu, Y.-Y., Cheng, Y.-H., Li, J.-T., Yeh, Y.-C.,
Kang, Y.-C., Chang, C.-P., Huang, L.-H., Peng, J.-C. & Yeh,
S.-D. (2010) Serological relationship between Melon yellow spot
virus and Watermelon silver mottle virus and differential
detection of the two viruses in cucurbits. Arch. Virol. 155,
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(2010). Discriminating mutations of HC-Pro of Zucchini yellow
mosaic virus with differential effects on small RNA pathways
involving viral pathogenicity and symptom development. Mol.
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virus Infecting Amaryllis and Blood Lily in Taiwan. Plant
Disease 93, 1346. - Chang, H.-H., Tseng, H.-H., Yeh, S.-D., Ku, H.-M. & Jan,
F.-J. (2009). Generation of monoclonal antibody against the
replicase of Watermelon silver mottle virus and its application
on the detection of L protein expression in planta. Plant
Pathology Bulletin 18, 237-246. - Fan, M.-J., Chen, S, Kung. Y.-J., Cheng, Y.-H., Bau, H.-J.,
Su, T.-T. & Yeh, S.-D. (2009). Transgene-specific and
event-specific molecular markers for characterization of
transgenic papaya lines resistant to Papaya ringspot virus.
Transgenic Res. 18, 971-986. - Kung, Y.-J., Bau, H.-J., Wu, Y.-L., Huang, C.-H., Chen,
T.-M. & Yeh, S.-D. (2009). Generation of transgenic papaya with
double resistance to papaya ringspot virus and papaya
leaf-distortion mosaic virus. Phytopathology 11, 1312-1320. - Tsai, S.-F., Yeh, S.-D., Chan, C.-F. & Liaw, S.-I. (2009).
High-efficiency vitrification protocols for cryopreservation of
in vitro grown shoot tips of transgenic papaya lines. Plant Cell
Tiss. Org. 98, 157-164. - Wu, H.-W., Yu, T.-A., Raja, J. A. J., Wang, H.-C. & Yeh,
S.-D. (2009). Generation of transgenic oriental melon resistant
to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus by an improved cotyledon-cutting
method. Plant Cell Rep. 28, 1053-1064. - Lin, S.-S., Wu, H.-W., Elena, S.F., Chen, K.-C., Niu, Q.-W.,
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evolution of a viral non-coding sequence under the selective
pressure of amiRNA-mediated silencing. PLoS Pathog. 5, e1000312. - Chen, T.-C., Lu, Y.-Y., Cheng, Y.-H., Chang, C.-A., Yeh,
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record from Taiwan. Plant Pathology 57, 765. - Chen, K.-C., Chiang, C.-H., Raja, J. A. J., Liu, F.-L., Tai,
C.-H. & Yeh, S.-D. (2008). A single amino acid of NIaPro of
Papaya ringspot virus determines host specificity for infection
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threat of a new pathotype of Papaya leaf distortion mosaic virus
infecting transgenic papaya resistant to Papaya ringspot virus.
Phytopathology 98, 848-856. - Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Yang, C.-J., Yeh, S.-D. & Jan,
F.-J. (2008). Identification and characterization of a
tospovirus causing chlorotic ringspots on Phalaenopsis orchids.
European Journal of Plant Pathology 208, 199-209. - Yeh, S. D. & Kung, Y. J. (2007). The past and current
approaches for control of papaya ringspot virus in Taiwan.
Proceedings of the first international symposium on papaya. Acta
Horticulturae 740, 235-243. - Lin, S.-S., Henriques, R., Wu, H.-W., Niu, Q.-W., Yeh, S.-D.
& Chua, N.-H. (2007). Strategies and mechanisms of plant virus
resistance. Plant Biotechnology Reports 1, 125-134. - Wang, L.-Y., Chen, K.-C., Chen, T.-C. & Yeh, S.-D. (2007).
Nucleotide sequence analysis of the coat protein genes of two
isolates of Sweet potato feathery mottle virus from central
Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 16, 203-213. - Wang, L.-Y., Chen, K.-C., Chen, T.-C. & Yeh, S.-D. (2007).
Nucleotide sequence analysis and detection application of the
coat protein gene of Sweet potato latent virus isolated from
central Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 16, 141-148. - Chen, C.-C., Chen, T.-C., Raja, J. A. J., Chang, C.-A.,
Chen, L.-W., Lin, S.-S. & Yeh, S.-D. (2007). Effectiveness and
stability of heterologous proteins expressed in plants by Turnip
mosaic virus vector at five different insertion sites. Virus
Research 130, 210-227. - Chiang, C.-H., Lee, C.-Y., Wang, C.-H., Jan, F.-J., Lin,
S.-S., Chen, T.-C., Raja, J. A. J. & S.-D., Y. (2007). Genetic
analysis of an attenuated Papaya ringspot virus strain applied
for cross protection. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118,
333-348. - Lin, S.-S., Wu, H.-W., Jan, F.-J., Hou, R. F. & Yeh, S.-D.
(2007). Modifications of the HC-Pro of Zucchini yellow mosaic
potyvirus for generation of attenuated mutants for cross
protection against severe infection. Phytopathology 97, 287-296.
- Yeh, S.-D., Kung, Y.-J., Bau, H.-J., Yu, T.-A. & Raja, J. A. J. (2010).
Generation of a Papaya Hybrid Variety with Broad-Spectrum Transgenic Resistance
to Papaya ringspot virus and Papaya leaf-distortion mosaic virus. Transgenic
Plant Journal 4, 37-44. - Lo, C.-C., Bau, H.-J., Chen, S.-C., Lin, C.-J., Huang, Y.-C. &
Yeh, S.-D.
(2010). Persistence and Bioavailability of Transgenic Genes Released from
Genetically Modified Papaya and the Influence on Soil Bacterial Communities in
Taiwan. Transgenic Plant Journal 4, 77-89. - Hsu, H.-T., Chen, T.-C., Chang, C.-A. & Yeh, S.-D. (2009). Chapter 4:
Preparation of immunogens and production of antibodies. Methods Mol Biol. 508,
37-50. - Yeh, S.-D., Bau, H.-J., Kung, Y.-J. & Yu, T.-A. (2007). Chapter I.4. Papaya.
In Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Volume 60: Transgenic Crops V.
73-96. Edited by E. C. Pua and M. R. Davery, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. - Yeh, S.-D. (2007). Current status of the transgenic approach for control of
Papaya ringpsot virus. In: Business Potential for Agricultural Biotechnology
Products, 58-66. Edited by Paul S. Teng. Asian Productivity Organization. Tokyo.
- Lin, W. -Y, Chen, K. -C., Yang, C. -F., Uthaman Yazhisai,
Yeh, S.-D. 2015. Generation of transgenic tomato lines with
broad-spectrum resistance to tospoviruses and begomoviruses.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society. Abstract, SCB18
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Mar. 27-28, 2015) - Yeh, S.-D., Chen, T. -C., Peng, J. -C., & Yazhisai Uthaman.
2015. Diversity of Tospoviruses in Asia, and Possible Control by
Broad-spectrum Transgenic Resistance. (Keynote Speech, Xth
International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Tospoviurses,
Monterey, California, USA, May. 16-20, 2015) - Chen, T. -C., Chien, W. -C., Tsai, W. -T., Kang, Y.-C.,
Chen, Y.-H., Wang, Y. -C., Ou, Y. -J., & Yeh, S.-D. 2015. An
efficient serological platform for identification and detection
of tospoviral species prevalent in different geographic regions.
(Oral Presentation, Xth International Symposium on Thysanoptera
and Tospoviurses, Monterey, California, USA, May. 16-20, 2015) - Yeh, S.-D., Kung, Y.-J., You, B.-J., Chen, K.-C., Bau,
H.-J., Yang, J.-F., and Huang C.-H. 2015. Homology-independent
breakdown of transgenic resistance by more virulent virus strain
and the potential solution. (Keynote Speech, 11th Cross Strait
Conference on Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology,
Wuhan, China, June 23-25, 2015) - Yeh, S.-D. 2015. Nucleotide Sequence-Homology-independent
Breakdown of Transgenic Resistance by More Virulent Virus Strain
and the Solution. (Keynote Speech, Guangxi University – Chung
Hsing University on Agricultural and Biological Science
Symposium, Guangxi, China, Oct. 27-31, 2015) - Yeh, S.-D., Chang, C.-P., Chutirat Assawathep, Srimek
Chowpongpang and Wichai Cositratana. 2015. Progress for control
of Papaya ringspot virus inThailand by cross protection.
(Keynote Speech, International Symposium for Agricultural
Biotechnology, Thailand, Dec.16-20, 2015) - Kang, Y.-C., Chen, T.-C., Yeh, S.-D. 2015. Study on the gene
silencing suppressor and pathogenicity determinant of Cucurbit
chlorotic yellows virus. PV-07. (Kaohsiung District Agricultural
Research and Extension Station, Pingtung, Taiwan, Dec. 25, 2015) - Chien, W.-C.‚ Li, J.-T., Yang, C.-F., Yeh, S.-D. and Chen,
T.-C. 2015. Generation of transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana
plants conferring resistance against Cucurbit chlorotic yellows
virus. PV-11. (Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research and
Extension Station, Pingtung, Taiwan, Dec. 25, 2015) - Yeh, S.-D., Lin, S.-S., and Chua, N.-H. 2007. A novel
strategy for plant virus resistance using artificial miRNA. 2007
International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotechnology,
Abstract, p. 44 (National Chung Hsing University, Taichung,
November 28-30, 2007) - Ho, H.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Yu, T.-A., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan,
Fuh-Jyh. 2007. Development of transgenic watermelon plants with
multiple resistance to Cucumber mosaic-、Cucumber green mottle
mosaic- and Watermelon mosaic viruses . 2007 International
Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotechnology. (National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, November 28-30, 2007) - 彭瑞菊、鄭安秀、葉錫東。2008。2007年初台南地區洋香瓜病毒病害嚴重發生原因之探討。Annual meeting
of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V-6 (National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - 陳金枝、江芬蘭、陳宗祺、葉錫東、黃春惠、鄭櫻慧、張清安。2008。Capsicum chlorosis
virus感染孤挺花之血清學及分子生物特性之鑑定。Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology
Society, Abstract, V-10 (National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - 陳金枝、黃春惠、陳宗祺、葉錫東、鄭櫻慧、張清安。2008。WsMoV感染海芋之血清學及分子生物特性之鑑定。Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V-11
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - 彭瑞菊、陳紹崇、葉錫東。2008。番茄種子種苗帶病毒率檢測及發展番茄種子去病毒技術之研究。Annual meeting
of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V-16 (National Chung
Hsing University, Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - Dmytro, U., Chen, K. C. and Yeh, S. D. 2008. Construction of
artificial miRNA for generating transgenic resistance against
potyviruses in plant. Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology
Society, Abstract, SC-02 (National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - Wang, P. T., Chang, Y. L., Chiang, C. H., Chen, Y. T., Shaw,
S. F., Yeh, S. D., Shih, H. D. and Yu, T. A. 2008. Transgenic
melons expressing antifungal protein (AFP3) conferred resistance
against Rhizoctonia solani. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC-03 (National Chung Hsing
University, Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - Chen, J. H., Li, C. M., Chiang, C. H., Yeh, S. D. and Yu, T.
A. 2008. Double resistance of transgenic watermelon expressing
an untranslatable chimeric construct carrying parts of coat
protein coding sequence of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus and
Papaya ringspot virus type-W. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC-04 (National Chung Hsing
University, Taichung, Jan. 25, 2008) - Wu, H. W., Lin, S. S., Chen, K. C., Yeh, S. D., Chua, N. H.
2008. Discriminating mutations of HC-Pro with differential
effects on miRNA and siRNA pathwas. International Union of
Microbiological Societies 2008-XIV International Congress of
Virology, Abstract, VOP-37, p. 28 (Istanbul, Turkish, Aug.
10-15, 2008) - Chen, C. C., Yeh, S. D. 2008. Expression of dust mite
allergen in edible leaves of crucifers by Turnip mosaic virus
vector. International Union of Microbiological Societies
2008-XIV International Congress of Virology, Abstract, VOP-229,
p.142 (Istanbul, Turkish, Aug. 10-15, 2008) - Chen, K. C., Chiang, C. H., RAJA, J. A. J., Liu, F. L., Tai,
C. H., Yeh, S. D. 2008. A signal amino acid of NIaPro of papaya
ringspot virus determining host specificity for infection of
papaya. International Union of Microbiological Societies
2008-XIV International Congress of Virology, Abstract, VP-316,
p.336 (Istanbul, Turkish, Aug. 10-15, 2008) - Chen, C. C., Chiang, F. L., Chen, T. C., Yeh, S. D., Cheng,
Y. H., and Chang, C. A. 2009. Serological and molecular
identification of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting blood lily.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V04
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Feb. 6, 2009) - Yeh, Y. C., Lin, Y. P., Yeh, S. D., Chen, T. C. 2009. Quick
detection of tospoviruses using degenerate primers. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC25
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Feb. 6, 2009) - Kang, Y. C., Yeh, S. D., Chen, T. C. 2009. Production of
broad-spectrum antisera for detection of tospoviruses. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC27
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Feb. 6, 2009) - Li, J. X., Cheng, H. W., Yeh, S. D. 2009. Enhancement of the
production of recombinant proteins expressed by Zucchini yellow
mosaic virus vector through fusion with the nucleocapsid protein
of a tospovirus. Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology
Society, Abstract, SC30 (National Chung Hsing University,
Taichung, Feb. 6, 2009) - Yang, J. F., Yeh, S. D., Chiang, C. H., Yu, T. A. 2009.
Transgenic watermelon lines with triple-virus resistance
generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC33
(National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Feb. 6, 2009) - Kung, Y.-J., Lin, S.-S., Huang, Y.-L., Chua, N.-H. and Yeh,
S.-D. 2009. Artificial microRNAs targeting the conserved motifs
of replicase gene conferring transgenic resistance to
negative-sense ssRNA plant virus. International Symposium on
Vascular Biology and Agriculture (Chungqing, China, Jun. 21-24,
2009) - Yeh, S.-D. and Chen, T.-C. 2009. Detection and
identification of thrips-borne tospoviruses by serological and
nucleic acid tools. APSA-AVRDC Workshop on Tospoviruses and
Thrips Vectors, Asian Seed Congress 2009 (Bangkok, Thailand,
Nov. 8, 2009) - Cheng, Y. F., Li, J. T., Chen, L. F., Huang, L. H., Peng, J.
C., Yeh, S. D., and Chen, T. C. 2009. Evaluation of field
surveys for tospoviruses and potyviruses in the cucurbit-growing
areas of central and southern Taiwan . Annual meeting of Taiwan
Plant Protection Society, Abstract, PP-13, p. 39 (Agricultural
Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute, Taichung,
Nov. 20, 2009) - Ho, C. Y., Li, J. T., Kang, Y. C., Chen, Y. T., Fan, Y. S.,
Huang, L. H., Tseng, H. H., Yeh, S. D., and Chen, T. C. 2009.
Emergence of Tomato spotted wilt virus infects Capsicum spp. And
Zantedeschia sp. crops in Taiwan . Annual meeting of Taiwan
Plant Protection Society, Abstract, PP-14, p. 40 (Agricultural
Chemicals and Toxic Substances Research Institute, Taichung,
Nov. 20, 2009) - Lin, B. Y., Chen, K. C., Yeh, S. D., Yu, T. A., Chiang, C.
H. 2010. The infectivity assays of Papaya ringspot virus
contained the mutation at the dual coat protein cleavage sites.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC27
(National Taiwan University, Taipei, Mar. 6, 2010) - Fan, Y. H.,Yeh, Y. C., Yeh, S. D., Chen T. C. 2010.
Determination and molecular analyses of the NSm genes of Tomato
yellow ring virus and Peanut chlorotic fan-spot virus. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC28
(National Taiwan University, Taipei, Mar. 6, 2010) - Tsai, W. T., Yeh, S. D. 2010. Production of polyclonal and
monoclonal antibodies against the NSs proteins of
Euro-America-Type tospoviruses. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC30 (National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Mar. 6, 2010) - Peng, J. C., Chen, S. K.,Chang, Y. L., Tsai, H. Y., Hu, C.
C., Yeh, S. D. 2010. The relationship between the retention
virus rate in whitefly and the Squash leaf curl virus disease
occurred on melon plants at Tainan area. Annual meeting of
Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V07 (National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Mar. 6, 2010) - Kung, Y. J., Lin, S. S., Huang, Y. L., Chen, T. C., Chua, N.
H., and Yeh, S. D. 2010. Artificial microRNAs targeting the
conserved motifs of replicase gene conferring transgenic
resistance to negative-sense ssRNA plant virus. The 12th World
Congress of the IAPB (St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Jun. 9-11, 2010) - Huang, C.-H., Hsiao, W.-R., Wang, N.-Y., Huang, C.-W. and
Yeh, S. D. 2010. Analysis of essential regions of the NSs
protein of Watermelon silver mottle virus for pathogenicity by
attenuated strain of Zucchini yellow mosaic virus with point
mutated in HC-Pro gene. The 12th World Congress of the IAPB (St.
Louis, Missouri, USA, Jun. 9-11, 2010) - Yang, C.-F., Yu, T.-A., Yeh, S.-D. 2010. Generation of
transgenic watermelon resistant to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus
and Papaya ringspot virus type W. The 12th World Congress of the
IAPB (St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Jun. 9-11, 2010) - Wu, P. R., Kang, Y. C., Li, J. T., Yeh, S. D., and Chen, T.
C. 2010. Nucleotide sequencing of S RNA of Chrysanthemum stem
necrosis virus and expression of its nucleocapsid protein for
antiserum production. Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection
Society, Abstract, PP-14, p. 47 (National Pingtung University of
Science and Technology, Pingtung, 10 December 2010). - Chiu, W. C., Kang, Y. C., Chen, S. M., Chan, S. F., Yeh, S.
D., and Chen, T. C. 2010. Production of the nucleocapsid
protein-based antisera for detection of tospoviruses belonging
to TSWV serogroup. Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection
Society, Abstract, PP-15, p. 48 (National Pingtung University of
Science and Technology, Pingtung, 10 December 2010). - Hsia, C. M., Chan, S. F., Kang, Y. C., Li, J. T., Yeh, S.
D., and Chen, T. C. 2010. Production of a monoclonal antibody
against the nucleocapsid protein of Groundnut ringspot virus.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Plant Protection Society, Abstract,
PP-16, p. 49 (National Pingtung University of Science and
Technology, Pingtung, 10 December 2010). - Wu, H. W., Lin, S. S., Chen, K. C., Huang, C. H., Chua, N.
H. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. The roles of potyviral gene silencing
suppressor on symptom severity and host defensive responses.
Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, KS02
(Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Mar. 25-26, 2011) - Uthaman, Y., Chen, K. C., Huang, Y. L. Rajagopalan, P. A.,
Chen. T. C. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. Generation of marker-free
transgenic plants with broad-spectrum resistance to different
tospoviruses. Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society,
Abstract, V06 (Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Mar.
25-26, 2011) - Hsia, C. M., Chan, S. F., Kang, Y. C., Li, J. T., Yeh, S. D.
and Chen, T. C. 2011. Epitope analysis of a monoclonal antibody
broadly reacted with the nucleocapsid proteins of
Euro-American-type tospoviruses. Annual meeting of Taiwan
Phytopathology Society, Abstract, V11 (Chaoyang University of
Technology, Taichung, Mar. 25-26, 2011) - Wu, C. Y., Korniichuk, I. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. Generation of
transgenic tobacco plants carrying the conserved regions of
HC-Pro, CIP, NIb and CP genes for broad-spectrum resistance
against potyviruses. Annual meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology
Society, Abstract, SC20 (Chaoyang University of Technology,
Taichung, Mar. 25-26, 2011) - Maulidiyah, A. Shen, T. H. and Yeh, S. D. 2011.
Broad-spectrum transgenic resistance against tospoviruses
conferred by the expression of a single-chain antibody against
the common epitope of the gene silencing suppressor. Annual
meeting of Taiwan Phytopathology Society, Abstract, SC22 (Chaoyang
University of Technology, Taichung, Mar. 25-26, 2011) - Yeh, S. D., Chen, K. C. and Cheng, H. W. 2011. A critical
amino acid of 6K2 protein of Papaya ringspot virus for inducing
wilting symptom on papaya plants. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting,
Abstract, P994. (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 6-10, 2011) - Peng, J. C., Chen, T. C. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. Generation of
broad-spectrum resistance in transgenic tobacco and tomato
plants against distinct tospovirus species of different
serogroups. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting, Abstract, P685.
(Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 6-10, 2011) - Yeh, S. D. and Kung, Y. J. 2011. Solving the problem of
sequence homology-independent breakdown of transgenic resistance
by disarming viral gene silencing suppressor. 2011 APS-IPPC
Joint Meeting, Abstract, P995. (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug.
6-10, 2011) - Chiang, C. H., Wu, Z. J., Lin, B. Y., Bau, H. J., Chen, K.
C., Yu, T. A. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. Deletion of the N terminus of
Papaya ringspot virus larger coat protein disrupt viral systemic
infection. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting, Abstract, P998.
(Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 6-10, 2011) - Yeh, S. D., Chen, C. C., Raja, J. A. J. and Huang, C. H.
2011. Cross-protection effectiveness of attenuated variants of
Turnip mosaic virus with mutations in a conserved motif of the
N-terminal region of HC-Pro. International Union of
Microbiological Societies 2011-XV International Congress of
Virology, Abstract, VI-SY23-6. (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
11-16, 2011) - Chen, T. C., Li, J. T., Huang, L. H., Weng, J. S., Cheng, Y.
F., Peng, C. F. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. Host preference of
Watermelon silver mottle virus and Melon yellow spot virus for
field watermelon and melon. International Union of
Microbiological Societies 2011-XV International Congress of
Virology, Abstract, VI-SY46-6. (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
11-16, 2011) - Cheng, H. W., Li, J. S., Chen, K. C. and Yeh, S. D. 2011.
Development of a common epitope of NSs protein of Asia-type
tospoviruses as a tag for recombinant proteins expressed in
bacterial and plant viral systems. International Union of
Microbiological Societies 2011-XV International Congress of
Virology, Abstract, VI-SY49-3. (Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep.
11-16, 2011) - Huang, C. H., Chen, K. C., Wu, H. W., Hsiao, W. R. and Yeh,
S. D. 2011. Analysis of essential regions of NSs protein of
Watermelon silver mottle virus for gene silencing suppression.
International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011-XV
International Congress of Virology, Abstract, VI-PO26-2.
(Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. 11-16, 2011) - Yeh, S. D., Chen, T. C. and Peng, J. C. 2011. Broad-spectrum
transgenic resistance against different tospoviruses at the
genus level conferred by the conserved region of L genes.
International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011-XV
International Congress of Virology, Abstract, VI-PO23-6.
(Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. 11-16, 2011) - Kang, Y. C., Tsai, W. T., Haung, C. H., Li, J. T., Weng, J.
S., Yeh, S. D. and Chen, T. C. 2011. Prompt identification of
Asian-type and Euroamerican-type tospoviruses using monoclonal
antibodies against the common epitopes of NSs proteins.
International Union of Microbiological Societies 2011-XV
International Congress of Virology, Abstract, VI-PO46-4.
(Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Sep. 11-16, 2011) - Kung, Y. J., You, B. J., Chen, K. C., Huang, C. H., Bau, H.
J. and Yeh, S. D. 2011. The breakdown of transgenic resistance
of papaya by super strains of Papaya ringspot virus and the
solution. 3rd The International Symposium on Papaya, Keynote
speaker (Chiang Mai, Thailand, Dec. 19-21, 2011) - Yeh, S. D. 2012. New technology for plant virus control. The
International Conference on Tropical and Sub-tropical Plant
Diseases 2012, Keynote speaker (Chiang Mai, Thailand, Feb. 7-10,
葉錫東、鄭浩文。真核生物表現系統及其應用。中華民國專利第I 504747號(2015/10/21- 2033/08/07)。