
黃姿碧 教授

2007美 國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校食品科學(食品微生物暨安全組) 博士
1999國 立中興大學 植物病理系(所) 碩士
1997國 立中興大學 植物病理系(所) 學士

國立中興大學 植物病理系(所) 教授 (2021/08-迄今)
國立中興大學 植物病理系(所) 副教授 (2013/08-2021/07)
國立中興大學 植物病理系(所) 助理教授 (2007/08-2013/07)
國立中興大學循環經濟研究學院「植物保健」、「生物與永續科技」、「特用作物及代謝體」及「國際精準農企業發展」碩博士學位學程主任 (2022/05-迄今)
亞太生物肥料生物農藥資訊平台顧問 (2022/06-迄今)
Phytobiomes Journal副編輯 (Associate Editor) (2018/10-迄今)
美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 食品微生物暨毒理系 博士後研究員
美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校 食品微生物暨毒理系 研究助理


電話:04-22840780 #379 (辦公室) #340(實驗室)



  • 生物防治與植物病害綜合防治技術開發
  • 微生物訊息傳遞與生物膜形成分子機制探討
  • 農藥殘留檢測與微生物代謝產物分析


長期化學防治藥劑的施用與不當的農藥使用,使田間抗藥性病原族群逐漸增加,而利用多元化防治方法之病害綜合管理為控制害物族群,使其低於可被接受之經濟危害水平,同時亦兼顧公眾安全與維持生態平衡之有效策略。其中導入益生性拮抗微生物於作物的栽培,亦為近年來植物病害防治策略之一開發重心。枯草桿菌屬與鏈黴菌屬細菌於自然界中常存在於植物葉表、根圈及土壤,其具產生對環境逆境有抗性之(內生/斷生)孢子及分泌多種酵素、抗生物質、蛋白質、維生素、二次代謝產物及天然聚合物等能力,多種菌株亦具有促進動、植物生長、免疫及防禦反應之功能,因此此兩菌屬菌株常被廣泛應用防治細菌、真菌及線蟲等引起之植物病害、種子保護劑或動物用益生菌,亦常被應用於酵素、蛋白、抗生素等工業發酵生產,可見此兩菌屬為微生物科學與農業科技應用性至為廣泛之ㄧ微生物。本研究室由台灣本土環境中篩選針對柑橘潰瘍病菌、檬果黑斑病菌、水稻白葉枯病、炭疽病菌及灰黴病菌等重要植物病原,具拮抗能力之枯草桿菌屬與鏈黴菌屬菌株,並評估其應用於防治植物病害之潛力,本研究所建立相關應用技術將可提供擬定應用微生物防治植物病害之依據。另針對常用殺蟲及殺菌劑篩選與微生物製劑具親和性之藥劑,作為生物與非生物藥劑混合應用基礎,以降低農藥殘留與減少抗藥性問題產生。所篩選具較佳拮抗潛力及生長特性之之台灣菌株,配合rDNA序列及分子生物學分析,以作為菌株種之鑑定依據,另建立之核酸指紋圖譜(DNA fingerprint),亦可提供未來商品化菌株分子特性資訊。

2. 微生物訊息傳遞與生物膜形成分子機制探討

微生物分泌並感應細胞外小分子量訊息分子 (small signal molecules),來了解其族群在環境中的密度,並進而調控其生物機能 (如:致病因子之產生、生物膜的形成、微生物表面移行性、轉型作用、抗生物質產生及產孢等),此一現象稱為quorum sensing (QS)。QS已知可調控多種病原菌之致病因子,在致病過程中扮演極重要角色,因此QS被視為一研發抗菌物質之標的。另亦有報導指出QS亦為拮抗與共生性微生物與其宿主建立交互關係之關鍵,因此干擾微生物間訊息溝通系統,為調控微生物機能之一嶄新且有效策略。本研究室主要在於探討土壤或植物根圈及葉表益生細菌Bacillus spp.及Streptomyces spp.、植物病原細菌Xanthomonas spp.,如:柑橘潰瘍病菌 X. axonopodis pv. citri之細胞間訊息傳遞系統及其調控功能與干擾訊息傳遞系統之分子機制,藉以發揮益生菌最大效益與發展防治植物病害之策略。

3. 農藥殘留檢測與微生物代謝產物分析

4. 植物病原微生物診斷鑑定技術研發

炭疽病菌Colletotrichum spp.可危害多種國產重要蔬果,嚴重影響作物品質與儲存壽命。炭疽病菌以型態特徵、病徵表現及寄主範圍等特性鑑定不易確認,為因應加入世界貿易組織後,真菌快速檢測及鑑定之需求,本研究室嘗試利用雙股泳動性分析(Heteroduplex mobility assay, HMA) 配合rDNA之ITS核酸PCR增幅,作為鑑定炭疽病菌依據。另發展藉由測試菌株與一組參考菌株進行HMA分析所形成之HMA分佈圖譜 (將之命名為「異質雙股形式圖譜」 (heteroduplex pattern; HP) ),來簡化HMA圖譜之判定及增進鑑別力,並期能將HP發展成為「DNA條碼資料庫」以作為未來檢、防疫檢測鑑定炭疽病菌或其他病原微生物之依據。


1. 微生物訊息傳遞與生物膜形成分子機制探討

  • 拮抗性枯草桿菌於葉表之生物膜與其於柑桔潰瘍病菌病害管理之應用
    Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri引起之柑桔潰瘍病 (citrus bacterial canker) 為影響世界柑桔生產最嚴重之細菌性病害,在美國以及中南美國家即將之列為檢疫病害,並花費不貲極力除滅,現行此病害之防治多仰賴銅劑及抗生素等化學藥劑,然已有報導指出發現抗藥性菌株,因此發展創新、安全及有效之防治策略為時勢所趨。微生物群聚附著於物體表面形成膜狀構造,此泛稱為生物膜,已知生物膜之形成有助於微生物抵抗抗生素等不良環境,且此過程在多種微生物亦已被證實為致病、拮抗或共生作用之關鍵,因此藉由化學藥劑、生物製劑干擾或抑制生物膜形成為研發病害防治策略之嶄新標的。本研究中應用分離自本土介質及根圈土壤,經生理生化及分子指紋圖譜檢測證實其皆歸屬於對人體不具危險性之Bacillus subtilis group,且對柑桔潰瘍病原具拮抗能力之菌株WG6-14與TKS1-1,作為發展柑桔潰瘍病防治之生物製劑,其中菌株WG6-14內生孢子生物製劑亦已在台灣登記可供水稻徒長病防治應用。本研究中特別針對枯草桿菌及潰瘍病原於葉表形成生物膜能力與病害發生相關性進行探討,試驗結果證實柑桔潰瘍病菌於葉表生物膜形成及纏存能力與潰瘍病徵表現呈正相關(圖一)。利用共軛焦雷射掃描顯微鏡配合綠螢光蛋白標定及吖啶橙 (acridine orange) 染色法觀察,結果顯示於接種潰瘍病原前一天噴灑枯草桿菌群菌株TKS1-1及WG6-14可明顯抑制潰瘍病原於墨西哥萊姆葉表生物膜形成及纏據能力,另可見葉表多由枯草桿菌群菌株所纏據(圖二),且枯草桿菌之應用亦可明顯降低單位葉表面積柑桔潰瘍病斑數(圖三),綜合上述結果顯示利用拮抗性枯草桿菌抑制潰瘍病原於葉表形成生物膜能力可降低柑桔潰瘍病害發生,而達到以拮抗性枯草桿菌生物防治潰瘍病害之目的 。[已發表於PLoS ONE (2012) 7(7):e42124及已發表於PLoS ONE (2013) 8(4):e62824]



  • 新穎二元反應調控蛋白BfdR藉由rpf/DSF訊息傳遞系統調控柑桔潰瘍病菌之生物膜形成能力及毒力
    為釐清X. axonopodis pv. citri於柑桔葉表形成生物膜之分子機制及其與致病作用之關係,本研究中利用跳躍子進行菌株XW19基因體之隨機突變,篩選生物膜形成能力明顯較野生型菌株為低之菌株,其中一突變菌TPH3,跳躍子插入使其喪失功能之基因序列經比對分析,顯示其為二元反應調控蛋白 (two-component response regulator , 命名為BfdR [biofilm formation defective, regulator]),其在非生物性表面以及生物性表面上,形成生物膜能力皆明顯低於野生型菌株,且接種於墨西哥萊姆葉片上,可發現罹病度較野生型菌株為低。利用反轉錄聚合酶鏈鎖反應測定hrpGrfbCrpfFkatE等致病相關基因之表現,結果顯示在模擬細胞間質之培養基(XVM2)中,BfdR則可正調控擴散性訊息分子(diffusible signal factor)生合成基因rpfF之表現 (圖四)。[已發表於PLoS ONE (2013) 8(4):e62824]

    圖四、在模擬細胞間質之培養基(XVM2)中,BfdR則可正調控擴散性訊息分子(diffusible signal factor)生合成基因rpfF之表現。

2. 微生物歧異性調查及植物病害綜合防治技術開發

  • X. axonopodis pv. citri所造成之柑桔潰瘍病為國際間影響柑桔產業最具威脅之細菌性病害,此病害不僅嚴重影響柑柑品質與產量,造成經濟上嚴重損失,亦是世界各國防檢疫單位所重視的病害,然目前尚無推薦可供此病害防治管理應用之生物製劑。本研究旨在篩選對柑柑潰瘍病菌具拮抗能力之台灣本土枯草桿菌屬菌株,並評估其應用於柑柑潰瘍病防治之潛力與探討其可能機制,研究所建立相關應用技術可提供擬定應用微生物防治柑柑潰瘍病之依據。另配合rDNA序列及分子生物學分析,以鑑定收集及篩選之台灣菌株。研究中自中、南部地區所採集本土介質及根圈土壤分離對多種病原具拮抗性細菌,經篩選獲得至少7株對柑桔潰瘍病原具優異拮抗能力之Bacillus菌株TKS1-1、OF3-16、SP4-17、HSP1、WG6-14、TLB7-7與WP8-12,可作為微生物生物製劑發展應用。所篩選菌株經生理生化及分子指紋圖譜檢測證實皆歸屬於對人體不具危險性之B. subtilis 群,且其中對柑桔潰瘍病原具優異拮抗能力之菌株,其分子多型性圖譜明顯與國外菌株不同,此分子指紋圖譜將可作為本土菌株商品化、專利申請或具潛力菌株篩選應用。 [研究成果已發表於PLoS ONE 7(7):e42124]

    對柑桔潰瘍病菌具優異拮抗活性之菌株TKS1-1、WG6-14、WP8-12及SP4-17經16S rDNA分析皆歸屬於對人體不具危險性之B. subtilis 群,而明顯不同於B. cereus 群。


3. 植物病原微生物診斷鑑定技術研發

  • 炭疽菌Colletotrichum spp.可危害多種國產重要蔬果,嚴重影響作物品質與儲存壽命。炭疽菌以型態特徵、病徵表現及寄主範圍等特性鑑定不易確認,為因應加入世界貿易組織後,真菌快速檢測及鑑定之需求,本研究嘗試利用發展異質雙股泳動性分析(Heteroduplex mobility assay, HMA)配合rDNA之ITS核酸PCR增幅,作為鑑定炭疽菌依據。經供試菌株rDNA之ITS增幅產物兩兩進行HMA分析,可將目前測試菌株歸類成CG、CA、CM、CL及CC等5群,分別以C. gloeosporioidesC. acutatumC. musaeC. lindemuthianumC. capsici為其代表之菌株,此分群結果與rDNA之ITS序列比對相同。另藉由測試菌株與一組參考菌株C. gloeosporioides Cg1、C. gloeosporioides Cg16 、C. musae Cm1、C. gloeosporioides Cg2、C. graminicola Cgr1及C. lindemuthianum Cl1,進行HMA分析所形成之HMA分佈圖譜 (將之命名為「異質雙股形式圖譜」 (heteroduplex pattern; HP),可將所有炭疽病菌區分成CG1、CG2、CA、CM、CL及CC等六群,其中亦可將僅六個核酸鹽基差別之 C. gloeosporioides 區分成兩亞群CG1與CG2。綜合上述試驗結果,HMA及HP分析方法配合PCR增幅rDNA ITS區間序列,確可作為炭疽病種階層鑑定與親緣關係研究相當明確的輔助依據。其中HP不僅有助於簡化HMA圖譜之判定及增進鑑別力,並可發展成為DNA條碼資料庫以作為未來檢、防疫檢測鑑定炭疽病菌之依據 [研究成果已發表於J. Phytopath. (2010) 158(1):46-55 & New Biotech. (2011) 28(1):72-78.]。


永續農業與生態 (植物病害防治)、植物病理學特論(農藥應用與抗藥性管理)

  1. Yun-Chien Wu, Chien-Wen Yu, Jo-Yu Chiu, Yu-Hsuan Chiang, Nobutaka Mitsuda, Xu-Chen Yen, Tzu-Pi Huang, Tzu-Fang Chang, Cen-Jie Yen, Woei-Jiun Guo. 2023. The AT-hook protein AHL29 promotes Bacillus subtilis colonization by suppressing SWEET2-mediated sugar retrieval in Arabidopsis roots. Plant Cell Environ (Published Online https://doi.org/10.1111/pce.1477)
  2. Bo-Lin Ho, Jhun-Chen Chen, Tzu-Pi Huang*, Su-Chiung Fang*. 2022. Protocorm-like-body extract of Phalaenopsis aphrodite combats watermelon fruit blotch disease. Plant Sci. 13:1054586. (doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1054586)
  3. Ting-Zhi Liao, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Jyh-Nong Tsai, Chieh Chao, Tzu-Pi Huang, Cheng-Fang Hong, Zong-Chi Wu, Isheng J. Tsai, Hsin-Han Lee, Ned B. Klopfenstein, Mee-Sook Kim, Jane Stewart, Ndeme Atibalentja, Fred E. Brooks, Philip G. Cannon, A. Mohd Farid, Tsutomu Hattori, Hoi-Shan Kwan, Regent Yau Ching Lam, Yuko Ota, Norio Sahashi, Robert L. Schlub, Louise S. Shuey, Alvin M. C. Tang, and Chia-Lin Chung*. Translocation of fungicides and their efficacy in controlling Phellinus noxius, the cause of brown root rot disease. Plant Dis. (Published Online https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PDIS-06-22-1285-RE)
  4. Tzu-Pi Huang*, Jenn-Wen Huang, Chuan-Shun Lin, Chung-Lun Lu, Chien-Ya Kao, Wen-Di Huang, and Wen-Hsin Chung. 2022. Multiple functions of Bacillus biocontrol agents for agricultural production. APBB FFTC  263 (Aug. 29, 2022., https://apbb.fftc.org.tw/article/263)
  5. Ying-Ru Liang, Fang-Chin Liao, Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2022. Deciphering the influence of Bacillus subtilis strain Ydj3 colonization on the vitamin C contents and rhizosphere microbiomes of sweet peppers. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0264276
  6. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Pei-Chun Lee, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2021. Biological control of collar rot on passion fruits via induction of apoptosis in the collar rot pathogen by Bacillus subtilis. Phytopathology 111(4): 627-638.
  7. Chia-Jung Yang, Tzu-Pi Huang*, and Jenn-Wen Huang*. 2021. Field sanitation and foliar application of Streptomyces padanus PMS-702 for the control of rice sheath blight. Plant Pathol. J. 37(1): 57-71.
  8. Hsuan Ho, Yung-I Lee, Shu-Ying Hsieh, I-Shiuan Lin, Yun-Chien Wu, Han- Yu Ko, Patrick A. Klemens, H. Ekkehard Neuhaus, Yi-Min Chen, Tzu-Pi Huang, Chih-Hsin Yeh, Woei-Jiun Guo, 2021. GeSUT4 mediates sucrose import at the symbiotic interface for carbon allocation of heterotrophic Gastrodia elata (Orchidaceae). Plant, Cell Environ. 44:20-33.
  9. 黃姿碧。2021。農業也要益菌多全方位保護農漁牧-益生菌在農業上的多元應用。豐年雜誌,71卷8期: 20-25頁。110年8月號。
  10. Kai-Wei Lin, Yu-Shen Liang, Chia-Yu Hsiao, Fei Wang, Tzu-Pi Huang and Yi-Hsien Lin* .2021. Application of fermentation broth of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB05 to control bacterial canker disease on lemon. J. Plant Med., 63 (4), 17-26.
  11. 蔡羽琳、黃振文、黃姿碧、陳郁璇、馮啟倫、林傳順。(2020)。飼糧中添加枯草桿菌對生長肥育豬生長性能、屠體肉質及糞便氣味之影響。中國畜牧學會會誌,49(增刊):359。
  12. Ting-Hsin Ho, Chiao-Yu Chuang, Jing-Lin Zheng, Hong-Hua Chen, Yu-Shen Liang, Tzu-Pi Huang, and Yi-Hsien Lin. 2020. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain PMB05 intensifies plant immune responses to confer resistance against bacterial wilt of tomato. 110(12):1877-1885.
  13. Yu-HsuanChen and Tzu-Pi Huang.* 2018. First report of anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici on passion fruit in Taiwan. Plant Dis. 102(12):2648. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-18-0462-PDN
  14. Mei-Ling Chen, Tzu-Pi Huang, Tai-Wei Chen, Hsin-Hua Chan, Bing-Fang Hwang *. 2018. Interactions of genes and sodium intake on the development of hypertension: a cohort-based case-control study. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 15(6): 1110.
  15. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Yia-Han Lin, Ying Yeh, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2018. Induction of apoptosis in the anthracnose fungi by Bacillus subtilis. Phytopathology 108(10): 141. (Abstract)
  16. Ying-Ru Liang, Fang-Chin Liao, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2018. Influence of applying microbial agents on the quality of sweet pepper. Phytopathology 108(10): 142. (Abstract)
  17. 梁瑩如、黃郁容、黃姿碧。2018。淺談現代農藥製劑發展趨勢。農業世界, 416:39-45。
  18. Lo, S. F., T. H. Ho, Y. L. Liu, M. J. Jiang, K. T. Hsieh, K. T. Chen, L. C. Yu, M. H. Lee, C. Y. Chen, T.P. Huang, M. Kojima, H. Sakakibara, L. J. Chen, S. M. Yu. 2017. Ectopic expression of specific GA2 oxidase mutants promotes yield and stress tolerance in rice. Plant Biotech. J. 15(7):850-864.
  19. Tuan, S. J., F. T. Hu, H. Y. Chang, P. W. Chang, Y. H. Chen, T. P. Huang* 2016. Xylella fastidiosa transmission and life history of two Cicadellinae sharpshooters, Kolla paulula and Bothrogonia ferruginea (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), in Taiwan. J. Econ. Entomol. 109(3) 1034-1040.
  20. Chang, H. Y., T. P. Huang, and S. J. Tuan. 2014. Transmission efficiency of Pierce’s disease by Bothrogonia ferruginea (F.) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Taiwan. J. Agri. Forest. 63:205-215.
  21. Huang, T. P.*, M. Lu, and Y. H. Chen. 2013. A novel two-component response regulator links rpf with biofilm formation and virulence of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. PLoS ONE 8(4):e62824
  22. Huang, T. P.* Regulation of biofilm formation and pathogenicity of citrus canker bacteria and its application in disease management. Plant Pathol. Bull. 22(1):1-11.
  23. Huang, T. P.*, D. D. S. Tzeng, A. C. L. Wong, C. H. Chen, K. M. Lu, Y. H. Lee, W. D. Huang, B. F. Hwang, and K. C. Tzeng. 2012. DNA polymorphisms and biocontrol of Bacillus antagonistic to citrus bacterial canker with indication of the interference of phyllospere biofilm. PLoS ONE 7(7):e42124
  24. Hwang, B. F., I. P. Liu, T. P. Huang. 2012. Gene-environment interaction between interleukin-4 promoter and molds in childhood asthma. Ann. Epidemiol. 22(4):250-256.
  25. Hwang, B. F., I. P. Liu, T. P. Huang. 2011. Molds, parental atopy and pediatric incident asthma. Indoor air 21(6)472-478
  26. Huang, T. P. , H. Chen, Y. H. Lee, B. F. Hwang, D. S. Tzeng, K. C. 2011. Genetic diversity of antagonistic Bacillus subtilis against citrus canker bacteria. Phytopathology 101:S76.
  27. Huang, W. D., Y. H. Chiu, T. H. Wang, T. P. Huang, D. S. Tzeng. 2011. The amplification culture of endospore formulation of Bacillus subtilis biofungicide and its use in disease management. Phytopathology 101:S76.
  28. Tzeng, D. S., W. D. Huang, Y. R. Liang, C. Y. Chen, T. P. Huang, T. L. Lee, W. R. Lai. 2011. The use of arthrospore formulation of antagonistic Streptomyces for the control of diseases caused by Phytophthora species. Phytopathology 101:S180.
  29. Huang, T. P., Y Yeh and D. D.-S. Tzeng. 2011. Barcode-like heteroduplex DNA pattern as an aid for rapid identification of anthracnose fungi. New Biotech. 28(1):72-78. Huang, T. P., Y Yeh and D. D.-S. Tzeng. 2010. Heteroduplex mobility assay for identification and phylogenetic analysis of anthracnose fungi. Phytopath. 158(1):46-55.
  30. Huang, T. P. and K. C. Tzeng. 2009. Biofilm formation and motility by strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis citri causing differential symptoms on citrus leaves. Phytopathology 99(6 Suppl.):S56
  31. Huang, T. P., Yeh and D. D.-S. Tzeng. 2008. Identification of anthracnose fungi by heteroduplex mobility assay and heteroduplex pattern. Phytopathology 98(6 Suppl.):S9.
  32. Huang, T. P.* and A. C. L. Wong. 2007. Extracellular fatty acids stimulate flagella-independent translocation by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Microbiol. 158(8-9): 702-711.
  33. Huang, T. P. and A. C. L. Wong. 2007. cAMP receptor protein regulated cell-cell communication system mediates expression of a FecA homologue in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Environ. Microbiol. 73(15): 5034-5040.
  34. Huang, T. P., E. B. Somers, and A. C. L. Wong. 2006. Differential biofilm formation and motility associated with lipopolysaccharide/exopolysaccharide-coupled biosynthetic genes in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Bacteriol. 188(8):3116–3120.
  35. Shimizu, K. J. K. Hicks, T. P. Huang, and N. P. Keller. 2003. Pka, Ras and RGS protein interactions regulate activity of AflR, a Zn(II)2Cys6 transcription factor in Aspergillus nidulans. Genetics 165(3):1095-1104
    *corresponding author
  1. 黃姿碧*、黃振文、林傳順、呂仲倫、黃文的、鍾文鑫。2021。健康微生物菌叢創造農畜水產的安全與綠金。科技部全球事務與科學發展中心台灣亮點研究電子報。2021年5月。(https://trh.gase.most.ntnu.edu.tw/tw/article/content/207)
  2. Tzu-Pi Huang*, Jenn-Wen Huang, Chuan-Shun Lin, Chung-Lun Lu, Wen-Di Huang, and Wen-Hsin Chung. 2021. Probiotic microbiomes for agriculture safety and green gold creation. GASE Newsletter – Taiwan Research Highlight. 2021.5 (https://trh.gase.most.ntnu.edu.tw/en/article/content/207)
  3. Huang, T. P. and A. C. L. Wong. 2004. Involvement of lipopolysaccharide in biofilm formation by a septic tank system clogger Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. FRI Newsletter 16(4)2-3.
  1. Biofilm formation and cell-cell signaling in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. 2007. University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. (Ph. D dissertation)
  2. Application of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence characteristics as an aid for the identification and phylogenetic study of Colletotrichum spp. 1999. National Chung-Hsing University. (Master thesis)
  1. 2023年 第20屆國家新創獎 學研新創獎【淨零排放的微生物解方-芽孢桿菌於農業綠循環之多元應用】
  2. 2023年 第47屆全國十大傑出農業專家
  3. 2022年 國立中興大學產學績優II教師 (2022.08.01-2023.07.30)
  4. 2021年 國立中興大學產學績優I教師 (2021.08.01-2022.07.30)
  5. 2020年 國立中興大學優聘教師 (2020.08.01-2021.07.30)
  6. 2020年 國立中興大學研究成果技術移轉績優獎 (2020.09.26)
  7. 2018年 科技部指導大專生研究計畫榮獲106年度研究創作獎 (2018.10)
  8. 2017年 教育部生技產業創新創業人才培育計畫生技創新創業獎 (2017.12.15)
  9. 2014年 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院102學年度優良導師 (2014.07)
  1. Chiu-Yi Liu, San-Gwang Hwang, Jenn-Wen Huang, and Tzu-Pi Huang* . 2021. The biofilm formation of Bacillus subtilis enhanced the stress tolerance of pak choi. 110 Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of Republic of China, Taichung, Taiwan. November 26, 2021.
  2. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Kuan-Yao Sung, Shu-Jen Tuan, Jenn-Wen Huang, Ying Yeh, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. Deciphering the rhizosphere microbiomes of passion fruit with challenging by Streptomyces biocontrol agent. Second International Congress of Biological Control. April 26 – 30, 2021. Virtual Conference. (13-P02)
  3. Ying-Ru Liang, Fang-Chin Liao, Yi-Hsien Lin, Tzu-Pi Huang *. 2021. Microbial seed coating formulation primes cucumber defense response against Pythium aphanidermatum. Second International Congress of Biological Control. April 26 – 30, 2021. Virtual Conference.
  4. Ting-Zhi Liao, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Jyh-Nong Tsai, Chieh Chao, Tzu-Pi Huang, Cheng-Fang Hong, Isheng J. Tsai, Hsin-Han Lee, Ned B. Klopfenstein, Mee-Sook Kim, Jane Stewart, Ndeme Atibalentja, Fred E. Brooks, Philip G. Cannon, Tsutomu Hattori, Hoi-Shan Kwan, Regent Yau Ching Lam, Yuko Ota, Norio Sahashi, Robert L. Schlub and Chia-Lin Chung. 2021. Evaluation of the translocation of fungicides and their efficacy for control of brown root rot disease of trees. Plant Health 2021 Online. August 2-6, 2021. 2021 APS Annaul Meeting (Virtual Meeting).
  5. Tzung-Yu Wu, Jenn-Wen Huang, and Tzu-Pi Huang. 2021. Biocontrol of Phytopthora blight and the root colonization on tomato plants by Streptomyces 100 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan. May 01, 2021. (SB04)
  6. Liao, Ting-Zhi, Huang, Tzu-Pi, Tsai, Jyh-Nong, Hong, Cheng-Fang, and Chung, Chia-Lin. 2021. Evaluation of the translocation of fungicides and their efficacy for control of brown root rot disease of trees. 100 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan. May 01, 2021. (SA09)
  7. Tzu-Pi Huang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Wen-Di Huang, Chuan-Shun Lin, Chien-Ya Kao, Chung-Lun Lu, Shang-Shu Yang, Wen-Hsin Chung, and Jenn-Wen Huang. 2020. The application of probiotic microbiomes in agriculture. UCD-NCHU Bilateral Cooperation Online Meeting. November 5, 2020. Taichung, Taiwan – California, USA online.
  8. 陳苡竹、陳郁璇、林秀橤、莊益源、黃姿碧*。2020。益生細菌對茶赤葉枯病防治潛力及茶樹生長影響評估「新興害蟲監控管理研討會」及「中華植物保護學會民國109年年會暨論文宣讀」。中華民國109年11月27日。台中,台灣。
  9. Huang, T. P. *, Chen, Y. H., Huang, W. D., Lin, C. S., Kao, C. Y., Lu, C. L., Yang, S. S., Chung, W. H., and Huang, J. W. 2020. Application of probiotic microbiomes in agriculture. 2020. Workshop on Novel Crop Protection Technologies in Acord with Pesticide Reduction Policy. Taichung, Taiwan. July 10, 2020. (Invited speaker)
  10. Tzu-Pi Huang*, Jenn-Wen Huang, Yu-Hsuan Chen, Fu-Hsiang Chang, and Chun-Wei Chen. 2019. Overview of current microbial control agents for crop protection in Taiwan. International Symposium on Biocontrol and Integrated Pest Management for Crop Protection and Trade Facilitation. Taichung, Taiwan. June 24-27, 2019. (Invited speaker)
  11. Ting-Zhi Liao, Shang-Shu Yang, Tzu-Pi Huang, Chia-Lin Chung. 2019. Evaluation of the translocation of fungicides and their efficacy for control of brown root rot of trees. The 10th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science. November 29-December 1, 2019. Tokyo, Japan.
  12. 黃姿碧*、陳郁璇。2019.。枯草桿菌植醫保健產品。2019環境友善與植物保護資材與產品之研發與應用研討會.。中華民國108年8月8日。台中,台灣。
  13. Nurman, Kenny, Chen, Yu-Hsuan and Huang, Tzu-Pi. 2019. Biological control of Phytophthora root rot and plant growth promotion in sweet pepper by Bacillus subtilis 107 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. April 27, 2019. (SB01)
  14. Lee, Pei-Chun, Chen, Yu-Hsuan , Chang, Fu-Hsiang, Chen, Chun-Wei and Huang, Tzu-Pi. Development of integrated strategy to control Fusarium disease on passion fruit by Bacillus subtilis and chemical fungicides. 107 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. April 27, 2019. (SB02)
  15. Pei-Chun Lee and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2018. Control of Fusarium disease on passion fruits by Bacillus subtilis and chemical fungicides. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science. Taichung, Taiwan. December 1, 2018.
  16. Chieh Chao and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2018. Phenotypic and Genotypic characteristics of Streptomyces species with biocontrol potential against plant diseases. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science. Taichung, Taiwan. December 1, 2018.
  17. Kuan-Yao Sung¹ and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2018. Evaluation of Bacillus and Streptomyces species as potential probiotics of passion fruits. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science. Taichung, Taiwan. December 1, 2018.
  18. Chern-Feng Yen, Tzu-Pi Huang, Hung-Po Chen, Hui-Chuan Chou, Hai-Tung Feng. 2018. The current status of promoting the plant doctor system in Taiwan. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science. Taichung, Taiwan. December 1, 2018.
  19. 黃姿碧*. 2018. 益菌微生物體於動物保健之應用潛力. 107年度飼料添加物研發技術與產業整合研討會. 2018.09. 19 財團法人農業科技研究院竹南院區,新竹,台灣。2018年9月19日。(受邀演講)
  20. Tzu-Pi Huang* and Jenn-Wen Huang. 2018. The development and applications of agricultural probiotics. 2018 Smart Technology Applications in Agricultural Production International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan. September 4-5. (Invited speaker)
  21. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Yia-Han Lin, Ying Yeh, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2018. Induction of apoptosis in the anthracnose fungi by Bacillus subtilis. 11th International Conference of Plant Pathology 2018. July 29-August 3. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (742-P)
  22. Ying-Ru Liang, Fang-Chin Liao, and Tzu-Pi Huang*. 2018. Influence of applying microbial agents on the quality of sweet pepper. 11th International Conference of Plant Pathology 2018. July 29-August 3. Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. (746-P)
  23. Tzu-Pi Huang*, Jenn-Wen Huang, and Ying Yeh. The development of biocontrol products and their applications in the fields. 2018. The First International Congress of Biological Control. May 14-16, Beijing, China. (Invited speaker)
  24. Hsieh, H., Huang, M.-F. Huang, and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2018.The efficacy assessments of Bacillus subtilis application in tomato plantation. 106 Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of Republic of China, Wu-Fong, Taichung, Taiwan. January 26, 2018. (BDPP-5)
  25. Hsieh, Song-He, Lin, Yi-Hsien, Guo, Woei-Jiun and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2017. The molecular mechanisms of Bacillus species to control the tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. 105 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. April 28-29, 2017. (SA02)
  26. Yu-Hsuan Chen, Tzu-Pi Huang*, Yuan-Jia Jan, Ying Yeh and Der-Syh Tzeng. 2016. Putative biocontrol mechanisms of rice bacterial blight by Bacillus subtilis TKS1-1. 2016 APS Annual Meeting. Tampa, Florida, USA. (191-P)
  27. Huang, Hsiang-Yu, Chen, Yu-Hsuan, Tzeng, Der-Syh, and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2016. Control of strawberry anthracnose by Bacillus subtilis strains TKS1-1 and SP4-17. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan (SB04)
  28. Grimar, A. Perez and Huang, Tzu-Pi*. 2016. Biocontrol of bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum using Bacillus subtilis strains GAP-B2 and GAP-B3. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan (SB06)
  29. Huang, T.-P., Chen, Y.-H. Huang, S.-Y. Chang, H.-Y. Tzeng, D.-S. Management of strawberry anthracnose by application of Bacillus subtilis endospore formulations and potential resistant cultivars. XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress. Berlin, Germany. (P N-CCO 29)
  30. Chen Y.-H., and Huang, T. P. * 2014. The two-component response regulator BfdR links rpf /DSF with biofilm formation of Xanthomonas axonopodis citri. 2014 APS-CPC Joint Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (14-P)
  31. Chen, Y. H and Huang, T. P. * A two component response regulator BfdR regulatesbiofilm formation and virulence through the rpf /DSF system in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013. (SC32)
  32. Huang, T. P. and M. Lu. 2012. The role of two-component response regulator in biofilm formation and pathogenicity by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. IS-MPMI 2012 XV International Congress. Kyoto, Japan (PS14-537)
  33. Huang, T. P., H. Chen, Y. H. Lee, B. F. Hwang, D. D. S. Tzeng, and K. C. Tzeng. 2011 Genetic diversity of antagonistic Bacillus subtilis against citrus canker bacteria. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (9-P)
  34. Tzeng, D. S, W. D. Huang, Y. R. Liang, C. Y Chen, P. Huang, T. L. Lee, and W. R.. Lai. 2011. The use of arthrospore formulation of antagonistic Streptomyces for the control of diseases caused by Phytophthora species. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (803-P)
  35. Huang, D., Y. S. Chiu, T. H Wang, T. P. Huang, and D. S. Tzeng. 2011.The amplification culture of endospore formulation of Bacillus subtilis biofungicide and its use in disease management. 2011 APS-IPPC Joint Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. (748-P)
  36. Lu, K. M., D. S. Tzeng, K. C. Tzeng, and P. Huang*. 2011. The effect of two component response regulator on biofilm formation and virulence in citrus canker bacteria. 99 Taiwan Phytopathological Society Conference. Taichung, Taiwan. (SC02)
  37. Chen, K. Y., W. D. Huang, C. L. Lee, P. Huang, W. R. Lai, Y. R. Liang and D. S. Tzeng. 2011. The use of arthrospore formulation of Streptomuces griseobrunneus S3 for the control of diseases caused by Phytophthora species. 99 Taiwan Phytopathological Society Conference. Taichung, Taiwan. (B01)
  38. Huang, T. P. Development of molecular techniques for diagnosis and identification of fungal pathogen. 2010 Symposium on Frontiers of Plant Science. Nantou, Taiwan (Invited speaker).
  39. Huang, T. P. Biofilm formation by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri causing citrus canker. 2010 110th ASM General Meeting, San Deigo, CA, USA (I-1731).
  40. Huang, T. P. and K. C. Tzeng. 2009. Biofilm formation and motility by strains of Xanthomonas axonopodis citri causing differential symptoms on citrus leaves. 2009 APS Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, USA (P-599).
  41. Huang, T. P. Who is talking – Microbial communication. Biophysics Journal Club, National Chung Hsing University (Invited speaker)
  42. Huang, T. P. Microbial communication and its application in disease management. 97 Taiwan Phytopathological Society Conference. Taichung, Taiwan. (Invited speaker)
  43. Huang, T. P. Cell-cell communication in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. The13th Conference on Bacteriology. Taipei, Taiwan. (Invited speaker)
  44. Huang, T. P., Y Yeh and D. D.-S. Tzeng. Identification of anthracnose fungi by heteroduplex mobility assay and heteroduplex pattern. 2008 APS Centennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA (P-42).
  45. Huang, T. P. Wireless communication in a sand-clogging bacterial pathogen. Food Research & Education Seminar Highlight Seminar. (Invited speaker)
  46. Huang, T. P. Biofilm formation and cell-cell signaling in a septic tank system clogger Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Department of Food Science Seminar.
  47. Huang, T. P., E. Somers, and A. C. L. Wong. 2005. Lipopolysaccharide/ exopolysaccharide biosynthetic genes are associated with biofilm formation and motility by Stenotrophomonas maltophilia WR-C. 105th American Society for Microbiology, ASM, General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA (J-013) and Food Research Institute, FRI, Annual Meeting.
  48. Huang, T. P. and A. C. L. Wong. 2004. Involvement of a TonB-dependent ferric citrate receptor FecA in biofilm formation by a septic system clogger Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. 104th ASM General Meeting, New Orleans, LA (Q-215) and FRI Annual Meeting.
  49. Huang, T. P. Mechanisms of biofilm formation by a septic tank system clogger Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. Department of Food Science Seminar.
  50. Huang, T. P. and A. C. L. Wong. 2003. Involvement of lipopolysaccharide in biofilm formation by a septic system clogger Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. 3rd ASM Conference on Biofilms, British Columbia, Victoria, Canada (143B).
  51. Huang, T. P. and N. P. Keller. 2002. RasA-mediated signaling negatively regulates sterigmatocystin production in Aspergillus nidulans. FRI Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, USA.
  1. 黃姿碧*陳郁璇、黃文的、林傳順、高千雅、呂仲倫、楊尚書、鍾文鑫、黃振文。2020。次世代益菌微生物體在農業上之應用。「符合農藥減量政策的新穎性植物保護技術」研討會專刊。陳金枝、林筑蘋、蔡志濃、林玫珠、黃巧雯、謝廷芳編。農業試驗所特刊第229號。行政院農業委員會農業試驗所。121-133頁。
  2. 黃姿碧、陳郁璇。2019。枯草桿菌植醫保健產品。環境友善之執醫保健祕籍。黃振文、謝廷芳、謝奉家、羅朝村編著。五南圖書出版公司。55-78頁。ISBN 978-957-7635-51-8
  3. 曾德賜、黃姿碧等. 2010. 台灣農產品主要外銷國(地區)殘留農藥容許量手冊。 第八版,350 PP. ISBN: 957-01-9724-2. 行政院農業委員會農糧署暨國立中興大學編印.
  4. 曾德賜、黃姿碧等. 2009. 台灣農產品主要外銷國(地區)殘留農藥容許量手冊。 第七版,362 PP. ISBN:957-01-9724-2. 行政院農業委員會農糧署暨國立中興大學編印.
  5. 曾德賜、黃姿碧等. 2008. 台灣農產品主要外銷國(地區)殘留農藥容許量手冊。 第六版,475 PP. ISBN:957-01-9724-2. 行政院農業委員會農糧署暨國立中興大學編印.
  1. 低鉀含量蔬菜栽培方法。(MOST 106-2622-8-005-008-SB2)
  2. 本土分離鏈黴菌菌株Streptomyces parvulus strain 2A11及培養技術。(MOST 108-2321-B-005-006-)
  3. 具作物、畜產及水產保健功能之枯草桿菌產品效用與應用技術。(MOST 108-2321-B-005-006-)
  4. 生產生物膜保護農作物健康的枯草桿菌Bacillus subtilis MCLB2之功效與試量產應用。(MOST 109-2321-B-005-022-)
  1. 黃姿碧、黃明發、黃翔瑜、謝欣。低鉀含量蔬菜的栽培方法。2019年9月1日至2038年12月13日。中華民國發明第I670252。
  2. 黃姿碧、黃振文、黃三光、劉玖易。提升植物耐逆境之枯草芽孢桿菌WMA1生物膜組成物及其應用。2023年9月11日至2042年6月29日。中華民國發明第I815533號。
  3. 黃姿碧、黃振文、黃三光、劉玖易。地衣芽孢桿菌EC34-01生物膜形成組成物及其應用。2023年10月11日至2042年6月29日。中華民國發明第I818611號。
  1. 指導大學部卓佳安同學獲得科技部108年度大專學生研究計畫補助。
  2. 指導研究所李佩君同學獲得第九屆國際植醫論壇海報競賽 Best Presentation Award。
  3. 指導研究所李佩君同學獲得「108年度研究生論文海報競賽」優等獎。
  4. 指導大學部于凡玉同學獲得科技部106年度大專學生研究創作獎。
  5. 指導大學部于凡玉同學獲得科技部106年度大專學生研究計畫補助。

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