
鄧文玲 教授


1991 國立台灣大學植物病理學系學士畢。
1991-1994 長庚醫學院微免科研究助理。
1994-1996 國立中興大學農業生物科技學研究所碩士。
1996-2002 美國康乃爾大學植物病理學系博士。
2002-2003 美國康乃爾大學植物病理學系博士後研究員。
2003-2013 國立中興大學植物病理學系助理教授。
2013-2021 國立中興大學植物病理學系副教授。

2022-迄今 國立中興大學植物病理學系教授。

201708-202201 國立中興大學國際事務處外籍學生事務組組長

202202-迄今 國立中興大學學生事務處學務長


電話:04-22840780 #375 (辦公室) #331 (實驗室)
辦公室:農環大樓 5B08





        植物病原細菌在台灣因氣候及環境適宜,可造成多種植物病害,如 Ralstonia solanacearum 所引起之青枯病及由 Xanthomonas 屬細菌引起之多種作物細菌性斑點病,其傳播快速加上防治困難,在田間已造成農民重大損失。青枯病與番茄萎凋病分別為細菌及真菌所造成之番茄系統性病害,兩者皆為土壤傳播病害,難以使用化學藥劑防治,為達永續農業之目的,合理使用化學藥劑並同時發展可替代性物質已成為各相關單位之共同目標。實驗室以次世代定序技術研究有無發生青枯病之土壤微生物相差異,試圖由大數據中解讀可用於病害防治之相關因子,以達到病害防治之目的。另分析已知可防治番茄萎凋病之枯草桿菌屬 (Bacillus spp.) 細菌 BM02 之代謝物成分,並分析其調控植物基因表現情形,試圖釐清其抑病能力可能機制為何。


       水稻為台灣重要糧食作物,細菌性條斑病 (X. oryzae pv. oryzicola) 於 2005 年在台中發現,已逐漸蔓延全台,為了解各水稻品種對本病抗感病性,透過核酸多型性分析並結合田間接種試驗結果,期許可釐清本病於我國蔓延之原因並找出適宜的防治策略。

  1. 結合細胞生物學、分子生物學及遺傳分析等技術研究植物病原細菌致病機制及寄主植物與病原細菌之交互作用,並開發有效之病害管理方式。
  2. 台灣新興細菌性病害病因學研究 (etiology),並針對台灣細菌性病害開發可應用於植物檢疫或健康種苗相關技術。
  3. 以基因體學 (genomics) 探討土壤細菌之生物防治特性
  1. 枯草桿菌屬細菌 (Bacillus spp.) 全基因體解序與其抑病能力之探討。
  2. 土壤微生物或其蛋白質應用於植物病害防治之可能機制探討。
  3. 水稻細菌性條斑病菌 (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola) 與水稻白葉枯病菌 (X. oryzae pv. oryzae) 之基因分型及水稻品系抗病反應探討。


             普通微生物學 (General Microbiology)

             微生物遺傳學 (Microbial Genetics, 英文授課)

             植物細菌學 (Plant Bacteriology)

             植物細菌學實驗 (Experiment in Plant Bacteriology)


             植物病原細菌學文獻選讀 (Review of Literature in Phytobacteriology)

             植物病原致病機制導論 (Introduction to Molecular for Infection Activity of Plant Pathogens)

             高等植物病理學(Advanced Plant Pathology)



  1. Chou, H.-P.; Huang, Y.-C.; Lin, Y.-H.; Deng, W.-L. 2022. Selection, Formulation, and Field Evaluation of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB01 for Its Application to Manage Tomato Bacterial Wilt Disease. Agriculture12, 1714. 
  2. Hwang, H. H., Chien, P. R., Huang, F. C., Hung, S. H., Kuo, C. H., Deng, W. L., Chiang, E.P.I., Huang, C. C., 2021. A Plant Endophytic Bacterium, Burkholderia seminalis Strain 869T2, Promotes Plant Growth in Arabidopsis, Pak Choi, Chinese Amaranth, Lettuces, and Other Vegetables. Microorganisms 9:1703
  3. Wu, J. J., Chou, H. P., Huang, J. W., and Deng, W. L., 2021. Genomic and biochemical characterization of antifungal compounds produced by Bacillus subtilis PMB102 against Alternaria brassicicola. Microbiological Research 251:126815.
  4. Wei, X. Y., Deng, W. L., and Chu, C. C., 2021. Phylogenetic and phenotypic analyses on Dickeya isolated from different host plants in Taiwan. Journal of Phytopathology DOI: 10.1111/jph.13038.
  5. Wu, Je-Jia, Huang, J. W., and Deng, W. L., 2020. Phenylacetic Acid and Methylphenyl Acetate From the Biocontrol Bacterium Bacillus mycoides BM02 Suppress Spore Germination in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici. Frontiers in microbiology 11: 3022
  6. Lu, C. H., Chiu, Y. H., Tzeng, J. Y., Lin, C. Y., Lin, Y. R., Deng, W. L., and Chu, C. C., 2019. First Report of Xanthomonas hortorum hederae Causing Bacterial Leaf Spot of Hedera helix in Taiwan. Plant Disease 103. (Disease note)
  7. Mindia Adinda Sari Haryono, Tsai, Y. M. , Lin, C. T., Huang, F. C., Ye Y. C., Deng, W. L., Hwang H. H., and Kuo, C. H., 2018.Presence of an Agrobacterium-Type Tumor-Inducing Plasmid in Neorhizobium sp. NCHU2750 and the Link to Phytopathogenicity. Genome Biology Evolution 10(12):3188–3195.
  8. Wu, P. Y., Ho, L. C., Chang, J. J., Tzeng, K. C., Deng, W. L., & Lin, Y. H., 2017. Development of a TaqMan probe-based insulated isothermal PCR (TiiPCR) for the detection of Acidovorax citrulli, the bacterial pathogen of watermelon fruit blotch. European Journal of Plant Pathology 147: 869.
  9. Deng, W. L., Lin, H. A., Shih, Y. C., Kuo, C. C., Tzeng, J. Y., Liu, L. Y. D., and Chung, C. L., 2016. Genotypic and pathotypic diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae strains in Taiwan. Journal of Phytopathology 164: 745.
  10. Huang, Y. C., Lin, Y. C., Wei, C. F., Deng, W. L., and Huang, H. C., 2016. The pathogenicity factor HrpF interacts with HrpA and HrpG to modulate type III secretion system (T3SS) function and t3ss expression in Pseudomonas syringae pv. averrhoiMolecular plant pathology 17: 1080.
  11. Su, C. C., Deng, W. L., Jan, F. J., Chang, C. J., Huang, H., Shih, H. T., and Chen, J., 2016. Xylella taiwanensis sp. nov., causing pear leaf scorch disease. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66: 4766.
  12. Tseng, Y. W., Deng, W. L., Chang, C. J., Shih, H. T., Su, C. C., and Jan, F. J., 2016. The phytoplasma associated with purple woodnettle witches’‐broom disease in Taiwan represents a new subgroup of the aster yellows phytoplasma group. Annals of Applied Biology 169(2): 298.
  13. Chang, S. C., Deng, W. L., Huang, H. C., Chung, K. R., & Tzeng, K. C., 2016. Differential expression of pectolytic enzyme genes in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri and demonstration that pectate lyase Pel3 is required for the formation of citrus canker. Microbiological Research 192:1.
  14. Tan, C. M., Li, M. Y., Yang, P. Y., Chang, S. H., Ho, Y. P., Lin, H., Deng, W. L., Yang, J. Y., 2015. Arabidopsis HFR1 is a potential nuclear substrate regulated by the Xanthomonas Type III effector XopD (Xcc8004). PLOS ONE 10(2): e0117067.
  15. Tseng, Y. W., Deng, W. L., Chang, C. J., Huang, J. W., Jan, F. J., 2014. First Report on the association of a 16SrII-A phytoplasma with sesame (Sesamum indicum) exhibiting abnormal stem curling and phyllody in Taiwan. Plant Disease 98(7): 990.
  16. Tseng, Y. W., Chang, C. J., Chen, J. W., Deng, W. L., Jan, F. J., 2014. First Report of a 16SrI Group phytoplasma associated with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) wrinkled leaves and phyllody disorder in Taiwan. Plant Disease 98(7):991.
  17. Su, C. C., Chang, C. J., Chang, C. M., Shin, H. T., Tzeng, K. C., Jan, F. J., Kao, C. W., Deng, W. L., 2013. Pierce’s disease of grapevines in Taiwan: isolation, cultivation and pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa. Journal of Phytopathology 161(6):389.
  18. Ho, Y. P., Tan, C. M., Li, M. Y., Lin, H., Deng, W. L., and Yang, J. Y. 2013. The AvrB_AvrC Domain of AvrXccC of Xanthomonas campestris campestris Is required to elicit plant defense responses and manipulate ABA homeostasis. Molecular Plant-Microbes Interaction, 26:419.
  19. Su, C. C., Chang, C. J., Chang, C. M., Shih, H. T., Tzeng, K. C., Jan, F. J., Kao, C. W., and Deng, W. L., 2013. Pierce’s Disease of Grapevines in Taiwan: Isolation, Cultivation and Pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa. Journal of Phytopathology 161:389.


  1. Chen, P. R., Lin, R. H., Huang, Y. C., and Deng, W. L. High-efficiency detection of seed-borne Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris by bio-PCR. Journal of Plant Medicine 58(2): 69.
  2. Su, C. C., Chang, C. M., Chang, C. J., Su, W. Y., Chu, J. C., Deng, W. L., and Shih, H. T. 2013. Occurrence of Pierce’s disease of grapevines and its control strategies in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin, 22: 245.
  1. Tsai, C. H., Ann, P. J., Deng, W. L. 2015. Identification and control of pear blossom blast in imported pear scions. Proceeding of the Symposium on Imported New Emerging Crop Diseases in Taiwan and Their Control. Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan: Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, pp. 23.
  2. Tuan, S. J., Chang, P. W., Shin, H. T., Deng, W. L., Su, C. C., and Feng, C. Y. 2011. Ecology and transmission mechanism of leafhoppers vectoring Xylella fastidiosa. Proceeding of the Symposium on Integrated Management Technology of Insect Vectors and Insect-Borne Diseases, Wufeng, Taichung, Taiwan: Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agricultural, pp. 51.
  3. Deng, W. L. 2003. Functional genomics of Pseudomonas syringae with emphasis on pathogenicity. Proceedings of New Century Symposium for Plant Pathological Technology, Taipei, Taiwan: Plant Pathology Bulletin Inspection. Pp. 49.
  4. Deng, W. L. 2002. Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas syringae: A view from the islanders. Ph.D. dissertation. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY., USA.
  5. Collmer, A., Charkowski, A. O., Deng, W. L., Fouts, D. E., Ham, J. H., Rehm, A. H., van Dijk, K., and Alfano, J. R. (2001) Bacterial Avr proteins: secreted agents of parasitism and elicitors of plant defense. In Delivery and Perception of Pathogen Signals in Plants. Keen, N.T., Mayama, S., Leach, J.E. and Tsuyumu, S. (eds). St. Paul: APS Press, pp. 36.
  6. Collmer, A., Alfano, J. R., Anderson, D. M., Badel, J. L., Deng, W. L., Fouts, D. E., Rehm, A. H., Rojas, C. M., Schneewind, O., and van Dijk, K. (2000) Hrp (type III) protein secretion and the virulence of Pseudomonas syringae and Erwinia chrysanthemi. In Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, vol. 2. de Wit, P.J.G.M., Bisseling, T. and Stiekema, W. (eds). St. Paul: International Society for Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, pp. 65.
  1. 國立中興大學 105 學年度『教學特優獎』
  1. Kuo, C. C., Liao, C. T., Deng, W. L., 2019. Investigation of rice bacterial leaf streak disease in Taiwan : occurrence, agrochemical resistance, and molecular detection of the pathogen. Journal of Plant Medicine 61: 65. (Abstract)
  2. Su, Y. C., Kuo, C. C., Deng, W. L., 2019. Genotypic and Pathotypic Diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola Strains in Taiwan. Journal of Plant Medicine 61: 51. (Abstract)
  3. Huang, W. C., Huang, Y. C., and Deng, W. L., 2019. Isolation of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from soil microbiota against Pseudomonas syringae and aeruginosa. Journal of Plant Medicine 61: 50. (Abstract)
  4. Wei, X. Y., Deng, W. L., and Chu, C. C., 2019. Phylogenetic analyses of Dickeya strains isolated from Taiwan. Journal of Plant Medicine 61: 40. (Abstract)
  5. Yu, H. S., Huang, Y. C., and Deng, W. L., 2018. Isolation and characterization of 3-hydroxypalmitic acid methyl ester degrading enzymes  from soil bacteria. Journal of Plant Medicine 60: 71. (Abstract)
  6. Deng, W. L., 2017. Leaf scorch disease of grape and pear in Taiwan (Abstract). 2017 International symposium on Xylella fastidiosa. May 17-18, Australia.
  7. Deng, W. L., Huang, Y. C., and Tzeng, J. Y., 2017. Identification of bacterial leaf spot disease caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vitians on lettuce in Taiwan. 2017 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  8. Wu, J. J., Huang, J. W., and Deng, W. L., 2017. Elucidation of the mechanisms employed by Bacillus mycoides BM02 in controlling tomato Fusarium 2017 科技部生命科學發展研究司生農環境及多樣性學門成果發表會. (Poster)
  9. Huang, Y. C., Ku, C. Y., Gicana, R. G., and Deng, W. L., 2017. Identification and overexpression of the 3-OH PAME degrading enzyme from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia C06 for quenching the quormone of Ralstonia solacearum. 2017 科技部生命科學發展研究司生農環境及多樣性學門成果發表會. (Poster)
  10. Gicana, R. G. and Deng, W. L., The microbiota of the bacterial wilt disease – suppressive and – conducive soils show distinct microbial assemblage. 2017 科技部生命科學發展研究司生農環境及多樣性學門成果發表會. (Poster)
  11. 鄧文玲。2017。臺灣 Pseudomonas syringae 引起之細菌性病害研究現況。2017年海峽兩岸植物病理學術研討會。(Abstract)
  12. Wu, J. J., Huang, J. W., and Deng, W. L., Functional genomics of two Bacillus strains with promising biocontrol activity. 2017 年海峽兩岸植物保護博士後論壇暨青年學術研討會. (Abstract)
  13. Gicana, R. G., Wu, J. J., Chou, H. P., and Deng, W. L., Characterization of bacterial communities associated with bacterial wilt conducive and suppressive soil. 2017 年海峽兩岸植物保護博士後論壇暨青年學術研討會. (Abstract)
  14. Huang, Y. C. Tzeng, J. Y., Wu Y. F., and Deng, W. L., Identification and characterization of the causal agents of lettuce bacterial leaf spot disease in Taiwan. 2017 年海峽兩岸植物保護博士後論壇暨青年學術研討會. (Abstract)
  15. Shao, Y. H., Deng, W. L., Huang, J. W., Wu, J. J., and Chou H. P., 2017. An improved method for efficient transformation and regeneration of diverse Bacillus Journal of Plant Medicine 59: 63. (Abstract)
  16. Huang, Y. C, Tzeng, Y. Wu, Y. F., and Deng, W. L., 2017. Identification and characterization of the causal agents of lettuce bacterial leaf spot disease in Taiwan. Journal of Plant Medicine 59: 53. (Abstract)
  17. Chang, S. C., Deng, W. L., and Tzeng, K. C., 2017. Expression and functional analysis of pectolytic enzyme genes and genome analysis of Xanthomonas citri supsp. citri Taiwan strains. Journal of Plant Medicine 59: 50. (Abstract)
  18. Gicaca, R. G., Deng, W. L., and Wu, J. J. 2016. Improvement of the environmental DNA extraction method for profiling the culturable microbiome of bacterial wilt-conducive and non-conducive soils. 2016 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  19. Deng, W. L., Chou, H., Yang, I., Lin, Y., Wang, H., Chuang, S., and Huang, T. 2016. Applications of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB01 for managing Fusarium wilt of cucumber. 2016 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  20. Deng, W. L., Wu, J., and Huang, J. 2016. Functional analyses of the ribosomal and non-ribosomal processed antimicrobial peptides produced by biocontrol bacterium Bacillus pumilus 2016 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  21. Deng, W. L., Sharma, N., Hsu, S. C., Su, C. C., Chang, C. J., Tseng, Y. W., and Jan, F. J. 2015. Modification of chemically defined medium XF-26 for in-vitro cultivation of Xylella fastidiosa and Xylella taiwanensis isolated in Taiwan. 2016 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  22. 鄭日新、鄧文玲 (Deng, W. L.)。梨花枯病病原之毒力因子分析。2016。重要植物病原細菌與菌質體病害研討會專刊。台中、台灣。國立中興大學.
  23. Cheng, J. H., Tzeng, J. Y., Deng, W. L. Physiological and genetic characterization of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae isolated from imported pear scions. Journal of Plant Medicine 58: 109. (Abstract)
  24. Lin, L. S., Gicana, R. G., Deng, W. L., Tzeng, K. C. 2016. Characterization of the secreted substances from soil bacteria which can inhibit the growth of Xanthomonas perforans, the causal agent of tomato bacterial spot disease. Journal of Plant Medicine 58: 110. (Abstract)
  25. Tseng, Y. W., Chang, C. J., Su, C. C., Deng, W. L., and Jan, F. J. 2016. A candidatus phytoplasma asteris –related strain, purple woodnettle witches-broom phytoplasma, repre-senting a new subgroup of 16SrI group in Taiwan. Journal of Plant Medicine 58: 103. (Abstract)
  26. Su, C. C., Deng, W. L., Shih, H. T., Jan, F. J., and Chang, C. J.. 2015. Whole genome sequencing and analyses of Xylella fastidiosa fastidiosa Strain GV156 causing Pierce’s disease of grapevine in Taiwan. 2015 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  27. Wu, J. J., Deng, W. L., Tzeng, J. Y., Huang, J. W. 2015. Profiling and functional characterization of the secondary metabolites produced by plant-growthpromoting Bacillus pumilus 2015 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  28. Chou, H. P., Lin, Y. H., Huang, T. C., Deng, W. L. Applications of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens PMB01 for managing tomato bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. 2015 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  29. Deng, W. L., Wu, J. J., Tzeng, J. Y., Leveau, J., and Huang, J. W.. 2015. Functional genomics of biocontrol agents Bacillus mycoides BM02 and pumilus PMB102 against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. 2015 American phytopathological society Annual Meeting. (Poster)
  30. Wu, J. J., Huang, J. W., Deng, W. L., 2015.  Profiling and functional characterization of the secondary metabolites produced by plant-growth-promoting Bacillus pumilus PMB102. Symposium on Application of Taiwan’s Agricultural Biotechnology and Natural Resources.
  31. Sharma, N., Hsu, S. C., Chang, C. J., Jan, F. J., and Deng, W. L., 2014.  Modification of chemically defined medium XF-26 for in-vitro cultivation of Xylella fastidiosa and X. taiwanensis isolated in Taiwan. Plant Protection Bulletin, 57: . (Abstract)
  32. Su, C. C., Deng, W. L., Jan, F. J., Chang, C. J., Huang, H., Chen, J., 2014. Characterization of Xylella fastidiosa pear leaf scorch strain in Taiwan through whole genome sequence analyses. Phytopathology, 104(11):115. (Abstract)
  33. Tzeng, J. Y., Lo, Y. W., Wu, Y. F., Deng, W. L., 2014. Identification of the causal organism of bacterial leaf spot of lettuce in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin, 23:184. (Abstract)
  34. Wu, J. J., Deng, W. L., and Leveau, Johan. 2014. Complete genome sequence of biocontrol-active Collimonas arenae 台灣演化與計算生物學會 2014 演化基因體學與生物資訊學國際研討會. (Poster)
  35. Wu, J. J. and Deng, W. L. 2014. Functional characterization of the secondary metabolites produced by Bacillus mycoides and B. pumilus. Plant Pathology Bulletin, 24: 166. (Abstract)

碩士生: 馮鈞育 (2005 年畢業)、陳宥蓁 (2009 年畢業)、林弈廷 (2010 年畢業)、吳哲嘉 (2011 年畢業)、張郁靈 (2011 年畢業)、曾貞瑜 (2012 年畢業)、徐筱筑 (2012 年畢業)、陳品儒 (2014 年畢業)、鄭日新 (2016 年畢業)、邵宇恆 (2017 年畢業)、尤翔生 (2018 年畢業)、黃韋淳 (2019 年畢業)、蘇鈺琪 (2019 年畢業)、陳韻壬 (2020 年畢業)、黃容萱 (2021 年畢業)、張鈞弼 (2021 年畢業)、林峻永 (2021 年畢業)、林儷容 (碩二)。

博士生:   黃逸喬 (植物病理學系,2016 年畢業)、Nabin Sharma (夏納彬,尼泊爾籍)、吳哲嘉 (微生物基因體博士學位學程,2021 年畢業)、Ronnie G. Gicana (吉羅霓,菲律賓籍,生物科系研究所,2020 年畢業)、周浩平、郭建志 (植物病理學系,在學)

  1. 2017 年 – 微生物基因體博士學位學程“吳哲嘉”,獲「2017 科技部生命科學發展研究司生農環境及多樣性學門成果發表會論文競賽」“優選”。
  2. 2016 年 – 植病系“鄭日新”,獲「中華植物保護學會第49屆年會宣讀論文」 “優選”。
  3. 2016 年 – 植病系“夏納彬”,獲「中華植物保護學會第49屆年會宣讀論文」 “優選”。
  4. 2015 年 – 微生物基因體博士學位學程“吳哲嘉”,獲「中華民國植物病理學會 103 年度年會論文宣讀比賽」第A組“優選”。
  5. 2014 年 – 微生物基因體博士學位學程“吳哲嘉”,獲「台灣演化與計算生物學會 2014 演化基因體學與生物資訊學國際研討會」壁報競賽“第三名”。

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