分子植物逆境生物學研究室 — _英文版

張碧芳 教授

1994年 美國Purdue University博士,園藝學系(植物生理學)
1989年 國立台灣大學學士,園藝學系
2014 / 08起 國立中興大學植物病理學系教授
2009 / 08至2014 / 08國立中興大學植物病理學系副教授
1999 / 02至2009 / 07 國立中興大學植物病理學系助理教授
1997 / 03至1999 / 01 國立台灣大學植物學系助理教授
1997 / 02至1997 / 03 國立台灣大學植物學系講師
1994 / 10至1997 / 01 國立台灣大學植物學系博士後研究員


電話:04-22840780 #330信箱:pfchang@nchu.edu.tw

  • 2014-2016 秘書長,中華永續農業協會 The Secretary-General, Chinese Sustainable Agriculture Association
  • 2014-2016 理事, 中華植物學會 Board of Director, Taiwan Society of Plant Biologists.
  • 2008-2015 理事, 中華民國真菌學會 Board of Director, Mycological Society of Republic of China.
  • 2008-2009 理事, 中華民國植物病理學會 Board of Director, Taiwan Phytopathological Society.
  • 2006-2007 秘書長,中華民國植物病理學會 The Secretary-General, Taiwan Phytopathological Society
  • 2006-2007 監事, 中華民國真菌學會 Board of Supervisor, Mycological Society of Republic of China.
  1.  植物逆境生理學
  2. 植物防禦反應之分子機制
  3. 植物病原之分子檢測
  4. 植物基因工程生物技術 
  1.  分子植物逆境生物學
  2. 植物生物技術
  3. 植物生理學
  4. 分子植物病理學 

        張老師獲得美國普渡大學(PurdueUniversity)植物生理學博士,研究領域和植物對逆境的反應與對病原菌的防禦機制相關。主要探討植物在乾旱、高低溫、高鹽等環境逆境或受病原菌感染等生物逆境之下,植物的生理生化與基因表現的變化。其一為探討水稻第一族及第二族低分子量熱休克蛋白的基因表現與其蛋白質的保護功能。其二為開發重要作物土傳病原真菌Fusariumspp.(尤其是感染不同作物的Fusarium oxysporum真菌)的分子偵測技術及其應用,部份研究成果並已申請專利中。其三為作物防禦相關基因之選殖與其產物的功能分析,尤其針對西瓜抗蔓割病與辣椒抗炭疽病的抗性機制有較深入的探討。


1. 目前已由全台各地收集之供試菌株共計208株,其中包括尖鐮孢菌(Fusarium oxysporum)菌株183株、其他鐮孢菌屬(Fusarium spp.)菌株14株、非鐮孢菌之其它作物病原菌11株。

2. 由香蕉黃葉病菌(F. oxysporum f. sp. cubense)核酸進行「隨機增幅核酸多型性分析(random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA, RAPD)」,增幅得一約400bp的專一性片段,經選殖及解序後,依此序列設計之專一性引子對,在適當的「聚合酵素連鎖反應(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)」條件下可增幅出特定片段,並可由南方雜合分析確定其對香蕉黃葉病菌生理小種第四型具專一性。相關成果已發表於SCI期刊(Lin et al.,2009),並申請專利中。

3. 由西瓜蔓割病菌(F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum)核酸進行RAPD增幅得一約410bp的專一性片段,經選殖及解序後,依此序列設計之專一性引子對,在適當的PCR條件下可增幅出特定片段,並可由南方雜合分析確定其對西瓜蔓割病菌具專一性。目前正依此片段開發西瓜蔓割病菌之「快速分子檢測技術」。相關成果申請專利中。

4. 由番茄萎凋病菌(F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici)核酸進行RAPD增幅出一約1.41kb的特異性片段,經選殖核酸序列,完成解序,目前正依此序列設計專一性引子對進行後續測試。

5. 另已取得專一性引子對,在所有供試Fusarium spp.菌株經由PCR技術分析後,可增幅出一約160 bp的專一性片段。

6. 利用前人發表針對F. oxysporum 具專一性之寡核酸片段Fox1為引子,於本研究室測試搭配ITS4引子對進行PCR,所得約190bp的特定片段對F. oxysporum的菌株DNA具專一性。

7. 已由測試得知Shimazu等學者(2005)發表的STS專一性分子標誌並不完全適用於檢測台灣萵苣萎凋病菌(F. oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, Fola)菌株,另Pasquali等學者(2007)所發表針對Fola生理小種第一型的分子標誌也無法區分台灣的生理小種第一型與新生理小種(洪等人,2008),故目前正在開發檢測台灣Fola及其生理小種之分子標誌。


1. 西瓜蔓割病抗性遺傳分析:本研究室於91-93年度國科會計畫中,已利用RAPD技術,針對西瓜抗蔓割病(Fusarium wilt ofwatermelon)的JSB品系與其同源感病的SugarBaby品種所純化的模板DNA,進行多型性DNA之篩選。由300個逢機引子,選獲16個多型性片段,再經1-3次篩選,最後獲得兩個引子可在抗病JSB樣品中分別增幅出異於感病SugarBaby樣品的898 bp及800 bp條帶。經進一步研究發現此兩片段可作為西瓜抗蔓割病篩選的RAPD分子標誌(Lin, 2003; Chen, 2004),並已將相關成果發表於SCI期刊(Lin et al., 2009)。

2. 西瓜抗蔓割病抗性機制研究:本研究室利用上述JSB品系與其同源感病的Sugar Baby品種利用反轉錄聚合酵素連鎖反應(reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR)法、抑制劑處理法與組織切片法等技術探索西瓜抗蔓割病之可能的機制,相關成果已發表於SCI期刊(Chang et al., 2008)。


本研究室已利用網路上已發表的基因序列,分別設計出針對番茄及辣椒等茄科作物之防禦相關基因引子對,且利用所設計的引子,對水楊酸(salicylic acid, SA)處理或傷口處理後之番茄與辣椒cDNA進行各防禦相關基因之增幅與選殖。目前已將番茄PR1 (pathogenesis-related protein 1)、PR2、PR3、PR5、PAL (phenylalanine ammonia lyase)、NPR1(nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related genes 1)與NIF1(NPR1-interacting factor)以及辣椒PR1 (pathogenesis-related protein 1)、PR2、PR5、PAL、NPR1與NIF1(NPR1-interacting factor)等個別基因之部分片段選殖並解序完成,並比對確認為所求之基因片段。且已成功取得NPR1此重要誘導抗性調控基因之全長基因序列,可作為後續基因轉殖之材料。現階段正分析辣椒果實於接種辣椒炭疽病菌(Colletotrichum acutatum)後各個防禦相關基因(PRs、PAL、NPR1與NIF1)之表現情形。並初步利用「炭疽病菌-辣椒果實」之系統,探討抗、感病辣椒在接種炭疽病菌後可能之抗病因子,及寄主內防禦相關基因之表現差異。結果顯示抗、感病辣椒成熟(紅)果及未成熟(綠)果以傷口接種或無傷口接種後炭疽病病徵的發展明顯有所差異,並得知AVRDC
PBC932為最抗病之辣椒種原。在抑菌物質分析的部分,則發現辣椒果實之水萃取物雖會促進炭疽病菌孢子發芽及菌落生長,但以乙酸乙酯萃取的萃取物卻具有抑制菌落生長之活性。另外,利用北方雜合法分析比較於C. acutatum接種前後,抗、感病性之辣椒組織內防禦相關基因(PR1、PR2、PR3、PR5、PAL 與NIF1)之表現情形。由結果發現各供試防禦相關基因(包含PR2、PR3、PR5 及 PAL)之表現在抗病辣椒(AVRDC PBC932種原)比在感病辣椒(群香品種)中更為顯著,本研究室正更進一步分析了解辣椒中各個防禦相關基因表現情形與辣椒抗病機制之關連性,並以「Differential Display-Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction, DD-RT-PCR」與「cDNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism,cDNA-AFLP」等技術選殖在「辣椒-炭疽病菌」之親和性與不親和性反應中,可能參與抗性(或耐性)之基因,相關成果不日即可發表於期刊上,將來並可利用遺傳工程技術開發出可持續表現此些基因且對病原菌具有抗性之轉基因辣椒或茄科作物,並可加速抗炭疽病作物育種之時程,本研究結果對未來開發適當之炭疽病防治策略將有很大的助益,並可作為植物防疫及抗病育種之重要參考依據。

四、水稻熱休克蛋白、PR1及PR5等抗逆境相關基因之表現及其蛋白質累積之研究與其和水稻抗(耐)逆境之分析(部分成果已發表於SCI期刊,Chang et al.,2007)

1. 利用水楊酸(salicylic acid)、切傷(wounding)及熱處理(41℃)水稻幼苗,並以北方點漬法分析可知水稻第二族小分子量熱休克蛋白(sHSP-CII)在此三逆境下會被誘導。

2. 利用立枯絲核菌(Rhizoctonia solani R96)接種一個月大的水稻植株,再以RT-PCR法進行分析,可知水稻第一族小分子量熱休克蛋白基因Oshsp16.9B、Oshsp16.9C及Oshsp17.0基因可被立枯絲核菌接種而誘導,推測sHSP-CI基因的表現在植物對抗病原菌之侵入感染過程中可能扮演某種相關的角色。

3.利用分離自水稻的第二族小分子量熱休克蛋白基因Oshsp18.0-II作為探針,以北方點漬法觀察到水稻幼苗在熱逆境(41℃)下Oshsp18.0-II會大量表現;且將重組後的Oshsp18.0-II融合蛋白大量表現於大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)體內,可以提高大腸桿菌在高溫下的存活率以及減少其在紫外光下的傷害。

4. 利用熱處理、紫外光處理、過氧化氫處理水稻幼苗,再以西方點漬法觀察蛋白質累積,可知大分子量熱休克蛋白HSP90、HSC70 (HSP73)、HSP60 與第一族小分子量熱休克蛋白(sHSP-CI)在41℃下會被大量誘導。HSP60在紫外光處理下會被誘導;而sHSP-CI 則在過氧化氫處理時會被誘導。


6. 將水稻幼苗先以非致死溫度(41℃)預熱處理,再於室溫下回復4小時使HSPs大量累積後,最後置於高溫(55℃)下觀察其後天耐熱性(acquired thermotolerance),由電解質滲漏度與氧化四唑(TTC)染色之結果,可知預熱處理水稻幼苗可使其對後續之熱逆境具有些微的保護性。

7. 已由水稻分離出PR1及PR5等逆境相關蛋白之基因,並以北方點漬法觀察水稻幼苗在熱逆境(41℃)下並不會誘導此二基因之表現;但在立枯絲核菌(Rhizoctonia solani
R96)接種的水稻植株中,以北方點漬法或RT-PCR 進行分析,可知PR1 (pathogenesis-related protein 1) 及PR5等基因會受立枯絲核菌接種而誘導其表現。



  1. 植物在非生物逆境及生物逆境下之生理、生化及基因表現的變化。
  2. 植物病原菌之分子檢測技術的開發。
  3. 植物抗病機制及病原菌致病機制之研究。
  4. 奈米物質對植物病原菌及植物生長之影響。
  5. 生物防治菌對促進植物生長及病害防治之效果及其機制探討。
  1. 西瓜抗蔓割病之抗性機制及蔓割病菌之致病機制的研究。(科技部計畫)
  2. 奈米物質對植物病原菌及植物生長之影響。(經濟部計畫)
  3. 生物防治菌 (Bacillus mycoides)對促進植物生長及病害防治之效果及其機制探討。(教育部邁向頂尖計畫)

大學部:植病與生物技術遺傳學 (含實習)(合開)生物技術導論(合開)植物生物技術(合開)研究所:植物防禦相關基因之作用機制植物耐逆境之分子機制植病與資訊植物防禦反應文獻選讀植病研究技術(合開)植物病原分子檢測技術(合開,100-101學年度)

  1.  黃盈潔、鍾文鑫、張碧芳、黃振文(2015年07月)。奈米材料抑制動物與植物病原菌生長的功效。永續農業,36:23-30。(台灣)
  2. 張碧芳、黃振文、鍾文鑫、劉詠汶(2015年07月)。微奈米鈣矽對水稻生長和 保護的效果。永續農業,36:13-22。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。(台灣)
  3. Chang TH, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang, SC Hsiao, and PFL Chang (2015, Mar). Cellwall reinforcement in watermelon shoot base related to its resistance toFusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. Journal ofAgricultural Science, 153: 296-305. (SCI, 3/56, AGRICULTURE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY).本人為通訊作者. (NEW YORK, NY, USA)
  4. Lin YH, PJ Lai, TH Chang, YL Wan, JW Huang, JH Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2014.Genetic diversity and identification of race 3 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lactucae in Taiwan. European Journal of Plant Pathology 140(4): 721-733. (SCI)(ABC) (SCI: Horticulture 8/32, IF= 1.610)
  5. Lin YH, CC Su, CP Chao, CY Chen, CJ Chang, JW Huang*, and PFL Chang*. 2013. Amolecular diagnosis method using real-time PCR for quantification and detectionof Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4. European Journal of Plant Pathology135(2): 395-405. (SCI journal) (IF= 1.610) (SCI) (ABC) (SCI: Horticulture 8/32,IF= 1.610)
  6. Chang PFL*, WK Huang, YH Lin, Y Chen, and TH Chang. 2012. Protective function ofthe recombinant Oshsp18.0-CII protein, a class II small heat shock protein ofrice, in Escherichia coli. Botanical Studies 53:291-299. (SCI) (ABC) (SCI: PlantScience 129/197, IF= 0.864)
  7. Liao CY, MY Chen, YK Chen, TC Wang, ZM Sheu, KC Kuo, PFL Chang, KR Chung, and MHLee*. 2011. Characterization of three Colletotrichum acutatum isolates fromCapsicum spp. European Journal of Plant Pathology 133(3): 599-608. (SCI) (SCI:Horticulture 8/32, IF= 1.610)
  8. Hwang SG , NC Lin, YY Hsiao, CH Kuo, PFL Chang, WL Deng, MH Chiang, HL Shen, CYChen, and WH Cheng*. 2012. The Arabidopsis short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase3, an ABSCISIC ACID DEFICIENT 2 homolog, is involved in plant defense responsesbut not in ABA biosynthesis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 51(2): 63-73.(SCI journal) (SCI: Plant Science 40/197=0.203, IF=2.78)
  9. Lin, YH, HW Chen, and PFL Chang*. 2011. Development and application of microbialagents. National Chung Hsing University of Agriculture. 78: 2-6. (In Chinese)
  10. 林盈宏、陳和緯、張碧芳。2011。微生物源製劑的發展與應用。興大農業78: 2-6。
  11. Chen HW, YH Lin, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2010. Effect ofBacillus mycoides onseedlings growth of lettuce. Plant Pathology Bulletin 19(2): 157-165. (InChinese with abstract in English). (99AS-9.3.1-BQ-B2(6))
  12. Lin YH, KS Chen, JY Chang, YL Wan, CC Hsu, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2010.Development of the molecular methods for rapid detection and differentiation of Fusarium oxysporum andF. oxysporum f. sp. niveum in Taiwan. New Biotechnology27(4): 409-418. (SCI journal) ( Biotechnology & applied microbiology,99/160=0.618, IF=1.71) (NSC98-2313-B-005-025-MY3, NSC99-2622-B-005-006-CC2)
  13. Chiu, EYH**, YH Lin**, W Wu, Q Song, PFL Chang*, LY Gao, CC Chou, and PP Ueng*.2010. Alternative splicing and genetic diversity of the white collar-1 (wc-1)gene in cereal Phaeosphaeria pathogens. European Journal of Plant Pathology127(7): 351-363. (SCI journal) (SCI: Horticulture 8/32, IF= 1.610) **Chiu, EYHand YH Lin contributed equally.
  14. Lin YH, JY Chang, ET Liu, CP Chao, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2009. Developmentof a molecular marker for specific detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubense race 4. European Journal of Plant Pathology 123(3): 353–365. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Horticulture 8/32, IF= 1.610) (90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6),91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2),97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6))
  15. Wang CL, PFL Chang, YH LIN, A Malkus, LY Gao, and PP Ueng*. 2009. Group Iintrons in small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU-rDNA) of cereal Phaeosphaeriaspecies. Botanical Studies 50(2): 137–147. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant Science129/197, IF= 0.864)
  16. Lin YH, KS Chen, TD Liou, JW Huang*, and PFL Chang*. 2009. Development of amolecular method for rapid differentiation of watermelon lines resistant toFusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. Botanical Studies 50(3): 273-280. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Plant Science 129/197, IF= 0.864). (90AS-2.1.2-BQ-B7, NSC91-2313-B-005-094, NSC 92-2313-B-005-054, NSC 93-2313-B-005-080)
  17. Chiu YHE, PFL Chang, LY Gao, CC Chou, and PP Ueng*. 2009. Genetic diversity ofthe white collar-2 (wc-2) gene in cereal Phaeosphaeria pathogens. PlantPathology Bulletin 18(3): 175-183.
  18. Lin YH, and PFL Chang*. 2008. The role ofArabidopsis NPR1 protein in plantinduced systemic disease resistance. Plant Pathology Bulletin 17: 101-110. (InChinese with abstract in English).
  19. Hong CF, PFL Chang, JL Huang, YL Wan, and JW Huang*. 2008. Identification forPhysiological Races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae and Screening ofLettuce Cultivars Resistant to Fusarium Wilt. Plant Pathology Bulletin 17:233-242. (In Chinese with abstract in English). (95AS-13.3.1-BQ-B1(6),96AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 97AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(11))
  20. Chang PFL*, CC Hsu, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang and TD Liou. 2008. Histopathologycomparison and phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) gene expressions in Fusariumwilt infected watermelons. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59(12):1146-1155. (SCI journal) (SCI: Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 17/57, IF= 1.133)(2008後改名為Crop & Pasture Science) (90AS-2.1.2-BQ-B7, NSC 91-2313-B-005-094, NSC92-2313-B-005-054, NSC 93-2313-B-005-080)
  21. Chang PFL*, TL Jinn, WK Huang, Y Chen, HM Chang and CW Wang. 2007. Induction ofa cDNA clone from rice encoding a class II small heat shock protein by heatstress, mechanical injury, and salicylic acid. Plant Science 172(1): 64-75. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Plant Science 35/197, IF= 2.922) (NSC88-2311-B-005-042,NSC88-2311-B-005-022, NSC89-2311-B-005-159).
  22. Wang CL, A Malkus, SM. Zuzga, PFL Chang, BM Cunfer, E Arseniuk, and PP Ueng.2007. Diversity of the tri-functional histidine biosynthesis gene (his) incereal Phaeosphaeria species. Genome 50(6): 595-609. (SCI journal) (SCI:Biotechnology & applied microbiology 101/ 160, IF= 1.668)
  23. Malkus A, PFL Chang, SM Zuzga, K Chung, J Shao, BM Cunfer, E Arseniuk and PPUeng*. 2006. RNA polymerase II gene (RPB2) encoding the second largest proteinsubunit in Phaeosphaeria nodorum and P. avenaria. Mycological Research 110(10):1152-1164. (SCI journal) (SCI: Mycology 10/23, IF= 2.082)
  24. 21. Hong CF, PFL Chang, JY Chang, and JW Huang*. 2006. Identification for theCausal Agent of Caspia Anthracnose and Its Pathogenicity Tests. Plant PathologyBulletin 15: 241-249. (In Chinese with abstract in English).
  25. Malkus A, E Reszka, CJ Chang, E Arseniuk, PFL Chang and PP Ueng*. 2005. Sequencediversity of β-tubulin (tubA) gene in Phaeosphaeria nodorum and P. avenaria.FEMS Microbiology Letters 249: 49-56. (SCI journal) (SCI: Microbiology 71/116,IF= 2.049).
  26. Chen KS, TD Liou, PFL Chang and JW Huang*. 2003. Selection for resistance ofwatermelon varieties (lines) to Fusarium wilt and their genetic analysis ofinheritance. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12: 173-180. (In Chinese with abstract inEnglish). (NSC 91-2313-B-005-094, NSC 92-2313-B-005- 054)
  27. Chen KS, PFL Chang, TD Liou and JW Huang*. 2003. Identification of physiologicalraces of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and breeding for Fusariumwilt-resistant watermelon line. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12: 247-254. (InChinese with abstract in English). (NSC 91-2313-B-005-094, NSC 92-2313-B-005-054)
  28. Chang PFL, CY Huang, FC Chang, WC Lin, TS Tseng and CY Lin* 2001. Isolation andcharacterization of the third gene encoding a 16.9 kDa class Ilow-molecular-mass heat shock protein, Oshsp16.9C, in rice. Botanical Bulletinof Academia Sinica 42: 85-92. (SCI journal) (NSC 84-2311-B-002-007-B01, NSC85-2311-B-002-010-B13). (2006後改名為Botanical Studies)
  29. Guan JC, FC Chang, TS Tseng, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, YM Chen and CY Lin* 1998.Structure of rice genes encoding three class-I low-molecular-mass heat-shockproteins (accession nos. U83669, U83670, U83671) (PGR 98-178). Plant Physiology118: 1101. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 8/197, IF=6.555) (NSC84-2311-B002-030)
  30. Chang PFL, Y Xu, ML Narasimhan, KT Cheah, MP DUrzo, B Damsz, AK Kononowicz, LAbad, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan*. 1997. Induction of pathogen resistance andpathogenesis-related genes in tobacco by a heat-stable Trichoderma mycelialextract and plant signal messengers. Physiologia Plantarum 100: 341-352. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Plant sciences 24/197, IF=3.656).
  31. Jinn TL, PFL Chang, YM Chen, JL Key and CY Lin. 1997. Tissue type-specific heatshock response and immunolocalization of class I low molecular weight heat shockproteins in soybean. Plant Physiology 114: 429-438. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plantsciences 8/197, IF=6.555) (NSC 80-0211-B002-18 & NSC 81-0211-B002-13).
  32. Yeh CH, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, WC Lin, YM Chen and CY Lin* 1997. Expression of agene encoding a 16.9 kDa heat-shock protein, Oshsp16.9, in Escherichia colienhances thermotolerance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of theUnited States of America 94: 10967-10972. (SCI journal) (SCI: Multidisciplinarysciences 4/56, IF=9.737) (NSC 83-0211-B002-232 & NSC 84-2311-B002-030).
  33. Chang PFL, Y Xu, ML Narasimhan, KT Cheah, MP DUrzo, B Damsz, AK Kononowicz, LAbad, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan* 1997. Induction of pathogen resistance andpathogenesis-related genes in tobacco by a heat-stable Trichoderma mycelialextract and plant signal messengers. Physiologia Plantarum 100: 341-352. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Plant sciences 24/197, IF=3.656).
  34. Chang PFL, B Damsz, AK Kononowicz, M Reuveni, Z Chen, Y Xu, K Hedges, CC Tseng,NK Singh, ML Binzel, ML Narasimhan, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan*. 1996.Alterations in cell membrane structure and expression of a membrane-associatedprotein after adaptation to osmotic stress. Physiologia Plantarum 98: 505-516.(SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 24/197, IF=3.656).
  35. Chang PFL, KT Cheah, ML Narasimhan, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan*. 1995. Osmotingene expression is controlled by elicitor synergism. Physiologia Plantarum 95:620-626. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 24/197, IF=3.656)
  36. Zuker A, PFL Chang, A Ahroni, KT Cheah, WR Woodson, RA Bressan, AA Watad, PMHasegawa and AA Vainstein*. 1995. Transformation of carnation by microprojectilebombardment. Scientia Horticulturae 64: 177-185. (SCI journal) (SCI:Horticulture 9/32, IF=1.396).
  37. Yeh CH, KW Yeh, SH Wu, PFL Chang, YM Chen and CY Lin. 1995. A recombinant rice16.9-kD heat shock protein can provide thermoprotection in vitro. Plant CellPhysiology 36: 1341-1348. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 20/ 197, IF=4.134)(NSC 81-0211-B002-13 & NSC 82-0211-B002-241).
  38. Lee YL, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, TL Jinn, CCS Kung, WC Lin, YM Chen and CY Lin. 1995.Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding an 18.0-kD class-Ilow-molecular-weight heat-shock-protein from rice. Gene 165: 223-227. (SCIjournal) (SCI: Genetics & heredity 99/ 161, IF=2.196) (NSC 82-0211-B002-317 &NSC 83-0211-B002-232).
  39. Xu Y, PFL Chang, D Liu, ML Narasimhan, KG Raghothama, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan.1994. Plant defense genes are synergistically induced by ethylene and methyljasmonate. Plant Cell 6: 1077-1085. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 4/ 197,IF=9.251).
  40. Chen Z, H Fu, D Liu, PFL Chang, ML Narasimhan, R Ferl, PM Hasegawa and RABressan. 1994. NaCl-regulated plant gene encoding a brain protein homologue thatactivates ADP-ribosyl-transferase and inhibits protein kinase C. Plant Journal6: 729-740. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 7/ 197, IF=6.582).
  41. Chang PFL, ML Narasimhan, PM Hasegawa and RA Bressan. 1993. QuantitativemRNA-PCR for expression analysis of low-abundance transcripts. Plant MolecularBiology Reporter 11: 237-248. (SCI journal) (SCI: Plant sciences 12/ 197,IF=5.319).
  42. Chang PFL. 1990. Hypothesis of Auxin-induced Cell Elongation in Legume Plants.Scientific Agriculture 38 (1-2): 22-27. (In Chinese).
  43. 張碧芳。1990。生長素 (AUXIN) 誘導豆科植物細胞伸長的假說。科學農業 38 (1-2): 22-27。
  1. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Wen-Hsin Chung, Yao-Tung Lin and Jenn-Wen Huang (2015,Dec). Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology inAgriculture.International Symposium for Agricultural Biotchnology, KasetsartUniversity,Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand.本人為第一作者、通訊作者. (16-20 Dec.,2015)
  2. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Yong-Wen Liu, Jiang-Jhen Lin, and Jenn-Wen Huang (2015,Sep). Effects of Nanomaterials on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and VegetableSeeding Growth . 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and AgriculturalBiotechnology, Banff, Alberta, Canada.本人為第一作者、通訊作者.(13-16 Sep.,2015)
  3. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Pei-Hsuan Chan, Ying-Hong Lin, Chien-Chih Chen, Kan-ShuChen, Jenn-Wen Huang (2015, Aug). Disease severity and colonization of Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. niveum transformants on watermelon. 2015 APS Annual Meeting,Pasadena, California, U.S.A..本人為第一作者、通訊作者.(1-5 Aug.,2015)
  4. Y. J. Lin, J. C. Hsu, Y. H. Chiu, L. L. Hong, T. D. Chang, P. F. L. Chang, Y. H.LIN. (2015, Aug). Development of TaqMan probebased insulated isothermal PCR (iiPCR)for detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4.. 2015 APS AnnualMeeting, Pasadena, California, U.S.A..(1-5 Aug., 2015)
  5. Chang P.-F. L., Lin Y.-H., Chang T.-H., Shih S.-L., Chen K.-S., Huang J.-W.(2015, May). Applications of transcriptome sequencing technology for analysis ofmolecular mechanisms of Fusarium wilt resistance . 13th European of FusariumSaminar, Martina Franca, Italy.本人為第一作者、通訊作者. (10-14 May.,2015)
  6. Chan PH*, YH Lin, JW Huang, PFL Chang. 2013. Effects of dimethyl disulfideproduced by Bacillus mycoides on Fusarium oxysporum. The Congress of MycologicalSociety of Republic of China. Taichung, Taiwan. Abstract book, p. 33-34.(December 7, 2013)(*presenter)
  7. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, CC Chen, YH Lin, YS Lin. Adjustment of Crops to BiologicalStresses. The Workshop on Climate-Smart Agricultural Production. Tatsuen Hsiang,Changhua, Taiwan (October, 23, 2013) (*presenter)張碧芳*、林盈宏、陳建志、林奕宏、林昀聖。 2013。作物對生物性逆境的調適。氣候智能型農作生產研討會。台灣、彰化。(October 23, 2013)(*presenter)
  8. Lin YH*, TH Chang, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2013. RNA-Seq analysis ofFusarium wilt-resistant and -susceptible watermelons. Advances in MolecularPlant-Microbe Interactions. Taipei, Taiwan. Abstract Book, p. 29 (D-7). (October3-4, 2013) (*presenter)
  9. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, TH Chang, KS Chen, JW Huang. 2013. Analysis of theresistance to Fusarium wilt in a Fusarium wilt-resistant watermelon line. 2013The Cross-Strait Forum of the Young Scientists of Plant Pathology. Beijing,China Abstract Book, p. 11. (September 2-3, 2013) (*presenter)
  10. Huang YJ*, JW Huang, JJ Lin, PFL Chang, WH Chung. 2013. Evaluation of nano-materialson improving efficacy of inhibition to fungicide-resistant isolates. 10thInternational Congress of Plant Pathology. Beijing, China. (August 25-30, 2013)(*presenter)
  11. Chang PFL*, TH Chang, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang, and SC Hsiao. 2013. Comparativeanalysis of resistance in Fusarium wilt-resistant and-susceptible watermelons:reinforcement of the structure barrier. 12th European Fusarium Seminar.Bordeaux, France. (May 13-16, 2013) (*presenter)
  12. Liu YW*, YH Lin, JJ Lin, JW Huang, PFL Chang. 2013. Effects of AgNP/NSPnanohybrids on Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum. The Annual Meeting of TaiwanPhytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (April 26-27, 2013) (*presenter)
  13. Huang YJ*, JW Huang, JJ Lin, PFL Chnag, WH Chung. 2013. Study of nanomaterialson controlling phytopathogens. The 2012 Annual Meeting of TaiwanPhytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (April 26-27, 2013).
  14. 黃盈潔*、黃振文、林江珍、張碧芳、鍾文鑫。2013。奈米資材於防治植物病原菌之相關研究。中華民國植物病理學年會。台中,台灣。(April 26-27,2013) (*presenter)
  15. Dita MA, C Waalwijk, P Mutua, A Daly, PFL Chang, BM Corcolon, L Paiva, M Souza,J Kema GH. 2013. Detecting Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4 insoil and symptomless banana tissues. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS) 986: 127-130. (25April 2013)
  16. Dita MA*, C. Waalwijk, A. Daly, PFL Chang, BM Corcolon, and GHJ. Kema. 2012. Anearly diagnostic of Fusarium wilt of banana; recent advances and the implicationfor disease management. International Banana Symposium. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.(November 19-22, 2012) (*presenter)
  17. Lin YH, CC Su, CP Chao, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2012. An efficient andreliable molecular method for detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubenserace 4 using real time PCR. International Banana Symposium. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.(November 19-22, 2012) (*presenter)
  18. Huang JW*, MK Chuang, PFL Chang, and YH Lin. 2012. Diagnosis of crop Fusarialwilt diseases and case analysis. Symposiums for identification and diagnosis ofplant pests with case report analysis. Taipei, Taiwan. (November 16, 2012)(*presenter)
  19. Lin YH*, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2012. The molecular detection methodsof Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. 8th International Symposium on Biocatalysisand Agricultural Biotechnology. California, USA. (October28-31, 2012)(*presenter)
  20. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, CC Su, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2012. A molecular diagnosismethod for quantification and detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubenserace 4. 8th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and AgriculturalBiotechnology. California, USA. (October 28-31, 2012) (*presenter)
  21. Tong JJ*, YH Lin, PFL Chang, and JW Huang. 2012. Assessment skill for tomatoplants resistant to Fusarium wilt disease induced by biocontrol agents. The 2011Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society. Taipei, Taiwan (April 13-14,2012) (*presenter)
  22. Chan PH*, YH Lin, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2012. Evaluation for the efficacy ofBacillus mycoides on controlling Fusarium wilt of watermelon. The 2011 AnnualMeeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society. Taipei, Taiwan (April 13-14, 2012)(*presenter)
  23. Chang TH*, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2012. Comparing the cellwall components of vascular tissues in Fusarium wilt-resistant and -susceptiblewatermelon lines. The 2011 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society.Taipei, Taiwan (April 13-14, 2012) (*presenter)
  24. Lin YH*, CC Hsu, JY Chang, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2012. Studies onwatermelon Fusarium wilt: the resistance mechanism, molecular markers forresistance, and molecular detection of its pathogen. The 2011 Annual Meeting ofTaiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan (April 13-14, 2012) AbstractBook, p. 16-17.
  25. Lin YH, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2012. Development of the moleculardetection methods for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. The 1st BiotechnologyWorld Congress, Dubai, UAE (February 14-15, 2012) (*presenter)
  26. Liu YW*, YH Lin, JJ Lin, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2011. Effects of AgNP/NSPnanohybrids on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and watermelon seedlings growth.The 2nd Symposium on the Applications and the Implications of Nanotechnology inEnvironmental and Agricultural Systems, Nantou, Taiwan (December 30-31, 2011)(*presenter)
  27. Chang TH, CC Hsu, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2011. Therelationship between phenylpropanoid pathway and watermelon resistance toFusarium wilt. The 2nd Cross-Strait Symposium on Plant Science & AgriculturalBiotechnology, Guangzhou, China (November 22-26, 2011) (*presenter)
  28. Chen CC*, YH Lin, YS Lin, YH Lin, and PFL Chang. 2011. Expression of rice smallheat shock proteins under stress and their protective functions in Escherichiacoli. The 9th International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics, Taipei,Taiwan (November 7-9, 2011) (*presenter)
  29. Dita MA*, C Waalwijk, P Mutua, A Daly, PFL Chang, BM Corcolon, L Paiva, M Souza,and GHJ Kema. 2011. Detecting Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense tropical race 4in soil and symptomless banana tissues. The ISHS/ProMusa Symposium: “Bananas andPlantains: Toward Sustainable Global Production and Improved Uses”. Salvador,Bahia, Brazil (October 10-14, 2011) (*presenter)
  30. Lin YH, JY Chang, TH Chang, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2011. Developmentof the molecular methods for rapid detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.niveumin Taiwan. Symposium on Diagnosis and Identification of Crop Pests in Taiwan:Present and Future Outlooks, Taipei, Taiwan (September 8-9, 2011) (*presenter)
  31. Lin YH, PJ Lai, TH Chang, YL Wan, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2011. Pathologicaland molecular race determinations of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae fromTaiwan. 2011 American Phytopathological Society (APS)-International PlantProtection Congress (IPPC) Joint Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. (August 6-10,2011) (*presenter)Chen YR, YH Lin, TC Wang, ZM Sheu, Y Chen, KC Kuo, and PFL Chang*. 2011.Preliminary studies on the resistance of pepper accessions AVRDC PBC81 (Capsicum baccatum) and PBC932 (Ca. chinense) toColletotrichum acutatum. The 10thCross-Strait Symposium on Mycology & the 3rd Conference on Edible and MedicinalFungi. Wuhan, China (July 15-17, 2011). Abstract Book, p. 286-287. (*presenter)
  32. Lin YH, PJ Lai, TH Chang, YL Wan, JH Huang, JW Huang, andPFL Chang*. 2011.Development of molecular identification for races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.lactucae from Taiwan. The 2011 Cross-Strait Symposium of Plant Pathology,Taipei, Taiwan (May 25-26, 2011).
  33. Liu YW, HW Chen, JJ Lin, JW Huang, and PFL Chang*. 2011. The inhibition effectof AgNP/NSP nano hybrids on plant wilt pathogen Fursarium oxsporum. 2011Nanotechnology Industry platform conference of National Chung Hsing University.Nantou County, Taiwan (April 22-23, 2011). (The ATU plan, Ministry of Education,Taiwan, R. O. C., and National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.).(*presenter)
  34. 劉詠汶、陳和緯、林江珍、黃振文、張碧芳*。2011奈米矽片銀對作物萎凋病菌 Fusarium oxysporum之抑制效果。2011國立中興大學奈米科技產業鏈結論壇暨成果發表會,南投縣惠蓀林場,台灣(2011年4月22-23日)。
  35. Chen YR, CH Tsao, CC Yen, TC Wang, ZM Sheu, Y Chen, KC Kuo, andPFL Chang*.2010. Preliminary studies on the resistance mechanism of ‘PBC932’, a resistantCapsicum chinense germplasm accession to Colletotrichum acutatum. The 28thInternational Congress of Horticulture (IHC Lisboa 2010), Lisbon, Spain (August22-27, 2010). (93AS-4.1.2- BQ-B1, 94AS-5.1.4-BQ-B1) (*presenter)
  36. Chang PFL*, KS Chen, YH Lin, and JW Huang. 2010。Development of a molecularmethod for rapid differentiation of watermelon lines resistant to Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. niveum. 2010 Cross-Strait Symposium on Breeding Research ofWatermelon and Melon. Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. (April 28-29, 2010).(90AS-2.1.2-BQ-B7, NSC 91-2313-B-005-094, NSC 92-2313-B-005-054, NSC93-2313-B-005-080) (*presenter)
  37. 張碧芳*、陳甘澍、林盈宏、黃振文。2010。開發西瓜抗蔓割病品系之快速分子檢測技術。兩岸西甜瓜育種研究交流會,高雄市,台灣(2010年4月28-29日)。
  38. Chen Y, RC Su, HW Chen*, and PFL Chang. 2010. Effect of TiO2 nanoparticals onplant calli and suspension cells. The First Symposium on the Applications andthe Implications of Nanotechnology in Agricultural Systems. Taichung City,Taiwan (March 28, 2010). (The ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.,and National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan, R.O.C.) (*presenter)
  39. Lai PJ*, YL Wan, JH Huang, YH Lin, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2010. Molecularidentification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae races in Taiwan. The 2009Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan (March 5-6,2010). Abstract Book, p. 56 (Abstract No. SC05). Plant Pathology Bulletin 19(1).(95AS-13.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 96AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 97AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(11), the ATUplan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C., and National Chung HsingUniversity, Taiwan, R.O.C.) (*presenter)
  40. PFL Chang, YH Lin, JY Chang, YL Wan, PJ Lai, KS Chen, CP Chao, and JW Huang.2009. Development of molecular detection methods for Fusarium oxysporumpathogens infecting banana, lettuce, and watermelon. Asian Mycological Congress2009 & The 11th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium. TaichungCity, Taiwan (November 15-19, 2009). Abstract Book O-24. (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06),90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6), 91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1),94AS-13.3.2-BQ-B1(6), 95AS-13.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2),96AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6), 97AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(11),98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.)
  41. PFL Chang, YH Lin, JY Chang, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2009. Development of themolecular diagnosis method for detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubenserace 4 in Taiwan. In: Proceedings of 2009 Cross-Strait Symposium of PlantPathology (November 3-8, 2009). Hangzhou, China. Assembly Manual, pp. 23.(89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06), 90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6), 91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3),93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2), 97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6),98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.)
  42. PFL Chang, YH Lin, JY Chang, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2009. A molecular detectionmethod specific to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 in Taiwan. ISHS/ProMusaSymposium “Global Perspectives on Asian Challenges”. Guangzhou, China (September14-18, 2009). Program Book p. 117. (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06), 90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6),91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2),97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6), 98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry ofEducation, Taiwan, R. O. C.)
  43. YH Lin, PFL Chang, JY Chang, KS Chen, and JW Huang. 2009. Molecular detection ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, the causing agent of watermelon Fusarium wiltdisease. 2009 American Phytopathological Society (APS) Annual Meeting. Portland,Oregon, U.S.A. (August 1-5, 2009). Poster Number is P-344. (93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 94AS-13.3.2-BQ-B1(6), and the ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R.O. C.)
  44. Tsao CH*, YR Chen, ZM Sheu, TC Wang, KC Kuo, and PFL Chang. 2010. Identificationof defense-related genes in Capsicum chinense responding to Colletotrichumacutatum inoculation. The 2009 Annual Meeting of Taiwan PhytopathologicalSociety, Taipei, Taiwan (March 5-6, 2010). Abstract Book, p. 59-60 (Abstract No.SC10). Plant Pathology Bulletin 19(1). (95AS-13.1.2-BQ-B3(11),96AS-1.1.1-BQ-B1(2), 97AS-14.2.3-BQ-B5(6)) (*presenter)
  45. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, JY Chang, KS Chen, and JW Huang. 2009. Molecular detectionof Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, the causing agent of watermelon Fusariumwilt disease. 2009 American Phytopathological Society (APS) Annual Meeting,Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. (August 1-5, 2009). Poster Number is P-344.(93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 94AS-13.3.2-BQ-B1(6), and the ATU plan, Ministry ofEducation, Taiwan, R. O. C.) (*presenter)
  46. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, JY Chang, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2009. A molecular detectionmethod specific to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4 in Taiwan. ISHS/ProMusaSymposium “Global Perspectives on Asian Challenges”. Guangzhou, China (September14-18, 2009). Program Book p. 117. (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06), 90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6),91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2),97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6), 98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry ofEducation, Taiwan, R. O. C.) (*presenter)
  47. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, JY Chang, YL Wan, PJ Lai, KS Chen, CP Chao, and JW Huang.2009. Development of molecular detection methods for Fusarium oxysporumpathogens infecting banana, lettuce, and watermelon. Asian Mycological Congress2009 & The 11th International Marine and Freshwater Mycology Symposium. TaichungCity, Taiwan (November 15-19, 2009). Abstract Book O-24. (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06),90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6), 91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1),94AS-13.3.2-BQ-B1(6), 95AS-13.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2),96AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(6), 97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6), 97AS-14.3.1-BQ-B1(11),98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.)(*presenter)
  48. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, JY Chang, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2009. Development of themolecular diagnosis method for detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubenserace 4 in Taiwan. In: Proceedings of 2009 Cross-Strait Symposium of PlantPathology (November 3-8, 2009). Hangzhou, China. Assembly Manual, pp. 23.(89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06), 90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6), 91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3),93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1(1), 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2), 97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6),98AS-4.1.1-IC-I1(1), and the ATU plan, Ministry of Education, Taiwan, R. O. C.)(*presenter)
  49. 張碧芳*、林盈宏、張景宜、趙治平、黃振文。2009。台灣香蕉黃葉病菌生理小種第四型之分子檢測技術研發。2009年海峽兩岸植物病理學術研討會,杭州,中國(2009年11月3日至8日)。大會手冊第23頁。
  50. Lin YS*, and PFL Chang. 2009. Expression profile of rice small heat shockproteins under UV-C treatments. The Botanical Society Annual Meeting 2009,Taichung City, Taiwan (November 28-29). (*presenter)
  51. Chang TH*, YH Lin, PFL Chang, KS Chen, and JW Huang. 2009. The activity ofphenylalanine ammonia lyase and the amount of soluble phenolic compounds relatedto the resistance of watermelon plants to Fusarium wilt. The 2008 Annual Meetingof Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (February 5, 2009).Abstract Book, p. 50-51 (Abstract No. SC08). Plant Pathology Bulletin 18(1).(*presenter)
  52. Wan YL*, PFL Chang, YH Lin, and JW Huang. 2009. Effects of cultural variabilityon growth rate, condition, and virulence in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.niveum.The 2008 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan.(February 5, 2009). Abstract Book, p. 51 (Abstract No. SC09). Plant PathologyBulletin 18(1). (*presenter)
  53. Chen HW*, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2008. Preliminary studies onBacillus mycoides affecting tomato defense-related genes expression and promoting plantgrowth. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting of Plant Protection Society of theRepublic of China and Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan.(January 1, 2008). Plant Pathology Bulletin 17(1) 96. (*presenter).
  54. Chen YR*, D Wang, and PFL Chang. 2008. Effects of hot pepper fruit contents onColletotrichum acutatum causing anthracnose. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting ofPlant Protection Society of the Republic of China and Taiwan PhytopathologicalSociety, Taichung, Taiwan. (January 1, 2008). Plant Pathology Bulletin 17(1) 77.(*presenter).
  55. Chang PFL*, YH Lin, JY Chang, ET Liu, CP Chao, and JW Huang. 2008. Developmentof a molecular marker for specific detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubense, a causing agent of banana wilts disease. 2008 AmericanPhytopathological Society (APS) Centennial Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota,U.S.A. (July 26-30, 2008). Poster No: P-137. (*presenter). (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06),91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3), 93AS-1.9.2-BQ-B1, 96AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(2), and97AS-4.1.2-IC-I1(6))
  56. Hsu CC, PFLChang*, YH Lin, KS Chen, JW Huang, and TD Liou. 2007. Mechanismsinvolved in resistance to watermelon Fusarium wilt. International Conference onPlant Vascular Biology 2007. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. (May 7-11,2007).Program and Abstract Book p. 81-82 (*presenter).
  57. Wang CL, PFL Chang, and PP Ueng. 2007. Genetic diversity and identification ofcereal leaf blotch pathogens, Phaeosphaeria species. In: Proceedings of 2007Cross-Strait Symposium on Progresses of Modern Plant Pathology, CY Chen, PFLChang, and JW Huang eds, Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan.,R.O.C., (March 19-23, 2007). pp. 79-98. (*presenter).
  58. Chang PFL*, YH Lin and JY Chang. 2007. Development of Molecular DetectionMethods for Some Fusarium oxysporum Pathogens Infecting Watermelon, Banana, andTomato. 8th Cross-Strait Symposium on Mycology. Changchun, Jilin, China. (August15-21, 2007). P. 360. (*presenter)
  59. Lin WW-C, and PFL Chang*. 2007. Approaches for acquired tolerance to and abioticstress of economically important crops. 2007 International Symposium onBiocatalysis and Biotechnology. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung,Taiwan. (November 28-30, 2007). Program and Abstract Book p. 58 (*co-presenter).
  60. Malkus A, PFL Chang, E Arseniuk, and PP Ueng*. 2006. The RNA polymerase II gene(RPB2) in Phaeosphaeria nodorum. The 2006 Annual Meeting of AmericanPhytopathological Society, Quebec City, Canada. (July 29-August 2, 2006).(*presenter)
  61. Chang PFL*, CC Hsu, YH Lin, JW Huang, KS Chen, and TD Liou. 2006. Resistancemechanism of watermelon to Fusarium wilt: a case study of resistant JSB line inTaiwan. Plant Biology 2006, Final Program and Abstract Supplement, p. 183-184.Boston, Massachusetts, USA. (August 5-9, 2006). (*presenter). (NSC91-2313-B-005-094; NSC 92-2313-B-005-054; NSC 93-2313-B-005-080)
  62. Chen Y*, JF Hong, and PFL Chang. 2006. An improved method for assessing diseaseresistance and stress responses of different crop varieties at seedling stage.27th International Horticultural Congress (IHC 2006), Seoul, Korea. (August13-19, 2006).Presenting Number: S13-P-50. (*presenter).
  63. Chang PFL*, and JW Huang. 2006. Introduction of fruit crops diseases and theircontrols in Taiwan. Plant Protection Forum and Academic Reports. In: The 2006China Plant Protection Information Exchanges and Agrochemicals andAgro-machineries Trade Exhibition. Xia-Men, Fujian, China. (November 23,2006)(*presenter).
  64. Lin YH, PR Cheng, CC Hsu, and PFL Chang*. 2006. Using PCR technique for rapiddetection of Fusarium wilt pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum, inwatermelon seedlings. The 2006 Poster Contest for Plant Disease Control and itsEducational Publicity–Diagnosis and Identification. Taiwan PhytopathologicalSociety, Taichung, Taiwan. (December 16, 2006) (*presenter).
  65. Chen YR*, PFL Chang, and TC Wang. 2006. Preliminary studies on the resistance ofhot pepper accessions PBC81 (Capsicum baccatum) and PBC932 (C. chinense) toanthracnose caused by Colletotrichum acutatum. The 2006 Joint Annual Meeting ofPlant Protection Society of the Republic of China and Taiwan PhytopathologicalSociety, Jia-Yi, Taiwan. (December 16, 2006). Plant Pathology Bulletin 15(4)295-296. (*presenter).
  66. Lin YH*, and PFL Chang. 2006. Accumulation of heat shock proteins (HSPs) duringseed maturation and drought stress in rice. The 2006 Joint Annual Meeting ofPlant Protection Society of the Republic of China and Taiwan PhytopathologicalSociety, Jia-Yi, Taiwan. (December 16, 2006). Plant Protection Bulletin 15(4)311. (*presenter).
  67. Chang PFL*, WK Huang, TL Jinn, CW Wang, PL Lin, and HM Chang. 2005. The class IIsmall heat shock gene of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Oshsp18.0-CII, is induced byheat stress, mechanical injury, and also confers tolerance to heat and UVstresses when overexpressing it in Escherichia coli. Plant Biology 2005,Seattle, WA, USA. (July 16-20, 2005). Plant Biology 2005 Final Program andAbstract Supplement p. 170 (Poster No. 384). (*presenter).(NSC88-2311-B-005-042, NSC88-2313-B-005-022 and NSC89-2313-B-005-159)
  68. Chang PFL, CC Hsu*, YH Lin, JW Huang, KS Chen, and TD Liou. 2005. Molecularmarkers related to Fusarium wilt resistance and the expression analysis of anacidic class III chitinase gene in watermelon plants. Plant Biology 2005,Seattle, WA, USA. (July 16-20, 2005). Plant Biology 2005 Final Program andAbstract Supplement p. 130-131 (Poster No. 178) (*presenter). (90AS-2.1.2-BQ-B7;NSC 91-2313-B-005-094; NSC 92-2313-B-005-054; NSC 93-2313-B-005-080)
  69. Chang PFL*, and YR Chen. 2005. Expression of defense-related genes in chilipepper induced by salicylic acid and Colletotrichum infection. The 2005 AnnualMeeting of American Phytopathological Society, Austin, Texas, USA. (July30-August 3, 2005).Phytopathology S18. (*presenter). (93AS-4.1.2-BQ-B1(4);94AS-5.1.4-BQ-B1(4))
  70. Lin PL*, YH Lin, and PFL Chang. 2005. The accumulation of different HSPs in riceseedlings under heat stress and during seed development and maturation. TheBotanical Society Annual Meeting 2005, Ping-Tung, Taiwan. Abstract Book 25-26.(*presenter).
  71. Chen YR*, and PFL Chang. 2005. Isolation and expression of defense-related genesunder salicylic acid treatment and inoculation of Colletotrichum acutatum inchili pepper. The 2006 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society,Taipei, Taiwan. (December 16-17, 2005). Plant Pathology Bulletin 14(4) 304-305.(*presenter). (93AS-4.1.2-BQ-B1(4); 94AS-5.1.4-BQ-B1(4))
  72. Hsu CC*, YH Lin, KS Chen, and PFL Chang. 2004. Distribution ofFusariumoxysporum f. sp. niveum and expression of the acidic class III chitinase gene inresistant and susceptible watermelon plants. The 2003 Annual Meeting of TaiwanPhytopathological Society, Taipei. (December 4, 2004). Plant Pathology Bulletin13(4) 357-358. (*presenter). (NSC 93-2313-B-005-080)
  73. Lin PL, and PFL Chang. 2004. The difference in accumulation of the class I sHSPfrom rice plants grown under oxidative stresses, Rhizoctonia solani R96infection, and during their developmental processes. The 2004 Annual Meeting ofTaiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan. (December 4, 2004). PlantPathology Bulletin 13(4) 358. (*presenter).
  74. Ding JW*, JW Huang, and Chang PFL. 2004. Morphology and Phylogeny ofFusariumspecies in section Gibbosum from Taiwan. The 2004 Annual Meeting of TaiwanFungal Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (January 7, 2004). Abstract Book 12-13.(*presenter).
  75. Lin YH*, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2003. Screening of DNA markersrelated to Fusarium wilt resistance in watermelon based on RAPD technique. TheBotanical Society Annual Meeting 2003, Taichung, Taiwan. (*presenter).(90AS-2.1.2-BQ-B7; NSC 91-2313-B-005-094; NSC 92-2313-B-005-054)
  76. Hsu CC*, and PFL Chang. 2003. Isolation and characterization of a cDNA cloneencoding a putative acidic class III chitinase from watermelon. The BotanicalSociety Annual Meeting 2003, Taichung, Taiwan. (*presenter). (NSC92-2313-B-005-054)
  77. Huang WK*, YR Chen, and PFL Chang. 2003. Induced thermotolerance of Escherichiacoli by a rice class II low-molecular-mass heat-shock protein, Oshsp18.0-II. TheBotanical Society Annual Meeting 2003, Taichung, Taiwan. (*presenter).
  78. Hong* CF, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2003. Identification for the casual agent ofcaspia (Limonium bellidifolium) anthracnose. The 2003 Annual Meeting of TaiwanPhytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (December 13-14, 2003) PlantPathology Bulletin 12(4) 276. (*presenter).
  79. Chang PFL, JY Chang*, EZ Liu, YR Chen, and JW Huang. 2003. Detection of Fusariumoxysporum f. sp. cubense based on RAPD and PCR analysis. The 2003 Annual Meetingof Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan. (December 13-14, 2003).Plant Pathology Bulletin 12(4) 277. (*presenter). (91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3))
  80. Liu ET*, and PFL Chang. 2002. Specific detection ofFusarium oxysporum f. sp.cubense using random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis and polymerase chainreaction. The 2002 Annual Meeting of Botanical Society of Republic of China,Taichung, Taiwan. Abstract. (*presenter). (89AS-6.2-BQ-65(06),90AS-6.3.1-BQ-B2(6), 91AS-7.3.1-BQ-B2(3))
  81. Chang HM*, and PFL Chang. 2002. Differences in the expression oflow-molecular-mass heat shock genes and pathogenesis-related genes induced bybiotic and abiotic stresses in rice. The 2002 Annual Meeting of BotanicalSociety of Republic of China, Taichung, Taiwan. Abstract. (*presenter).(NSC88-2311-B-005-042, NSC89-2313-B-005-159).
  82. Lin YH*, CC Hsu, KS Chen, JW Huang, and PFL Chang. 2002. Relationships of thepathogenesis-related gene expression and Fusarium wilt resistance in watermelon.The 2002 Annual Meeting of Phytopathological Society of the Republic of China,Taichung, Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 11(4) 247. (*presenter).(NSC91-2313-B-005-094)
  83. Chen KS*, PFL Chang, JW Huang, WL Lee, and TD Liou 2001. Molecular MarkersLinked to Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Watermelon Based on Random AmplifiedPolymorphic DNA Analysis. The Second International Symposium on Biotechnology ofTropical & Subtropical Species. Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. (November 5-9, 2001).(*presenter).
  84. Chang HM*, and PFL Chang. 2001. Differential induction of low-molecular-massheat shock genes and pathogenesis-related genes in rice by biotic and abioticstresses. The 2001 Joint Annual Meeting of Phytopathological Society of theRepublic of China and Plant Protection Society of the Republic of China,Ping-Tung, Taiwan. (December 15-16, 2001). Plant Pathology Bulletin 10(4) 217.(*presenter).
  85. Chang PFL*, HS Chang, KW Yeh, YM Chen, and CY Lin 2000. A putative class IIlow-molecular-mass heat shock protein gene of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is inducedby mechanical injury. Abstract S31-15. The Sixth International Congress of PlantMolecular Biology, Quebec, Canada, (July 14-18, 2000). (*presenter).(NSC84-2311-B-002-007 B01, NSC85-2311-B-002-010 B13, NSC84-2311-C002-023,NSC85-2811-B002-006 & NSC88-2311-B-005-042).
  86. Chang PFL*, CY Huang, FC Chang, WC Lin, TS Tseng, YH Lin, and CY Lin 2000.Characterization of a gene, Oshsp16.9C, encoding a 16.9 kDa class Ilow-molecular-mass heat shock protein in rice. Plant Biology 2000. (July 15-19,2000). Abstract 438. (*presenter). (NSC 84-2311-B-002-007-B01 & NSC85-2311-B-002-010-B13).
  87. Chang PFL*, HS Chang, KW Yeh, YM Chen, and CY Lin 2000. A putative class IIlow-molecular-mass heat shock protein gene of rice (Oryza sativa L.) is inducedby heat stress and mechanical injury. Abstract P59. The Second Brook-TopSymposium—Post Genomics: Gene Expression and Function. Nan-Tao, Taiwan, 2000.(*presenter). (NSC84-2311-B-002-007 B01, NSC85-2311-B-002-010 B13,NSC84-2311-C002-023, NSC85-2811-B002-006 & NSC88-2311-B-005-042). (*presenter).
  88. Chang PFL*, CY Huang, FC Chang, TS Tseng, YH Lin, and CY Lin 2000. Isolation andcharacterization of another gene, Oshsp16.9C, encoding a rice 16.9 kDa class Ilow-molecular-mass heat shock protein. Abstract P60. The Second Brook-TopSymposium—Post Genomics: Gene Expression and Function. Nan-Tao, Taiwan, 2000.(*presenter). (NSC 84-2311-B-002-007-B01 & NSC 85-2311-B-002-010-B13).
  89. Liu, EZ*, and PFL Chang and JW Huang. 2000. Detection ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense using random polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. The 2000 Joint AnnualMeeting of Phytopathological Society of the Republic of China and PlantProtection Society of the Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan. Plant PathologyBulletin 9(4) 193-194. (*presenter). (89ST-6.2-BQ-65(06))
  90. Lin WC, PFL Chang, and CY Lin* 1998. Expression and decay of two rice class Ilow molecular mass heat shock protein genes which differ only in 3’ untranslatedregions. Plant Physiol. 117: Abstract 768. (*presenter). (NSC85-2311-B-002-010-B13 & NSC 86-2311-B-002-016-B01).
  91. Huang CY, PFL Chang*, FC Chang, TS Tseng, and CY Lin 1998. Characterization of agene, Oshsp16.9C, encoding a 16.9 kDa class I low-molecular-weight heat shockprotein in rice. Plant Physiol. 117: Abstract 504. (*presenter). (NSC84-2311-B-002-007-B01 & NSC 85-2311-B-002-010-B13).
  92. Chang PFL*, CY Huang, KW Yeh, YM Chen, and CY Lin 1997. A partial cDNA clonefrom rice (Oryza sativa L.) encoding a class II low-molecular-weight heat shockprotein. Plant Physiol. 114: Abstract 850. (*presenter). (NSC84-2311-B002-007-B01 & NSC 85-2311-B002-010-B13 & NSC 85-2811-B002-006).
  93. Jinn TL, PFL Chang, and CY Lin* 1997. Immunolocalization of class I lowmolecular weight heat shock proteins in soybean. Plant Physiol. 114: Abstract642. (*presenter). (NSC 80-0211-B002-18 & NSC 81-0211-B002-13).
  94. Chang PFL*, JC Guan, FC Chang, WC Lin, TS Tseng, and CY Lin 1997.Characterization of genes for class I low-molecular weight heat shock proteinsin rice. Abstract. The Fifth International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology,Singapore. (*presenter). (NSC 84-2311-B002-030)
  95. Jinn TL, PFL Chang, and CY Lin* 1997. Tissue type-specific expression of class Ilow molecular weight heat shock proteins in soybean. Abstract. The FifthInternational Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Singapore. (September 21-27,1997) (*presenter). (NSC 81-0211-B002-13).
  96. Yeh CH*, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, WC Lin, YM Chen, and CY Lin 1996. Expression of therice pTS1 gene encoding 16.9 kD heat shock protein in Escherichia coli. Abstract003. 1996 Annual Meeting of Chinese Biochem. Society. Taipei. (The 11th AnnualConference of Biomedical Sci.) (*presenter). (NSC 84-2311-B002-007-B01 & NSC85-2311-B002-010-B13).
  97. Lin WC*, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, YM Chen, and CY Lin 1996. Studies on the geneexpressions of the 16.9 kD heat shock protein genes of rice. Abstract P11. 1996Annual Meeting of Chinese Biochem. Society. Taipei. (*presenter). (The 11thAnnual Conference of Biomedical Sci.) (NSC 84-2311-B002-007-B01).
  98. Lin CY*, CH Yeh, PFL Chang, KW Yeh, and YM Chen 1996. Expression of a rice geneencoding 16.9 kD heat-shock protein in E. coli enhances thermotolerance. PlantPhysiol. 111: Abstract 195. (*presenter). (NSC 84-2311-B002-007-B01 & NSC85-2311-B002-010-B13).
  99. Chang PFL*, JC Guan, FC Chang, WC Lin, and CY Lin 1996. Characterization of riceclass I low molecular weight heat shock protein genes clustered on chromosome 3.Abstract 3.14. The Fifth International Symposium on Rice Molecular Biology.Taipei. (October 14-15, 1996) (*presenter). (NSC 83-0211-B002-92 & NSC84-2311-B002-030)
  100. Yeh CH*, PFL Chang, WC Lin, and CY Lin 1996. Functional analysis of OsHSP 16.9in E. coli : effect on thermotolerance. Abstract 4.1. The Fifth InternationalSymposium on Rice Molecular Biology. Taipei. (October 14-15, 1996) (*presenter).(NSC 84-2311-B002-007-B01 & NSC 85-2311-B002-010-B13).
  101. Lin WC*, KW Yeh, PFL Chang, YM Chen, and CY Lin 1995. Study on the genesstructure and function of the 16.9 kD heat shock protein of rice. Abstract 187.1995 Annual Meeting of Chinese Biochem. Society., Taipei. (The Tenth JointAnnual Conference of Biomedical Sci.) (*presenter). (NSC 83-0211-B002-94).
  102. Chang PFL*, M Reuvani, Y Xu, Z Chen, NK Singh, PM Hasegawa, and RA Bressan 1993.Cloning and characterization of a gene associated with membranes of salt-adaptedtobacco cells. Plant Physiol. 102: Abstract 738. (*presenter).
類別 專利名稱 國別 專利號碼 發明人 專利權人 專利期間
B 一種作物種苗抗病性與抗逆境力檢測裝置 中華民國 新型第M273194號 陳裕星、洪爭坊、張碧芳 台中區農業改良場 2005-8-21至2014-12-27
A 用於檢測香蕉黃葉病菌之引子、方法及套組 中華民國 新發明第I402346號 張碧芳、林盈宏、張景宜、黃振文 國立中興大學 2013.07.21至2028.05.05
A 用於檢測西瓜蔓割病菌之引子、方法及套組 中華民國 新發明第I391490號 張碧芳、林盈宏、張景宜、陳甘澍、黃振文 國立中興大學 2013.04.01至2029.03.31。









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