
柯文雄 講座教授


1958-1962 國立台灣大學植物病蟲害學系 學士
1963-1966 美國密西根州立大學 博士
1966/07 Postdoct, Michigan State University, Department of Plant Pathology.
1969/08 Assist.Prof., University of Hawaii, Department of Plant Pathology.
1972/08 Asso. Prof., University of Hawaii, Department of Plant Pathology.
1976/08 Professor, University of Hawaii, Department of Plant Pathology.
2004/01 國科會講座教授, 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所, 植物病理系.
2006/01 講座教授, 國立中興大學, 植物病理學系.


電話:04-22840780 #371


Plant Pathology, Fungal Physiology, Microbiol Ecol.

  1. 研究可食植物之萃取液及其發酵液防治植物病害
  2. 分離土壤微生物,藉以誘導植物抗病性之研究
  3. 應用植物病原疫病菌細胞核及粒線體之分離與轉殖研究其致病機制
  4. 疫病菌之有性繁殖機制
  1. 在生物界,第一個完成把分離出來
    術,將來可應用於食用及藥用菌的菌種改良,甚至高等植物的品種改良上。(已發表於Can. J. Microbiol.)。
  2. 在植物界,第一個完成不同種之間 的細胞核轉殖。以前我們發現疫病菌對殺菌劑metalaxyl 同chloroneb
    的抗性遺傳基因,均存在於細胞核。利用這些標記我們成功的把Phytophthora capsici 的細胞核轉殖到P.
    capsici 的原生質體內。所再生的菌株,均帶有這兩個種的特性。這表示將來
    可以利用細胞核的轉殖,把不同種的特性,應用於品種改良上。(已發表於Can. J. Microbiol.)。
  3. 發現產生雜種優勢的新方法,以及 形成雜種優勢的原理。將疫病菌(Phytophthora parasitica)的細胞核,轉殖到同種但不同株系的原生質體
    方法,將來可應用於菌種及農作物產量的提升。這種技術的特色是可突破交配不親合性的障礙。(已發表於Can. J. Microbiol.)。
  4. 發現用食用油來防治白粉病的方
    法。白粉病菌能為害許多作物,為世界性的病害,也是防治上使用最多農藥的病害。我們發現把用10% Tween 80
  5. 發現台灣柑桔砧木的根,原本對疫
    bacteria)會促使根部病害更嚴重。我們也發現柑桔根受疫病菌感染,也會促使立枯病變成更嚴重。(已發表於Europ. J.
    Plant Pathol.)。
  6. 發現蕨類植物的孢子,雖然大小同 真菌孢子一樣,卻不受土壤靜菌作用(soil microbiostasis)的影響。只要有光及水份,蕨類孢子就能在土壤裡自由發芽,而真菌、放線菌及細菌的孢子都不能在土壤裡面發芽。這是以前未被
    發現過的現象。(已發表於Am. Fern J.)。
  7. 發展一簡單純化受細菌及?所污染
  8. 發現茶枝枯病在自然界的接種源。 在台灣,由Macrophoma theicola
    theicola 分生孢子一樣大小及形狀的孢子團,這些孢子所產生的菌落與M. theicola 完全一樣,把所分
    發表於J. Phytopathology)。
  9. 應Plant Disease 主編的邀請,與張東柱主任及安寶貞組長一起發表一篇Feature
  10. 應Plant Disease 主編的邀請,與黃新川所長一起發表一篇Feature
    (已經發表在Plant Disease)。
  11. 在台灣的四季自然保護森林的土 裡,分離到一支以前未被發現過的腐霉菌(Pythium)。其特點是以菌絲為游走子囊,且卵孢子特別的小。我們把它命為Pythium
  12. 夏威夷原住民用以治療胃及肝疾 病的藥用植物mamaki (Pipturus albidus),一般生長在山上,森林周圍,或水溝旁邊。這種植物往往長不好,且易
    死掉。我們發現這是得了由Botryosphaeria ribis 所引起的枝枯病的原故。這是一種新的病害。(已發表於Can.
    J. PlantPathology)。
  13. 解決蘭花雜草問題。夏威夷種蘭
  14. 發展一新的防治福壽螺的方法。
    國申請專利。(已發表於Crop Protection)。
  15. 發展一可簡易測知土壤裡那些微
    產生脂肪?能力的大小。(已發表於Soil Biol. Biochem.)。
  16. 經我建議並提供試驗方法,由農
  17. 牛樟芝的子實體為很貴重的藥材,因產生子實體不易,因此有人以菌絲體發酵液來代替,但有效成含量不高,有待改進,但因菌株少,無法篩選。我們因此研發出,可使菌株產生變異的方法。把
    (已被Bot. Bull. Acad. Sinica 接受發表)。
  18. 証明疫病菌(Phytophthora) 的配對型(Mating type)
    是由粒線體基因所控制。一般都認為疫病菌的配對型是由細胞核基因所控制。我們將A1 的細胞核轉殖到A2
    的原生質體,再生的菌落有的是A1,有的是A2,因此証明疫病菌的配對型是由粒線體基因,而不是細胞核基因所控制。(已被Can. J.
    Microbiol. 接受發表)
  1. Ko, W. H., and J. L. Lockwood. 1967. Soil fungistasis: relation to fungal
    spore nutrition. Phytopathology 57: 894-901.
  2. Ko, W. H., and J. L. Lockwood. 1968. Accumulation and concentration of
    chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides by microorganisms. Can. J. Microbiol. 14:
  3. Ko, W. H., and J. L. Lockwood. 1968. Conversion of DDT and DDD in soil and
    the effect of these compounds on soil microorganisms. Can. J. Microbiol. 14:
  4. Ko, W. H. 1968. Evaluation of two suggested factors determining the
    speificity of PCNB. Phytopathology 58: 1715-1716.
  5. Ko, W. H., and J. D. Farley. 1969. Conversion of PCNB to PCA on soil and the
    effect of these compounds on soil microorganisms. Phytopathology 59: 64-67.
  6. Ko, W. H., and J. L. Lockwood. 1970. Mechanism of lysis of fungal mycelia in
    soil. Phytopathology 60: 148-154.
  7. Ko, W. H., and J. L. Lockwood. 1970. Transfer of 32P and dieldrin among
    selected microorganisms in soil. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol. 7: 465-470.
  8. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1970. Production of Phospholipases by soil
    microorganisms. Soil Sci. 110: 355-358.
  9. Ko, W. H. 1971. Direct observation of fungal activities on soil.
    Phytopathology 61: 437-438.
  10. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1971. A selective medium for the quantitative
    determination of Rhizoctonia solani in soil. Phytopathology 61: 707-710.
  11. Ko, W. H. 1971. Biological control of seedling root rot of papaya caused by
    Phytophthora palmivora. Phytopathology 61: 780-782.
  12. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1971. Fungitoxicity in certain Hawaiian soils.
    Soil Sci. 112: 276-282.
  13. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1972. Identification of an Al ion as a soil
    fungitoxin. Soil Sci. 133: 42-45.
  14. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1972. The nature of a volatile inhibitor from
    certain alkaline soils. Phytopathology 62: 573-575.
  15. Ko, W. H., and M. K. Oda. 1972. The nature of control of Rhizoctonia solani
    by pentachloronitrobenzene in soil. Phytopathology 62: 385-387.
  16. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1973. Root rot of ohia (Metrosideros collina
    subsp. polymorpha) caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Plant Dis. Rep. 57:
  17. Kadooka, J. Y., and W. H. Ko. 1973. Production of chlamydospores by
    Phytophthora palmivora in culture media. Phytopathology 62: 559-562.
  18. Ko, W. H., L. L. Chase, and R. K. Kunimoto. 1973. A microsyringe method for
    determining concentration of fungal propagules. Phytopathology 63: 1206-1207.
  19. Ko, W. H., and L. L. Chase. 1973. Aggregation of zoospores of
    . J. Gen. Microbiol. 78: 79-82.
  20. Ko, W. H., J. E. Hunter, and R. K. Kunimoto. 1973. Rhizoctonia disease of
    Queensland maple seedlings. Plant Dis. Rep. 57: 907-909.
  21. Kratky, B. A., and W. H. Ko. 1974. A virgin-soil technique for controlling
    bacterial wilt of greenhouse-grown tomatoes. Plant Dis. Rep. 58: 86-87.
  22. Ko, W. H., and M. J. Chan. 1974. Aggregation of Phytophthora capsici
    zoospores and their interaction with zoospores of P. palmivora. J. Gen.
    Microbiol. 80: 549-551.
  23. Hunter, J. E., W. H. Ko, R. K. Kunimoto, and T. Higaki. 1974. A foliar
    disease of Anthurium seedlings caused by Aphelenchoides fragarias.
    Phytopathology 64: 267-268.
  24. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1974. Effect of motility of
    zoospores on disease severity in papaya seedlings and substrate
    colonization in soil. Phytopathology 64: 426-428.
  25. Hora, F. K., and W. H. Ko. 1974. Effect of forestation on soil
    fungitoxicity. Soil Sci. 117: 232-235.
  26. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1974. Deficiency of inorganic nutrients as a
    contributing factor to ohia decline. Phytopathology 64: 891-896.
  27. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1974. Factors affecting the activity of a
    volatile fungistatic substance in certain alkaline soils. Phytopathology 64:
  28. Ko, W. H., and M. J. Chan. 1974. Infection and colonization potential of
    sporangia, zoospores, and chlamydospores of Phytophthora palmivora in soil.
    Phytopathology 64: 1307-1309.
  29. Ko, W. H., F. K. Hora, and E. Herlicska. 1974. Isolation and identification
    of a volatile fungistatic substance from alkaline soil. Phytopathology 64:
  30. Hwang, S. C., and W. H. Ko. 1974. Germination of Calonectria crotalariae
    conidia and ascospores on soil. Mycologia 66: 1053-1055.
  31. Wang, D. N., and W. H. Ko. 1975. Relationship between deformed-fruit disease
    of papaya and boron deficiency. Phytopathology 65: 445-447.
  32. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1975. A technique for direct observation of
    nematode trapping by fungi on soil. Mycologia 67: 420-423.
  33. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1975. Continuous versus limited growth of
    fungi. Mycologia 67: 326-366.
  34. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1975. The occurrence of Pythium vexans in
    Hawaii and its relation to ohia declines. Plant Dis. Rep. 59: 392-395.
  35. Ko, W. H., H. H. Lin, and R. K. Kunimoto. 1975. A simple method for
    determining efficacy and weatherability of fungicide on the foliage.
    Phytopathology 65: 1023-1025.
  36. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Hora. 1975. Evaluation of the use of charcoal in the
    study of soil fungistasis. Phytopathology 65: 1031-1032.
  37. Hwang, S. C. and W. H. Ko. 1975. A medium for enumeration and isolation of
    Calonectria crotalariae from soil. Phytopathology 65: 1036-1037.
  38. Hwang, S. C., and W. H. Ko and M. Aragaki. 1975. A simplified method for
    sporangium production by Phytophthora cinnamomi. Mycologia 67: 1233-1234.
  39. Hwang, S. C., and W. H. Ko. 1976. Biology of conidia, ascospores, and
    microsclerotia of Calonectria rotalariae in soil. Phytopathology 66: 51-54.
  40. Kliejunas, J. T., and W. H. Ko. 1976. Association of Phytophthora cinnamomi
    with ohia decline on the island of Hawaii. Phytopathology 66: 116-121.
  41. Ko, W. H., and R. K. Kunimoto. 1976. Rootlet necrosis of macadamia caused by
    Phytophthora cinnamomi. Plant Dis. Rep. 60: 510-512.
  42. Kliejunas, J. T. and W. H. Ko. 1976. Dispersal of Phytophthora cinnamomi
    the island of Hawaii. Phytopathology 66: 457-460.
  43. Ko, W. H., J. T. Kliejunas, and J. T. Shimooka. 1976. Effect of agar on
    inhibition of spore germination by chemicals. Phytopathology 66: 363-366.
  44. Kunimoto, R. K., M. Aragaki, J. E. Hunter and W. H. Ko. 1976.
    , corrected name for cause of Phytophthora blight for macadamia racemes.
    Phytopathology 66: 546-548.
  45. Kunimoto, R. K., P. J. Ito, and W. H. Ko. 1977. Mucor rot of guava fruits
    caused by Mucor hiemalis. Trop. Agric. 54: 185-187.
  46. Ko, W. H., R. K. Kunimoto, and I. Maedo. 1977. Root decay caused by Kretzschmaria clavus: Its relation to macadamia decline. Phytopathology 67:
  47. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Chow. 1977. Characteristics of bacteriostasis in
    natural soils. J. Gen. Microbiol. 102: 295-298.
  48. Ko, W. H., and F. K. Chow. 1978. Soil fungistasis: role of volatile
    inhibitors in two soils. J. Gen. Microbiol. 104: 75-78
  49. Hwang, S. C. and W. H. Ko. 1978. Quantitative studies of Phytophthora
    in decline and healthy ohia forests. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 70:
  50. Ko, W. H., H. S. Chang, H. J. Su, C. C. Chen, and L. S, Leu. 1978.
    Peronophythoraceae, a new family of Peronosporales. Mycologia 70: 380-384.
  51. Hwang, S. C. and W. H. Ko. 1978. Biology of chlamydospores, sporangia, and
    zoospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi in soil. Phytopathology 68: 726-731.
  52. Ko, W. H., H. S. Chang and H. J. Su. 1978. Isolates of Phytophthora
    from Taiwan as evidence for an Asian origin of the species. Trans. Br.
    Mycol. Soc. 71: 496-499.
  53. Ko, W. H. 1978. Heterothallic Phytophthora: evidence for hormonal regulation
    of sexual reproduction. J. Gen. Microbiol. 107: 15-18.
  54. Sun, E. J., H. Su, and W. H. Ko. 1978. Identification of Fusarium oxysporum
    f. sp. cubans race 4 from soil or host tissue by cultural characters.
    Phytopathology 68: 1672-1673.
  55. Su, H. J., W. H. Ko, T. Y. Chuang, M. T. Huang, and S. C. Hwang. 1978.
    Etiological studies on marginal scorch of banana, with special reference to
    air-polluted fluoride associated with the disease. Taiwan Banana Res. Inst.
    Special Pub. No. 21: 1-21.
  56. Ito, P. J., R. K. Kunimoto, and W. H. Ko. 1979. Transmission of Mucor rot of
    guava fruits by three species of fruit flies. Trop. Agric. 56: 49-52.
  57. Ko, W. H. 1979. Mating-type distribution of Phytophthora colocasiae on the
    island of Hawaii. Mycologia 71: 434-437.
  58. Ko, W. H. 1979. A method for production of perithecial stromata by
    xylariaceous fungi. Mycologia 71: 441-443.
  59. Ko, W. H. and H. S. Chang. 1979. Phytophthora katsurae, a new name for
    P. castaneae. Mycologia 71: 840-844.
  60. Chuang, T. Y., and W. H. Ko. 1979. Propagule size: its value in the
    prediction of inoculums density and infection potential in soil. Pages 35-38 in:
    B. Schippers and W. Gams, eds. Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens. Academic Press,
  61. Chuang, T. Y. and W. H. Ko. 1979. A microliter syringe method for counting
    bacteria. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 45: 507-508.
  62. Kratky, B. A., and W. H. Ko. 1980. Transitory yellowing of Chinese cabbage.
    HortScience 15: 75.
  63. Ann, P. J., and W, H. Ko.1980. Oospore germination of Peronophythora
    . Mycologia 72: 611-614.
  64. Ko, W. H. 1980. Hormonal regulation of sexual reproduction in
    J. Gen. Microbiol. 116: 459-463.
  65. Ho, W. C., and W. H. Ko. 1980. Agarose medium for bioassay of antimicrobial
    substances. Phytopathology 70: 764-766.
  66. Ko, W. H., and C. K. Arakawa. 1980. Oospore germination of
    . Trans. Mycol. Soc. Jpn. 21: 215-219.
  67. Fujii, J. K., W. H. Ko, and K. M. Kanegawa. 1980. Effect of organic
    amendment on longevity of Coptotermis formosanas in soil. Rev. Ecol. Biol. Sol.
    17: 353-357.
  68. Ann, P. J., and W. H. Ko. 1980. Phytophthora insolita, a new species from
    Taiwan. Mycologia 72: 1180-1185.
  69. Ho, W. C., and W. H. Ko. 1980. A simple medium for selective isolation and
    enumeration of soil actinomycetes. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 46: 634-638.
  70. Ko, W. H., and R. K. Kunimoto. 1980. Guava fruit firm rot induced by
    bruising. HortScience 15: 722-723.
  71. Ko, W. H. 1980. Sexuality, evolution and origin of Phytophthora. Plant Prot.
    Bull. 22: 141-151.
  72. Kratky, B. A., W. J. Ko, R. T. Nakano, Y. N. Tamimi, J. E. Bowen, and H. Y.
    Mishima. 1981. A new yellow disease of Chinese cabbage in Hawaii, Page 143-150,
    in: N. S. Talekar and T. D. Griggs, eds. Chinese cabbage. Asian Vegetable
    Research and Development Center. Tainan, Taiwan.
  73. Ko, W. H., J. Y. Uchida, R. K. Kunimoto, and M. Aragaki. 1981. Collar rot
    and leaf spot of leea caused by Calonectria crotalariae. Plant Dis. 65: 621.
  74. Yu, J. Y., H. S. Chang, and W. H. Ko. 1981. Factors affecting the induction
    of sexual reproduction in Phytophthora parasitica by P. colocasiae. J. Gen.
    Microbiol. 123: 249-252.
  75. Chuang, T. Y., and W. H. Ko. 1981. Propagule size: its relation to
    population density of microorganisms in soil. Soil Biol. Biochem. 13: 185-190.
  76. Ko, W. H., and R. K. Kunimoto. 1981. Hormone production and reception among
    different isolates of Phytophthora parasitica and P. palmivora. Mycologia 73:
  77. Chuang, T. Y., and W. H. Ko. 1981. Determination of size-number
    relationships among living microorganisms in soil by selective media. Bot. Bull.
    Acad. Sin. 22: 131-136.
  78. Ko, W. H. 1981. Reversible change of mating type in Phytophthora parasitica.
    J. Gen. Microbiol. 125: 451-454.
  79. Ko, W. H., W. C. Ho, and R. K. Kunimoto. 1982. Relation of
    to hypoxyloid stromata on diseased macadamia tissues. Phytopathology 72:
  80. Ko, W. H. 1982. Biological control of Phytophthora root rot of papaya with
    virgin soil. Plant Dis. 66: 446-448.
  81. Ko, W. H. 1982. Effects of nutritional factors on chemical and soil
    microbiostasis. HITAHR Research Series 12: 1-55.
  82. Ho, W. C., and W. H. Ko. 1982. Characteristics of soil microbiostasis. Soil
    Biol. Biochem. 14: 589-593.
  83. Ko, W. H., R. K. Kunimoto, and W. T. Nishijima. 1982. Fruit rot of guava
    caused by Phytophthora citricola. Plant Dis. 66: 854-855.
  84. Ko, W. H., J. K. Fujii, and K. M. Kanegawa. 1982. The nature of soil
    pernicious to Coptotermes formosanus. J. Invert. Pathol. 39: 38-40.
  85. Ko, W. H., and W. C. Ho. 1983. Screening soils for suppressiveness to
    Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium splendens. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 49: 1-9.
  86. Chuang, T. Y., and W. H. Ko. 1983. Propagule size: its relation to longevity
    and reproductive capacity. Soil Biol. Biochem. 15: 269-274.
  87. Kao, C. W., and W. H. Ko. 1983. Narure of suppression of Pythium splendesns
    in a pasture soil in South Kohala, Hawaii. Phytopathology 73: 1248-1289.
  88. Ko, W. H., and W. C. Ho. 1983. Reassessment of apparent sterol requirement
    for sexual reproduction in Phytophthora. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 49:
  89. Ko, W. H. 1983. Isolation and partial characterization of α hormones
    produced by Phytophthora parasitica. J. Gen. Microbiol. 129: 1397-1401.
  90. Ko, W. H. 1983. Suppressive soils in Hawaii. Plant Prot. Bull. 25:205-211.
  91. Tsai, W. H., and W. H. Ko. 1983. A transitory cottony variant of Rhizoctonia
    from rice. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 49: 467-470.
  92. Huang, J. W., S. K. Sun, and W., H. Ko. 1983. A medium for chlamydospore
    formation in Fusarium. Ann. Phytopathol. Soc. Jpn. 49: 704-708.
  93. Kobayashi, N., and W. H. Ko. 1983. Screening of Rhizoctonia-suppressive soil
    in Hawaii Islands and their mechanism of suppressiveness. Soil Microorg. 25:
  94. Ann, P. J., and W. H. Ko. 1984. Blossom blight of litchi in Taiwan caused by
    Peronophythora litchii. Plant Dis. 68: 826.
  95. Chang, H. S., I. M. Shu, and W. H. Ko. 1984. Hormone production and
    reception among isolates of Phytophthora melonis from Taiwan. Ann. Phytopathol.
    Soc. Jpn. 50: 27-30.
  96. Aragaki, W., W. J. Apt, R. K. Kunimoto, W. H. Ko, and J. Y. Uchida. 1984.
    Nature and control of anthurium decline. Plant Dis. 68: 509-511.
  97. Ko, W. H., and W. H. Ho. 1984. Soil microbiostasis. Pages 175-184, in
    Soilborne Crop Diseases in Asia, J. Bay- Peterson, ed. FFTC Book Series No. 26.
    240 p.
  98. Ho, W. C., and W. H. Ko. 1985. Soil mocrobiostasis: effects of environmental
    and edaphic factors. Soil Biol Biochem. 17: 167-170.
  99. Ko, W. H., and K. A. Nishijima. 1985. Nature of suppression of
    in a Hawaiian soil. Phytopathology 75: 683-685.
  100. Kobayashi, N., and W. H. Ko. 1985. Nature of suppression of
    in Hawaiian soils. Trans. Br. Mycol. Soc. 84: 691-694.
  101. Ko, W. H. 1985. Natural suppression of soilborne plant disease. Plant Prot.
    Bull. 27: 171-178.
  102. Ko, W. H., and P. J. Ann. 1985. Phytophthora humicola, a new species from
    soil of the citrus orchard in Taiwan. Mycologia 77: 631-636.
  103. Kobayashi, N., and W. H. Ko. 1985. Pythium splendens-suppressive soils from
    different islands of Hawaii. Soil Biol. Biochem. 17: 889-891.
  104. Ko, W. H. 1985. Stimulation of sexual reproduction in Phytophthora cactorum
    by phospholipids. J. Gen. Microbiol. 131: 2591-2594.
  105. Ann, P. J., and W. H. Ko. 1985. Variants of Phytophthora cinnamomi extend
    the known limits of the species. Mycologia 77: 946-950.
  106. Ko, W. H., C. J. Lee, and H. J. Su. 1986. Chemical regulation of mating
    type in Phytophthora parasitica. Mycologia 78: 134-136.
  107. Kao, C. W., and W. H. Ko. 1986. Suppression of Pythium splendens in a
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  240. Ko, W. H. M. J. Lin, C. Y. Hu, and P. J. Ann. 2010. Aquaperonospora
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  241. Liu T. H., M. J. Lin, and W. H. Ko. 2011. Development of artificial conidia
    for ecological studies of Rhizoctonia solani in soil. New Biotechnol. 28: 86-91.
  242. Ko, W. H., C. H. Yang, M. J. Lin, C. Y. Chen, and Y. J. Tsou. 2011.
    Humicola phialophoroides sp. nov. from soil with potential for biological
    control of plant diseases. Bot. Stud. 52: 197-202.
  243. Chen, Y. T., M. J. Lin, C. H. Yang, and W. H. Ko. 2011. Characterization of
    fungistatic substance produced by Aspergillus flavus isolated from soil and its
    significance in nature. New Biotechnol. 28: 679-683.
  244. Su, H. J., F. M. Thseng, J. S. Chen, and W. H. Ko. 2011. Aquaperonospora
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  245. Tsai, Y. N., M. J. Lin, and W. H. Ko. 2012. A simple method for production
    of uniform inoculums of Rhizoctonia solani with strong pathogenicity. Biocat.
    Agri. Biot. 1: 85-88.
  246. Su, H. J., M. J. Lin, Y. J. Tsou, and W. H. Ko. 2012. Pseudallin, a new
    antibiotic produced by the human pathogenic fungus Pseudallescheria boydii, with
    ecological significance. Bot. Stud. 53: 239-242.
  247. Chern, L. L., H. C. Lin, J. T. Chang, and W. H. Ko. 2013. Activation of
    systemic resistance in rice against Magnaporthe oryzae by substances produced by
    Fusarium solani isolated from soil. J. Phytopathol. (in press)
  1. 1984 RUTH ALLEN AWARD of American Phytopathological Society,
    in recognition of outstanding contributions to hormonal
    regulation of sexual reproduction in Phytophthora.
  2. 1990 FELLO WAWARD of the American Phytopathological society.
  3. 1997 Japan Society for Promoting Science Fellowship, to give
    lectures at Tottori University, Hokkaido University, Nagoya
    University and Gifu University.
  4. 1997 Member of the Ninety Fabulous Faculty during the 90
    years history of the University of Hawaii.
  5. 2004 Governor Linda Lingle of the State of Hawaii proclaimed
    December 16, 2004 as DR. WEN-HSIUNG KO DAY in recognition of his
    outstanding achievements in academic, research and public
    service in the USA and Asia, and his distinguished contributions
    to Hawaii’s agriculture.
  6. 2005 Presented by the President and Members of the Senate of
    the State of Hawaii “Hawaii State Senate Certificate”in
    recognition of his nationally and internationally renowned
    achievements in plant pathology, and his numerous outstanding
    accomplishments that have benefited the agriculture industry and
    natural resources of Hawaii.
  1. Ko,W. H. 2003. Interesting microbial phenomena in nature and
    their application in agriculture. P.1-11. In symposium on
    Application of Microbial Ecology to Agriculture and Industry,
    Pingtung, Taiwan.
  2. Ko,W. H. 2004. Management of plant diseases without using
    pesticides in sustainable agriculture. P. 123-132. In the
    proceeding of the 3rd APEC workshop on Sustainable Agriculture
    Development, Taichung, Taiwan.

無患子粒劑及其製法。中華民國發明專 利(I220104)。吳德忠、陳炳輝、林俊義、余志儒、柯文雄。


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