
黃振文 終身特聘教授



  1. 國立中興大學植病系助教、講師、副教授、教授
  2. 國立中興大學植病系終身特聘教授
  3. 國立中興大學農資學院第21、22屆院長(95-101年)
  4. 國立中興大學植物病理學系系主任(89-95年)
  5. 國立中興大學國際農企業學士學程主任(100-101年)
  6. 國立中興大學農業推廣中心主任(87-89年)
  7. 行政院國科會農業環境科學學門召集人(97-99年)
  8. 教育部顧問室 領域召集人(99-101年)、顧問(101-102年)
  9. 教育部全國高級中學農業類科學生技藝競賽總召集人(四屆次)
  10. 行政院農委會植物防疫檢疫諮議委員會委員(93-103年)
  11. 行政院農委會農藥技術委員會委員(88-96年)
  12. 行政院農委會農試所台灣農業研究期刊領域主編(102-105年)
  13. 亞洲農學院校協會會長(95-97年)
  14. 社團法人中華民國植病學會理事長(95-97年)
  15. 社團法人中華民國真菌學會理事長(99-101年)
  16. 社團法人中華永續農業協會理事長(103-105年)
  17. 社團法人民生文教科技基金會董事(88年迄今)
  18. 財團法人植物保護科技基金會董事(90年迄今)
  19. 財團法人遠哲科學教育基金會董事(93年迄今)
  20. 財團法人國際美育自然生態基金會營運主任委員(86-98年)
  21. 中華民國植病學會理事、監事、常務理事、總編輯、理事長

電話:04-22840780 #348 #349

  1. 作物病害綜合管理技術開發
  2. 有益微生物防治植物病害
  3. 農業廢棄物再生利用
  4. 植物病害診斷鑑定
  5. 鐮胞菌培養與鑑定
  6. 曾講授課程:植病防治學,植物病理學,種子病理學,森林病理學,
    園藝作物病學,果樹病學, 蔬菜病學,應用微生物學,植物病害臨床診斷,
  1. 天然植物保護製劑的開發與應用
  2. 研發土壤添加物及植物營養液,藉以防治植物疾病與促進植物的健康
  3. 利用農業廢棄物研製抑病栽培介質
  4. 鐮胞菌的分類與鑑定
  5. 探討蔬菜與果樹病害之病原菌生態及種子病理學
  6. 有益拮抗微生物的利用
  7. 植物病害診斷技術的研發

  1. 探討植物病害與植物營養的相關性
  2. 研發土壤添加物及植物營養液,藉以防治植物疾病與促進植物的健康
  3. 研究殺草劑對病害發生的影響
  4. 鐮胞菌的分類與鑑定
  5. 探討果樹病害之病原菌生態及種子病理學
  6. 生物農藥的開發與應用





  1. T., Leung, C. Y., Chen, B. J., Yu, M. H., Lee, and J. W., Huang.2020. Brown Root Rot Disease of Phyllanthus myrtifolius: The Causal Agent and Two Potential Biological Control Agents. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-02-20-0412-RE
  2. C. Lin, K. R. Chung , and J. W. Huang. 2020. Synergistic Effect of Chitosan and Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Control of Cruciferous Vegetable Diseases. Plant Pathol. J. 36(2) : 157-169.
  3. J. Y., Yang, K. R., Chung and J. W. Huang. 2020. A combined effect of Bacillus sp., tobacco extracts and plant oils on the control of cruciferous vegetable anthracnose. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection. 53:48-69. DOI: 10.1080/03235408.2020.1717253
  4. P. F.L Chang, TH Chang, YW Liu, CC Chen, WY Li, WH Chung, JJ Lin and, JW Huang. 2020. Effects of nanomaterials on seedling growth and disease control. Acta Horticulturae 1269: 269-272. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1269.36
  5. 陳媛鈺、黃振文、王智立。2019。番茄萎凋病菌厚膜孢子之逆境抗性分析。植物醫學期刊: 61(4): 21-30。

  6. T., Fan., K. R., Chung,. and J. W. Huang,. 2019. Fungichromin production by Streptomyces padanus PMS-702 for controlling cucumber downy mildew. Plant Pathology J. 35(4): 341-350.
  7. W., Lin, C. Y. Hsiao, C. L. Lin, and J. W. Huang. 2019. Development of feather liquid fertilizer and its application for culturing Pak-choi plants. J. Plant Med. 61(2)1-10. (In Chinese.)
  8. 湯佳蓉、張碧芳、張道禾、林盈宏、黃振文。2019。蕈狀芽孢桿菌防治番茄萎凋病之機制分析平台。植物醫學期刊:61(1), 29-38。

  9. J. H. Tzeng, C. H. Weng, J.W.Huang, C. C. Shiesh, Y. H. Lin and Y. T. Lin. 2019. Application of palladium-modified zeolite for prolonging post-harvest shelf life of banana. J Sci Food Agric. 99: 3467–3474
  10. H. Y. Kao., K. R. Chung and J. W. Huang. 2019. Paraquat and glyphosate increase strawberry anthracnose severity caused by Colletotrichum glorosporioides. Journal of General Plant Pathology V.85 pp 23–32
  11. Hashimoto A, Hirayama K, Takahashi H, Matsumura M, Okada G, Chen CY, Huang JW, Kakishima M, Ono T, Tanaka K.2018. Resolving the Lophiostoma bipolare complex: Generic delimitations within Lophiostomataceae. Studies in mycology.90:161-189. doi: 10.1016/j.simyco.2018.03.001

  12. S. Huang, Y. H. Peng, K. R. Chung and J. W. Huang. 2018. Suppressive efficacy of volatile compounds produced by Bacillus mycoides on damping-off pathogens of cabbage seedlings damping-off pathogens of cabbage seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Science. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859618000746
  13. H. Peng, Y. J. Chou, Y. C. Liu, J. F. Jen, K. R. Chung and J. W. Huang*. 2017. Inhibition of cucumber Pythium damping-off pathogen with zoosporicidal biosurfactants produced by Bacillus mycoides. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection: doi:10.1007/s41348-017-0110-z
  14. Lin, T. C., Lin, C. L., Chung, W. C., Chung, K. R., and Huang, J. W*. 2017. Pathogenic fngal protein-induced resistance and its effects on vegetable diseases. J. Agri. Sci. doi:http://doi.org/10.1017/S002185961700020X.
  15. W. Yuan, J. T. Huang, C. C. Chen, P. C. Tang, J. W. Huang, J. J. Lin, S. Y. Huang and S. E. Chen. 2017. Evaluation of efficacy and toxicity of exfoliated silicate nanoclays as a feed additive for fumonisin detoxification. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Manuscript ID: jf-2017-02224n.R1(DOI:10.1021/jafc.7b02224)
  16. Hsieh, T. Y., Lin, T. C., Lin, C. L., Chung, K. R., and Huang, J. W. * 2016. Reduction of Rhizoctonia damping-off in Chinese cabbage seedlings by fungal protein. Journal of plant medicine 58:1-8.

  17. Chen, Y.C., Lai, M. H., Wu, C. Y., Lin, T. C., Cheng, A. H., Yang, C. C., Wu, H. Y., Chu, S. C., Kuo, C. C., Wu, Y. F., Lin, G. C., Tseng, M. N., Tsai, Y. C., Lin, C. C., Chen, C. Y., Huang,W., Lin, H. A., and Chung, C. L. 2016. The genetic structure, virulence, and fungicide sensitivity of Fusarium fujikuroi in Taiwan. Phytopathology. doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-11-15-0285-R.

  18. Qiao, M., Ren, T., Huang, T.S., Weese, J., Gardner, A., Chen, J.T., and Huang, J. W. *. 2015. Safety Assessment of Fruit Body Extract of Clitocybe nuda: Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity Studies. International Journal of Toxicology 34(1): 89.

  19. Chou, C. M., Yu, F. Y., Yu, P. L., Ho, J. F., Bostock, R. M.,Chung, K. R., Huang, J. W., and Lee, M. H. 2015. Expression of Five Endopolygalacturonase Genes and Demonstration that MfPG1 Overexpression Diminishes Virulence in the Brown Rot Pathogen Monilinia fructicola. PLOS ONE 10(6): e0132012.

  20. Tzing, J. H., Weng, C. H., Huang , J. W., Lin, Y. H., Lai, C. W., and Lin, Y. T. 2015. Spent tea leaves: A new non-conventional and low-cost biosorbent for ethylene removal. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 104 (2015): 67-73.

  21. J. T. Chen, M. J. Lin and J. W. Huang. 2015. Efficacy of spent blewit
    mushroom compost and Bacillus aryabhattai combination on control of Pythium
    damping-off in cucumber. Journal of Agricultural Science 153:1257-1266.( U.S.A./
  22. J. H. Tzing, C. H. Weng, J. W. Huang, Y. H. Lin, C. W. Lai, Y. T. Lin. 2015.
    Spent tea leaves: A new non-conventional and low-cost biosorbent for ethylene
    removal. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 104 (2015): 67-73.(
    England/ Barking)
  23. 吳宗淩、黃振文。2015。台灣胡蘿蔔黑色根腐病-病原菌的鑑定與影響病害發生的因子。Plant Pathology Bulletin
  24. 黃盈潔、鍾文鑫、張碧芳、黃振文。2015。奈米材料抑制動物與植物病原菌生長的功效。永續農業 36:23-30。(臺灣/台中)
  25. 張碧芳、黃振文、鍾文鑫、劉詠汶。2015。微奈米鈣矽對水稻生長和保護的效果。永續農業 36:13-22。(臺灣/台中)
  26. Kuo, P. C., Lin, Y. T., Yang, M. L., Liao, M. Y., Chen, G. F., Chen, P. H.,
    Wong, L. F. and Huang, J. W.* 2014. Enhanced antifungal bioactivity of coptis
    rhizome prepared by ultrafining technology. Journal of Nanomaterials (2014)
    ID:262454.( ROMANIA)
  27. Lin, T. C., Lin, C. L. and Huang, J. W.* 2014. Nonidet p-40, a novel inducer,
    activates cucumber disease resistance against cucumber anthracnose disease.
    Journal of Agricultural Science 152:932-940. (ENGLAND)
  28. Lin, Y. T., Weng, C. H., Hsu, H. J., Huang, J. W., Srivastav, A. L. and Shiesh,
    C. C. 2014. Effect of oxygen, moisture, and temperature on the photo oxidation
    of ethylene on N-doped TiO2 catalyst. Separation and Purfirication Technology
    134: 117-125.( Netherlands)
  29. Chang, T. H., Lin, Y. H., Chen, K. S., Huang, J. W., Hsiao, S. C. and Chang, P.
    F. L. 2014. Cell wall reinforcement in watermelon shoot base related to its
    resistance to Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp.
    niveum. Journal
    of Agricultural Science 153:296-305.( ENGLAND)
  30. Ma, Y. A., Chen, Y. M., Huang, J. W., Jen, J. F., Huang, Y. S. and Yu, C. C.
    2014. Effects of ultrasonic and microwave pretreatments on lipid extraction of
    microalgae. Bioprocess Biosyst. Eng. 37: 1543-1549.( GERMANY)
  31. Su, C.-C., Deng, W.-L., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chang, C.-J., Huang, H., and Chen*, J.
    2014. Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa pear leaf scorch strain in
    Taiwan. Genome Announcements 2(2):e00166-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00166-14. (美國)
  32. T. C. Lin, c. L. Lin and J. W. Huang (2013, oct). Nonidet p-40, a novel inducer,
    activates cucumber disease resistance against cucumber anthracnose disease.
    Journal of Agricultural Science, FirstView Articles, pp 1-9.
  33. Cheng, C. Y., Lin, C. L. and Huang, J. W.*, 2013. A rapid method for evaluating
    disease severity of cabbage clubroot. Plant Pathol. Bull 22:13-20.
  34. Chung W.-C., C.-L. Lin, J.-H. Yen, H. H. C., and Huang, J. W.*, 2013. Effect of Stenotrophomonas maltophiliaon control of
    Rhizoctonia damping-off of cabbage
    seedlings. Plant Pathol. Bull 22:121-131 .
  35. H. D. Shih, W. C. Chung, H. C. Huang, M. Tseng, and J. W. Huang. 013.
    Identification for Streptomyces padanus Strain PMS-702 as A Biopesticide Agent.
    Plant Pathol. Bull 22:145-158.
  36. J. T., Chen, H. J., Su and J.W., Huang*. 2012. Isolation and identification of
    secondary metabolites of Clitocybe nuda responsible for inhibition of zoospore
    germination of Phytophthora capsici. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
    60: 7341-7344.
  37. Chung,W. C.,Wu, R. S., Hsu, C. P., Huang, H. C., Huang, J.W.*. 2011. Applicatipn
    of antagonistic rhizobacteria for control of Fusarium seedling blight and basal
    rot of lily. Australasian Plant Pathol. 40: 269-276.
  38. Lin, T. C., Fan, M. C.,Wang, S. Y., and Huang, J.W. *. 2011. Identification of
    the solanum nigrum Component Involved in Controlling Cabbage Black Leaf Spot
    Disease. J. Agric. Food Chem. 59:1667-1672.
  39. Chen, C. Z., Yan,C. T., Kumar,P. V., Huang, J.W. and Jen, J. F.. 2011.
    Determination of alachlor and its metabolite 2,6-diethylaniline in microbial
    culture medium using on-line microdialysis enriched-sampling coupled to high
    performance liquid chromatography. J Agric Food Chem 59(15):8078-85
  40. Zang, C. Z., Chang, Y. N., Chen, H. B.,Wu, J. Y., Chen, C. I Huang, J.W., Shih,
    H. D. and Liu, Y. C. 2011. Deciphering the roles of fatty acids and oils in
    fungichromin enhancement from Streptomyces padanus. Journal of the Taiwan
    Institute of Chemical Engineers 42: 413–418.
  41. Lee, I. H, Lin, T. C., and Huang, J.W*. 2011.The characteristics of a causal
    agent of common bean wilt and its pathogenicity. Fung. Sci. 26(1):7-21.
  42. Kuo, P. C., Lin, T. C., Yang, C. W., Lin C. L., Chen, G. F., and Huang, J. W.*
    2010. Bioactive saponon from tea seed pomace with inhibitory effects against
    Rhizoctonia solani. J.Agric. Food Chem. 58: 8618–8622.
  43. Chen, M. H., Chung, W. C., Huang, H. C. and Huang, J. W.*. 2010. Development of
    a semiselective medium for setection of Mycosphaerella pinodes in soil, plant
    debris and seed. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 32:342-350
  44. Chung, W., Wen-Chuan Chung, Mun-Tsu Peng, Hong-Ren Yang and Jenn-Wen Huang*.
    2010. Specific detection of benzimidazole resistance in Colletotrichum
    from fruit crops by PCR-RFLP. New Biotechnology 27(1):17-27
  45. Lin, T. H., Huang, J. W., Kumar, P. V., and Jen, J. F. 2010. Determination of
    sinigrin in vegetable seeds by online microdialysis sampling coupled to
    reverse-phase ion-pair liquid chromatography. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 58:4571-4575
  46. Lin, S. R., Deng, T. S., Lin T. C., Fan, Y. K., and Huang J. W. * 2010.
    Identification for Fusarium species producing fumonisin B1 and comparison of the
    toxin yield in different culture media. Submitted to Plant Pathology Bulletin
  47. Lin, C. L., Lin, T. C., and Huang, J. W. * 2010. Evaluation of clove oil and
    plant nutrients on controlling the cruciferous vegetable anthracnose caused by
    Colletotrichum higginsianum. Submitted to Plant Pathology Bulletin 19:167-176.
  48. Chen, M. C., Lin T. C., and Huang J. W. 2010. Factors affecting IAA production
    by rhizobacteria. Plant Pathology Bulletin19: 201-212.
  49. Chung, W., Wen-Chuan Chung, Mun-Tsu Peng, Hong-Ren Yang and Jenn-Wen Huang*.
    2009. Specific detection of benzimidazole resistance in Colletotrichum
    from fruit crops by PCR-RFLP New Biotechnology
    doi:10.1016/j.nbt.2009.10.004,(on line)
  50. Chen, J. T., and Huang, J. W.* 2009. Control of plant diseases with secondary
    metabolite of Clitocybe nuda. New BIOTECHNOLOGY. 26(3/4):193-198.
  51. Chung, W. C. and Huang, J. W*. 2009. Nature of resistance to methyl
    benzimidazole carbamate fungicides in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii and
    F. o.
    f. sp.glaclieli. Journal of Phytopathology.(In press).
  52. Lin, Y. H., Chen, K. S., Huang, J. W., Liou, T. D. and Chang, P. F. L.
    2009.Development of a molecular method for rapid differentiation of watermelon
    lines resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum. Botanical studies 50: (In
  53. Lin, Y. H., Chang, J. Y., Liu, E. T., Chao, C. P., ?Huang, J. W. and Chang, P.
    F. L. 2009. Development of a molecular marker for specific detection of Fusarium
    oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4. Eur J Plant Pathol.123:353-365.(DIO
  54. Chung, W. H., Chung, W. C., Ting, P. F., Huang, H. C., and Huang, J. W*. 2008.
    Molecular identification of Uromyces vignae from Taiwan with PCR-based method.
    Plant Pathology Bulletin 17:297-305.
  55. Ha, M. T., Huang, Y. M., and Huang, J. W. * .2008.Influence of organic amendment
    and Bacillus subtilis on mineral nutrient uptake of asparagus bean in two field
    soils. Plant Pathology Bulletin 17:289-296.
  56. Chang, P. F. L., Hsu, C. C. ?, Lin, Y. H. , Chen, K. S., Huang, J. W. ??,andLiou,
    T. D. 2008. Histopathology comparison and phenylalanine ammonia lyase(PAL) gene
    expressions in Fusarium wilt infected watermelons. Australian Journal of
    Agricultural Research 59:1146-1155.
  57. Wu, J. Y. , Huang, J. W., Shih, H, D., Lin, W. C., Liu, Y. C. 2008.Optimization
    of cultivation conditions for fungichromin production from Streptomyces padanus
    PMS-702. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers 39: 67-73.
  58. Minh Thanh Ha and Jenn-Wen Huang*. 2007. Control of Fusarium wilt of asparagus
    bean by organic soil amendment and microorganisms. Plant Pathology Bulletin 16:
  59. Jenn-Wen Huang, Hsin-Der Shih, Hung-Chang Huang, and Wen-Chuan Chung. 2007.
    Effects of nutrients on production of fungichromin by Streptomyces padanus
    PMS-702 and efficacy of control of Phytophthora infestans. Can. J. Plant Pathol.
  60. Chen, M. F., Huang, J. W.*, and Chien, H. P. 2007. Residue analysis of fungicide
    Boscalid in cucumbers following applications of Boscalid 50% water dispersible
    granule. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis 15(2):174-177.
  61. Huang, H. C., Erickson, R. S., Phillippe, L. M., Mueller, C. A., Sun, S. K., and
    Huang, J. W. 2006. Control of apothecia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum by soil
    amendment with S-H mixture or PerlkaR in bean, canola and wheat fields. Soil
    Biology and Biochemistry 38: 1348-1352.
  62. Hong, C. F., Chang, P. F. L., Chang, J. Y., and Huang, J. W.* 2006.
    Identification for the causal agent of Caspia anthracnose and its pathogenicity
    test. Plant Pathol. Bull. 15: 241-249. (in Chinese)
  63. Chen, C. Y. & Huang, J. W.* 2006. Astrosphaeriella linguiformis, a new species
    on bamboo. Mycotaxon 98: 119-123.
  64. Chen, C. Y., Wang, C. L. & Huang, J. W.* 2006. Two new species of
    Kireschsteiniothelia from Taiwan. Mycotaxon 98: 153-158.(14/17=76.5%)
  65. M. Muto, V. Mulabagal, H. –C. Huang, H. Takahashi, H.-S Tsay and J. W. Huang*.
    2006. Toxicity of black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) extracts on Alternaria
    , causal agent of black leaf spot of Chinese cabbage (Brassica
    pekinensis). J. Phytopathol. 154: 45-51.
  66. Chen, M. F., Huang, J. W.*, Wong, S. S., and Li, G. C. 2005. Analysis of
    insecticide clothianidin and its metabolites in rice by liquid chromatography
    with UV detector. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis13(3): 279-283.
  67. Chung, W. C., Huang, J. W.*, and Huang, H. C. 2005. Formulation of a soil
    biofungicide for control of damping-off of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chinensis)
    caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Biological Control 32: 287-294.
  68. Chung, W. C., Huang, H. C., Chiang, B. T., H. C. Huang., and J. W. Huang*. 2005.
    Inhibition of soil-borne plant pathogen by the treatment of sinigrin and
    myrosinases released from reconstructed Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris.
    Biocontrol Science & Technology 15(5): 455-465.
  69. Huang, H. C., Erickson, R. S., Chang, C., Moyer, J. R., Larney, F. J., and
    Huang, J. .W. 2005. Control of white mold of bean caused by Sclerotinia
    using organic soil amendments and biocontrol agents. Plant Pathol.
    Bull. 14: 183-190.
  70. Huang, J. W.*, Shu, C. P., and Chen, C. H. 2005. Development of a selective
    medium for detecting Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii. Plant Pathol. Bull. 14:
    103 – 114.
  71. Muto, M., Takahashi, H., Ishihara, K., Yuasa, H., and Huang, J. W.*. 2005.
    Antimicrobial activity of medicinal plants used by indigenous people in Taiwan.
    Plant Pathology Bulletin 14: 13-24.
  72. Muto, M., Takahshi, H., Ishihara, K., Yuasa, H., and Huang, J. W.*. 2005.
    Control of black leaf spot (Alternaria brassicicola) of crucifers by extracts of
    black night shade (Solanum nigrum). Plant Pathology Bulletin. 14: 25- 34.
  73. Muto, M., Huang, J. W.*, and H. Takahashi H. 2004. Effect of water-soluble
    extracts of radish seed meal on control of lettuce brown leaf spot (Acremonium
    Lin et al.). Plant Pathol. Bull. 13: 275-282.
  74. Lin, H. J., Chien, C. Y., and Huang, J. W.*. 2004. Pathogenicity and host range
    of Acremonium lactucae sp. nov., the causal agent of leaf brown spot of lettuce.
    Plant Pathol. Bull. 13: 91-96.
  75. 顏志恒、吳信郁、蔡淑珍、蔡東纂、黃振文*. 2004. 施用CH-100植物健素對蓮霧果實品質的影響. 植病會刊 13: 167-170.
  76. 陳錦桐、黃振文*. 2004. 杏鮑菇褐斑病菌之半選擇性培養基. 植病會刊 13:107-116.
  77. 顏吉甫、黃振文. 2004. 水稻不同腹白度品種穎果發育間澱粉粒蓄積形態學之探討。環境與生物資訊 1:112-119.
  78. 陳錦桐、黃振文*. 2004. 杏鮑菇褐斑病菌之鑑定. 植病會刊13:17-26.
  79. Li, Y. C., Chang, C. T., Hsiao, E. S. L., Hsu, J. S. F., Huang, J. W., and Tzen,
    T. C. 2003. Purification and Characterization of an antifungal chitinase in
    Jelly fig. Plant Cell Physiol. 44(11): 1162-1167.
  80. 林信甫、黃振文*、謝廷芳. 2003. 影響莧菜葉枯病菌Rhizoctonia solani AG-IIIB形成有性世代的因子。植病會刊 12(4):
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  19. 黃振文。1978。西瓜蔓割病菌的生物學與其防治試驗。國立中興大學植物病理學研究所碩士論文。111頁。
  20. 黃振文。1976。西瓜蔓割病菌的生態研究。國立中興大學植物病理學研究所學士論文。76頁。
  1. 2020行政院傑出科技貢獻獎
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  17. 行政院農委會優秀農業實驗研究教育與推廣獎(75年)
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  1. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Wen-Hsin Chung, Yao-Tung Lin and Jenn-Wen Huang (2015,
    12/17-12/18). Applications and Implications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture.
    International Symposium for Agricultural Biotchnology, Kasetsart University,
  2. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Yong-Wen Liu, Jiang-Jhen Lin, and Jenn-Wen Huang (2015,
    9/13-9/16). Effects of Nanomaterials on Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum and
    Vegetable Seeding Growth . 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and
    Agricultural Biotechnology, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
  3. Pi-Fang Linda Chang, Pei-Hsuan Chan, Ying-Hong Lin, Chien-Chih Chen, Kan-Shu
    Chen, Jenn-Wen Huang (2015, 7/30-8/3). Disease severity and colonization of
    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum transformants on watermelon. 2015 APS Annual
    Meeting, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.
  4. Chang P. F. L., Lin Y. H., Chang T. H., Shih S. L., Chen K. S., Huang J. W.
    (2015, 5/10-5/14). Applications of transcriptome sequencing technology for
    analysis of molecular mechanisms of Fusarium wilt resistance. 13th European of
    Fusarium Saminar, Martina Franca, Italy.
  5. 李思儀,黃振文。2015。分析台灣十字花科蔬菜黃葉病原尖鐮孢菌的寄主範圍與分子特性重新釐定其分化種分類。中華民國植物病理學會一百零三年度年會議程表及論文摘要:32-33。
  6. 賴佩鴻,黃振文。2015。研製乳酸菌植保製劑防治甘藍黑斑病的效果評估。中華民國植物病理學會一百零三年度年會議程表及論文摘要:34-35。
  7. 瑞克斯、陳錦桐、林玫珠、石信德、黃振文。2015。蕈狀芽孢桿菌防治洋菇綠黴病的效果評估。中華民國植物病理學會一百零三年度年會議程表及論文摘要:21-22。
  8. 劉冠霆、李敏惠、黃振文。2015。篩選及應用拮抗細菌防治芒果炭疽病。中華民國植物病理學會一百零三年度年會議程表及論文摘要:37-38。
  9. 林皓崙、黃振文。2014。自槐葉蘋分離生物防治菌防治甜椒疫病。中華民國植物病理學會年會宣讀論文。(民國103年4月25日,臺灣台中)
  10. 許雅婷、黃振文。2014。影響油菜根瘤病發生的因子。中華民國植物病理學會年會宣讀論文。(民國103年4月25日,臺灣台中)
  11. 邱柏皓、黃振文。2014。非農藥資材防治胡瓜露菌病之研究試驗。中華民國植物病理學會年會宣讀論文。(民國103年4月25日,臺灣台中)
  12. 彭玉湘、劉永銓、鄭政峯、黃振文*。2013。蕈狀芽孢桿菌生物防治胡瓜猝倒病菌的作用機制探討。中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會。102年4月26 –
    27日。台中, 台灣, 中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會議程表及論文摘要. DC12
  13. Hsu, C. C., Lai, M. H., Huang, J. W., Lin, C. C., Lin, S. J. and Chen, C. Y.,
    2013. Standardization of the method for evaluating susceptibility of rice
    towards the Bakanae disease pathogen. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological
    Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013. SC03
  14. 朱炯寰、黃振文。玉米南方型銹病之非農藥防治試驗。中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會。102年4月26 – 27日。台中, 台灣,
    中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會議程表及論文摘要。 SC07
  15. 吳宗凌、黃振文。台灣胡蘿蔔黑色根腐病發生的影響因子。中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會。102年4月26 – 27日。台中, 台灣,
    中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會議程表及論文摘要。 SC07
  16. 高郁琇、黃振文。研製微生物源植保製劑防治萵苣黑斑病。中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會。102年4月26 – 27日。台中, 台灣,
    中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會議程表及論文摘要。 S13
  17. 莊偉秀、黃振文。介質添加物與微生物防治西瓜幼苗蔓割病之效果評估。中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會。102年4月26 – 27日。台中, 台灣,
    中華民國植物病理學會101年度年會議程表及論文摘要。 S15
  18. 林宗俊、鍾文鑫、許凱婷、吳志恩、黃振文. 2011. 番石榴立枯病非農藥防治方法之開發. 中華民國植物病理學會九十九年度年會. Mar. 25-26,
    2011. 台中, 台灣, 中華民國植物病理學會九十九年度年會議程表及論文摘要. F-06.
  19. 黃振文、彭玉湘、林宗俊、黃靜淑。2011。蕈狀芽胞桿菌植物保護製劑之研發與應用。2011 海峽兩岸生物防治研討會摘要。
  20. 黃振文、彭玉湘。2011。有機農場蔬菜真菌性病害的管理策略。海峽兩岸第十屆菌物學暨第三屆食藥用菌學術研討會摘要。
  21. 林宗俊、黃振文。2010。蕈狀芽孢桿菌產生二甲基二硫化物誘導胡瓜抗白粉病之證據。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  22. 蔡宜儒、陳本源、黃振文。2010。台灣發現Cylindrocladium reteaudii 引起枇杷枝枯病的首次記錄。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  23. 黃美茹、黃振文。2010。香瓜萎凋病菌之鑑定及其生理特性。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。(
  24. 謝子揚、林宗俊、黃振文。2010。利用 Alternaria tenuissima APR01
  25. 陳泊菘、黃振文*。2009。利用產氣細菌防治柑桔綠黴。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  26. 蔡宜儒、陳本源、黃振文*。2009。枇杷枝枯病的兩個新病原菌鑑定。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  27. 林秀橤、黃振文*。2009。影響Fusarium proliferatum產生伏馬鐮毒素(Fumonisin B1)之因子。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  28. 陳睦鈞、黃振文*。2009。影響根圈細菌產生??乙酸的因子。中華民國植病學會年會摘要。
  29. 黃振文*、彭玉湘。2008。利用農業廢棄物研發抑病介質與有機添加物。農業試驗所特刊第133號127-136。
  30. 黃振文*、彭玉湘。2008。有機農法的作物病害管理技術。農業試驗所特刊第136號13-24。
  31. Shih, H. D., and Huang. J. W. * 2008. Role of fungichromin in control of tomato
    late blight by streptomyces PMS-702 formulation. Journal of Plant Pathology.
  32. Chen, J. T., and Huang, J. W. * 2008. Antimicrobial activity of culture
    filtrates of edible mushrooms. Journal of Plant Pathology. 90:S2.331.27.6.
  33. Chen, M. F., and Li, H. P., and Huang, J. W. * 2008. Laboratory residue analysis
    versus model predicted residues in/on persimmons after pesticides applications.
  34. Chen, M. F., Li, H. P., and Huang, J. W. * 2007. Degradation of clothianidin in
    soil with organic soil amendments. 中華植物保護學會及植物病理學會96聯合年會論文宣讀。pp375-376。
  35. 陳妙帆、黃振文*、李宏萍。2006。Dissipation of dinotefuran in different
  36. Ding, P. F., Chung, W. H., Chang Chien, R., Tsai, Y. C., Lin, Y. L., Huang, J.
    W.* 2006. Bezimidazoles sensitivity test and molecular diversity in Fusarium
    oxysporum f.sp. gladioli and F. oxysporum f.sp. lilii. Plant Pathol. Bull.
  37. 楊維哲、林秋琍、鄭政?、黃振文*. 2006. 利用產氣細菌防治萵苣根腐病. 植病會刊 15: 312-313.
  38. Shih, H. D., Chen, L. Y., and Huang, J. W.* 2005. Evaluation of Streptomyces S10
    strain as a potential biocontrol agent. Annual meeting (2005) of Taiwan
    Phytopathological Society (Abstract B10)
  39. 丁姵分、謝岱儒、黃振文*. 2005. 番茄萎凋病之生物防治菌的篩選與其生長的影響因子. 植病年會論文摘要SC03。
  40. 陳純葳、黃振文*. 2005. 土壤添加蝦蟹殼粉防治番茄萎凋之效果. 中華民國94年植病年會論文摘要SC04。
  41. 楊正偉、黃振文*. 2005. 土壤添加物防治甘藍幼苗立枯病之效果. 中華民國94年植病年會論文摘要SC05。
  42. 丁建文、黃振文*、張碧芳。2004。台灣產鐮胞菌Gibbosum群菌種的形態與親緣關係比較。。中華民國真菌學會九十三年年會論文宣讀摘要。P.12。
  43. 黃久菱、黃振文*。2004。萵苣萎凋病之防治試驗。植病會刊 13(4): 357。(中華民國植物病理學會九十三年年會論文宣讀摘要)。
  44. 吳宜晏、黃振文*。2004。廣葉杉萎凋病菌(Ophiostoma querci)之半選擇興培養基的研發。植病會刊 13(4):
  45. 黃振文、鍾文全、陳美杏. 2004. 種媒病害概論. 蔬菜種子病害檢測技術研討會專輯。P21-31. 中華種苗學會編印。
  46. 黃振文*、陳啟予。2004。歐盟進口農業生物技術產品之爭端。防疫檢疫局SPS協定專輯系列(7)國際動植物防疫檢疫諮商案例分析專刊(三):2-12。
  47. Huang, J. W.。2004。Management of crop diseases with agriculture wastes.
    International Symposium on Biological Control of Soilborne Diseases in Vegetable
    Crops. The Park Hotel, Chiang Mai, Thailand (Oct. 26, 2004).
  48. 黃振文。2004。誰來關心植物檢疫防疫的工作。九十三年度防檢局基隆分局動植物檢疫業務宣導說明會手冊:6-10。
  49. 黃振文*。2003。歐盟對食品中黃麴毒素容許量之限制。防檢局SPS協定協定專輯系列(6)國際動植物防疫檢疫諮商案例分析專刊(二): 98-106。
  50. 黃振文*、陳啟予。2002。墨西哥對泰國稻米之輸入限制案例分析。防檢局SPS協定專輯系列 3: 78-84。
  51. 林宗俊、黃振文*、謝文瑞. 2002. 台灣長喙殼真菌類引起之廣葉杉萎凋病. 植病會刊11: 233.
  52. Shih, H. D., and Huang, J. W. 2002. Identification of Streptomyces padanus
    PMS-702 as a potential biocontrol agent. Plant Pathol. Bull. 11: 244.
  53. 陳錦桐、黃振文*、林玫珠. 2002. 杏鮑菇褐斑病病原菌的鑑定. 植病會刊 11: 250.
  54. 林秋琍、黃振文*。2000。白菜炭疽病之發生與其病原菌的鑑定。植病會刊 9(4): 192。(中華民國植物病理學會八十九年年會論文宣讀摘要)。
  55. 林信甫、黃振文*、謝廷芳。2000。莧菜葉斑病菌Thanatephorus cucumeris(Rhizoctonia solani
    AG2-2IIIB)產孢與接種技術之探討。植物病理學會刊9(4): 192。(中華民國植物病理學會八十九年年會論文宣讀摘要)。
  56. 陳堅華、黃振文*、曾德賜。2000。放線菌PMS502微生物製劑之研製及其防治作物真菌性病害之效果評估。植物病理學會刊 9(4):
  57. 劉恩慈、張碧芳、黃振文。2000。利用隨機增幅多型性法(RAPD)偵測香蕉黃葉病菌。植物病理學會刊9(4):
  58. Huang, J. W.,* Lin, H. F., and Hsieh, T. F. 2000. Factors affecting formation of
    hymenia and basidiospores of Thanatephorus cucumeris (teleomorph of Rhizoctonia
    solani AG-2-2 ⅢB), the causal agent of Chinese amaranth leaf spot. Third
    International Symposium on Rhizoctonia P.75-76, 17-20 August 2000, National
    Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
  59. 黃振文*。1999。行道樹衰落症的診斷與防治。行道樹管理研討會專刊 1-2。
  60. 黃振文*、石信德。1998。利用農業廢棄物研製植物保護製劑的展望。農業與生態平衡研討會專刊:197-208。中華土壤肥料學會出版。
  61. 黃振文*、孫守恭。1998。鐮胞菌之鑑定。檢疫防疫植物病原真菌鑑定研討會專刊。中華民國真菌學會出版。
  62. Lin, H. J., and Huang, J. W.* 1998. Formulation of a semiselective medium for
    detection of Acremonium lactucum from soil. Annual meeting of 1998
    Phytopathological Society of R. O. C.
  63. Hsieh, T. F. and Huang, J. W.* 1998. Effect of film-forming polymers on control
    of lily leaf blight caused by Botrytis elliptica. 7th International Congress of
    Plant Pathology, Edinburgh, Scotland 9-16 August 1998. Abstracts-Volume 3:
  64. Shih, S. D. and Huang, J. W.* 1998. Effect of nutrient amendments on
    suppressiveness of antagonistic microorganisms to plant pathogens. 7th
    International Congress of Plant Pathology, Edinburgh, Scotland 9-16 August 1998.
    Abstracts-Volume 3: 5.2.39.
  65. Huang, J. W.* 1998. Mechanisms of a container medium for suppression of
    Rhizoctonia damping-off of cabbage seedlings. 7th International Congress of
    Plant Pathology, Edinburgh, Scotland 9-16 August 1998. Abstracts-Volume 3:
  66. 黃振文*。1998。梅的病害管理。園藝作物病害暨防治研討會專刊 11: 11-17。
  67. 黃振文*、石信德。1997。十字花科蔬菜病害與防治。十字花科蔬菜產業發展研討會專刊 p139-147。中國園藝學會。
  68. Shiau, F. L., Chung, W. C., Huang, J. W.* and Huang, H. C. 1997. Improvement of
    a commercial growth medium for cultivation of vegetable seedlings. Plant Prot.
    Bull. 39(4):.
  69. Lin, H. J., Huang, J. W.,* and Chien, C. Y. 1997. First report of Acremonium
    brown spot of lettuce in Taiwan. Annual meeting of 1997 Phytopathological
    Society of R. O. C.
  70. 彭玉湘、黃振文*。1997。台灣萵苣萎凋病之發生。中華植物保護學會八十六年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  71. 李昱輝、黃振文*、呂理燊。1996。栽培介質添加血粉防治黃后日衛矛苗枯病的機制。中華植物保護學會八十五年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  72. 黃振文*、趙憶維、林玉珠。1996。瓜葉菊萎凋病菌的風險評估。中華植物保護學會八十五年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  73. 黃振文*、石信德、蕭芳蘭。1996。抑菌介質的調配與應用。健康清潔植物培育研習會專刊 p207-216。
  74. 黃振文*、胡建國。1996。具有抑制甘藍立枯病菌之功效的栽培介質特性。中華植物病理學會八十五年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  75. 謝廷芳、黃振文*、向培健。1998。百合灰黴病菌感染東方型百合葉片的過程。中華民國植物病理學會八十七年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  76. 黃振文*、胡建國。1996。除草劑促進植物病害發生的副作用與防治。373-381頁。除草劑安全使用及草類利用管理研討會。台灣省農試所編。
  77. Huang, J. W.,* and Chen, M. H. 1996. A Semiselective medium for detection of
    Mycosphaerella pinodes. Asain International Mycological Congress’96. Chiba,
  78. 黃振文*。1996。農業廢棄物防治作物病害的展望。植物保護新科技研討會專刊。 pp.151-157。
  79. 黃振文*、胡建國。1996。殺草劑促進植物病害發生的副作用與防治法。殺草劑安全使用及草類利用管理研討會 p. 36-37。
  80. 邱安隆、黃振文*。1996。香菇太空包廢棄堆肥抑制番茄根腐病菌的機制。中華植物病理學會八十五年年會論文宣讀摘要。
  81. 李昱輝、黃振文*、呂理燊。1995。黃后日衛矛苗枯病的綜合防治。中華植物病理學會八十四年年會論文摘要。
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助理 : 楊謹瑜、范雅婷

博士班研究生 : 彭玉湘

碩士班研究生 :

    碩一 – 方俊傑、林語貞、黃靖

    碩二 – 林庭緯、楊佳融、高如沄

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