
詹富智 終身特聘教授兼校長


  1. 美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University)植物病理學系博士 (1998)
  2. 國立中興大學植物病理學研究所碩士 (1988)
  3. 國立中興大學植物病理學系學士 (1986)
  4. 台中一中


  1. 國立中興大學校長2023/08~
  2. 財團法人中華農學會董事長(無給職)2023/03~
  3. 社團法人台灣農學會理事長2023/01~
  4. 教育部「精準健康產業跨領域人才培育計畫」-精準農業教學推動中心主持人2022/02~
  5. 農業部政策諮詢專家2021/02~
  6. 財團法人楊祥發紀念教育基金會董事(無給職) 2021/01/21~
  7. 中華民國植物病理學會監事2020/06~
  8. 中華植物保護學會常務理事2020/03~
  9. 國家科學及技術委員會生命科學研究推動中心審議委員會委員2020/11~
  10. 臺灣動植物防疫檢疫暨檢驗發展協會常務監事2020/09~
  11. 國立中興大學/農業部 「有機農業推動中心 」主任2018/08~
  12. 國立中興大學農業企業經營管理碩士在職專班執行長2018/08~
  13. 農業部動植物防疫檢疫署植物檢疫諮議委員會委員2018/01~
  14. 科技部生命科學推動中心審議委員會委員2015/01~
  15. 教育部公費留學考試諮詢委員2015/01~
  16. 國立中興大學終身特聘教授2014/08~
  17. 國立中興大學特聘教授2012/08~
  18. 國立中興大學植物病理學系教授2011/0~
  19. 國立中興大學與中央研究院合辦「微生物基因體學博士學位學程」教授2011/08~
  20. 中央研究院「國際研究生學程」-「分子暨生物農業科學」(Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences, MBAS)博士學位學程教授2011/08~


  1. 國立中興大學校務副校長(2022/08~2023/07)
  2. 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院院長(2018/08~2023/07)
  3. 科技部生科司110年「生物化學及分子生物」學門專題計畫複審委員(2021)
  4. 社團法人台灣農學會理事(2021/01~2022/12)
  5. 國立中興大學智慧農業研發中心主任(2020/01~2023/07)
  6. 第二屆「正瀚生技創新獎」審議委員(初審+決審) (2020)
  7. 科技部生科司109年生農環境與多樣性學門植物保護土壤及環保組複審委員(2020)
  8. 「2019國家農業科學獎」審議委員(初審+決審)(2019)
  9. 臺德社會經濟協會第36屆臺方理事(2019/01~2019/12)
  10. 中華永續農業協會理事長(2018/08~2022/08)
  11. 中央研究院永續科學中心諮詢委員會委員(2018/09~2021/09)
  12. 教育部「生醫產業與新農業跨領域人才培育計畫」-食品科技教學推動中心主持人(2018/02~2022/01)
  13. 科技部生科司106年農產資源科學學門農藝園藝及農化組複審委員 (2017)
  14. 國立中興大學與中央研究院合辦「微生物基因體學博士學位學程」主任(2016/08~2019/01/31)
  15. 國立中興大學與國家衛生研究院合辦「組織工程與再生醫學博士學位學程」主任(2016/08~2019/01/31)
  16. 中華永續農業協會理事(2016/08~2018/08)
  17. 國立中興大學植物醫學暨安全農業碩士學位學程主任(2015/08~2017/07)
  18. 國立中興大學生物科技發展中心主任(2015/07~2019/01/31)
  19. 國家科學及技術委員會生命科學推動中心審議委員會委員(2015/07~2019/10)
  20. 財團法人植物保護科技基金會董事(無給職) (2015/04~2023/03)
  21. 教育部公費留學考試諮詢委員(2015/01~2022/12)
  22. 財團法人植物保護科技基金會第二、三屆董事(2015/04~2021/03)
  23. 科技部生科司104年生農環境與多樣性學門植物保護土壤及環保組複審委員(2015)
  24. 國立中興大學農業企業經營管理碩士在職專班執行長(2014/08~2016/01)
  25. 國立中興大學農業推廣中心主任 (2014/08~2015/07)
  26. 考試院考選部『103年高普考試農植組召集人』(2014; 2018)
  27. 考試院考選部高考命題委員、閱卷委員
  28. 行政院科技部生科司103年『植物保護』學門複審委員 (2014)
  29. 新北市政府樹木醫療顧問 (2014/03~2015/03)
  30. 「第11屆國家新創獎」評審委員 (2014)
  31. 國立中興大學植物病理學系系主任(2012/08~2016/07)
  32. 農業部農糧署「蝴蝶蘭生物技術產業技術服務團」專家,2013年擴大為「蘭花生物技術服務團」專家2011迄今
  33. 農業部農糧署「寄接梨生產改進技術服務團」專家 2006迄今
  34. 國立中興大學生物科技發展中心服務推廣組組長(2005/08~2009/01)、教學推動組組長(2009/02~2012/07)、中心副主任(2011/11~2015/07)
  35. 台灣植物病理學會理事(2006/03~2008/03; 2008/03-2010/03)、監事 (2010/03~2012/06)、秘書長(2012/06~2014/06)、理事長(2014/06~2016/06) 、常務理事(2016/06~2020/06)
  36. 中華植物保護學會理事(2012/03~2014/03; 2014/03~2016/03)、監事(2016/03~2018/03)、理事長(2018/03~2020/03)
  37. 國立中興大學生物科技學士學位學程副教授(2010/08~2011/07)
  38. 國立中興大學與中央研究院合辦微生物基因體學博士學位學程副教授(2010/08~2011/07)
  39. 教育部『轉譯農學人才培育先導型計畫』-「作物及花卉產業領域教學資源中心」協同主持人(2010/01~2014/03)
  40. 中央研究院「國際研究生學程」-「分子暨生物農業科學」(Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences, MBAS)博士學位學程助理教授(2003/02~2008/07)、副教授(2008/08~2011/07)
  41. 教育部『尖端生物技術科技人才培育計畫–植物生技夥伴學校』主持人(2006/01~2009/12)
  42. 教育部『生物技術科技教育改進計畫–植物生物技術夥伴學校』主持人(2002/01~2005/12)
  43. 國立中興大學植物病理學系助理教授(2000/02~2008/07)、副教授(2008/08~2011/07)
  44. 美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University)博士後研究(1998/08~2000/02)
  45. 美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University) Graduate Research Assistant (1993/08~1998/08)
  46. 教育部公費留考留學生(1993/06~1996/06)在美國康乃爾大學(Cornell University)

地  址:40225臺中市南區興大路145號國立中興大學植物病理學系
辦  公  室:農業環境科學大樓5樓5A06室

信  箱:fjjan@nchu.edu.tw
電  話:04-22840780 #360 (office) #314、#309 (lab)





我們陸續完成四種新興浮現蝴蝶蘭病毒與一種新興石斛蘭病毒病害的病原分離及鑑定,這也是過去十幾年全球僅有成功的新蘭花病毒的分離、鑑定及回接到健康蝴蝶蘭與石斛蘭以產生類似病徵的工作。我們成功分離並鑑定過去被認為由所謂Taiwan Virus所引起蝴蝶蘭葉片大型黃化輪斑及凹陷壞疽輪斑的真正元兇是甜椒黃化病毒(CaCV-Ph)(Zheng et al., 2008a)、引起蝴蝶蘭葉片黃化斑點病徵的蝴蝶蘭黃化斑點病毒 (PhCSV) (Zheng et al., 2008b)、引起蝴蝶蘭葉片黃化輪紋病徵的康乃馨斑駁病毒 (CarMV-Ph) (Zheng et al., 2011)、引起V3大白花蝴蝶蘭花瓣呈脈狀透化及皺面,並使罹病蝴蝶蘭的花朵提早萎凋掉落之病毒齒舌蘭輪斑病毒 (ORSV) (Zheng et al., 2010) 及引起石斛蘭葉片褪綠及嵌紋病徵之新病毒-石斛蘭褪綠嵌紋病毒 (DeCMV) (Huang et al., 2019)。我們也建立並開發新興蝴蝶蘭病毒之檢測技術,包括ELISA、免疫檢測試紙 (Immunostrip)、反轉錄-聚合酶連鎖反應(RT-PCR)、恆溫環形核酸增幅法(LAMP)、微流體LAMP檢測技術 (Microfluidic chip)(Chang et al., 2013)、光纖微流體檢測技術(Lin et al., 2015)、奈米檢測晶片(Jian et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2020),其中RT-PCR技術移轉及授權予宏良甫生物科技公司、蘭花病毒檢測用多元抗體及單元抗體技術移轉及授權予昇陽國際半導體股份有限公司,對台灣蝴蝶蘭產業的全球競爭性與永續經營貢獻卓著,相關研究於分別於2012年及2018年「獲國家新創獎」肯定,詹富智教授則於2014年獲「全國十大傑出農業專家」。


過去我們研究結果是全球第一個發明將各種不同病毒的基因體小片段聯結在一起,並將之接合到一個silencer DNA之下游再進行植物的基因轉殖,為一可得到同時抗多種病毒之轉基因作物的策略(Jan et al., 2000a),此項發現已取得美國與歐洲等多國專利。將 CMV、CGMMV 及 WMV 的 CP 基因片段聯結到silencer DNA的轉殖載體進行西瓜的基因轉殖,獲得可同時抗多種病毒的轉基因西瓜(Lin et al., 2012a),此成果已技術移轉予農友種苗公司。番茄為具有全球重要性的蔬菜作物之一,我們以台灣番茄捲葉病毒(ToLCTWV)序列構築10個涵蓋整個基因體的轉殖載體並進行番茄基因轉殖,發現轉基因番茄表現ToLCTWV的C2、C2C3、Rep2-1或IR片段,能提供番茄對番茄捲葉病毒有較好的抗性(Lin et al., 2012b)。將這些可提供較高轉基因抗性的基因片段聯結到以番茄斑萎病毒(TSWV) N基因中間二分一長度片段(m/2N)做為silencer DNA 的轉殖載體進行番茄的基因轉殖,獲得同時抗 DNA及RNA病毒之轉基因番茄 (Lin et al., 2011a),此外,我們亦開發無篩選標示基因之轉殖載體,以生產可抗多種病毒並不具有無篩選標示基因之轉基因作物(Lin et al., 2011b),近年則致力於結合多種抗病策略(DNA editing, TGS and PTGS)以開發有效抗Begomoviruses 屬病毒之轉基因番茄之研發。

三、雙生病毒 Begomovirus病毒屬之研究

雙生病毒科(Geminiviridae)病毒近年來在全球重要經濟作物引起嚴重危害,包括台灣南部的瓜類及茄科作物。雙生病毒主要經由粉蝨傳播,只有非常少數可經病葉粗汁液機械接種傳播,能被機械接種傳播的雙生病毒,往往造成更大面積的危害。在台灣我們首次報導兩個瓜類雙生病毒,南瓜捲葉菲律賓病毒(SLCPHV)(Tsai et al., 2007)及新德里番茄捲葉病毒分離株(ToLCNDV-OM) (Chang et al., 2010),其中ToLCNDV-OM為一個可機械接種傳播的雙生病毒,以基因體互換方式研究,顯示此病毒之移動蛋白(MP)是ToLCNDV-OM表現機械傳播特性的決定因子,進一步以定點突變研究發現MP上的第19個胺基酸決定ToLCNDV-OM是否具機械傳播特性,本研究為全球首例解開雙生病毒可以被機械接種之迷,此重要成果已發表於國際重要期刊Molecular Plant Pathology (Lee et al., 2020)。了解影響病毒寄主範圍及機械接種特性之因子,可於發展抗病作物上提供突破性的方向與策略。我們利用酵母菌雙雜合系統進行MP與寄主蛋白之篩選分析,所得候選交互作用蛋白之一:肽基脯胺酸順反異構酶 (PPIase)可能參與多項細胞生理生化反應調節,顯示MP與不同寄主因子交互作用進而在病毒感染或抗病反應過程中扮演重要角色,此一研究成果提供MP多功能蛋白參與病毒-寄主複雜交互作用的新觀點;此成果政投稿國際重要期刊中 (Chang et al., 2021)。

  1. 植物基因工程技術 Techniques of Plant Genetic Engineering (2120, 二下)
  2. 植物病毒學 Plant Virology (3119, 三上)
  3. 植物病毒學實驗 Experiments in Plant Virology  (3121, 三上)
  4. 植物生物科技專題介紹 Current Topics in Plant Biotechnology (6224, 四上/碩一上)
  5. 植物病害臨床診斷 Plant Disease Clinics (6215, 碩一下, 病毒病害)
  6. 植物生物技術文獻選讀 Literature Review of Current Topics in Plant Biotechnology (6226, 碩二全)
  7.  植物病毒學特論 Advanced Plant Virology (8094, 博士班)
  8. 植物病蟲害臨床診斷 Plant Disease and Pest Clinic (6815, 植醫學程碩一全, 病毒病害)


  1. Tseng, Y.-W., Yang, Y.-S., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2023. First report of tomato leaf curl Cebu virus associated with Stachytarpheta jamaicensis golden yellow mosaic disease in Taiwan. Plant Disease: in press (First look on February1st, 2023).
  2. Chang, H.-H., Gustian, D., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2023. Seed and pollen transmission of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus, tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus, and tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in cucumbers and tomatoes. Plant Disease: in press (First look on Decmber 06, 2022).
  3. Tseng, Y.-W., Chou, C.-T., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2023. First report of bidens mottle virus causing mild mottle and leaf distortion in Stachytarpheta jamaicensis in Taiwan. Plant Disease: in press (First look on Decmber 08, 2022).
  4. Tseng, -W., Chang, H.-H., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2022.12. First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ (16SrI group) associated with Murraya exotica witches’-broom disease in Taiwan. Plant Disease 106:3199.
  5. Tsai, C.-F., Huang, C.-H., Wu, F.-H., Lin, C.-H., Lee, C.-H., Yu, S.-S., Chan, Y-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2022. Intelligent image analysis recognizes important orchid viral diseases. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1051348.
  6. Lin, W.-P., Wang, W.-J., Lee, C.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Wang, G.-J.*. 2022. A two-in-one immunoassay biosensor for the simultaneous detection of Odontoglossum ringspot virus and Cymbidium mosaic virus. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 350:130875. *co-corresponding author.
  7. Tseng, -W., Wu, C.-F., Lee, C.-H., Chang, C.-J., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2021. Universal primers for rapid detection of six pospiviroids in solanaceae plants using one-step RT-PCR and RT-LAMP. Plant Disease: Online ahead of print on Apr 14, 2021. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-12-20-2730-RE. (SCI)
  8. Huang, C,-T., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Chang, C.-C.*. 2021. A 3D plasmonic nanostructure for surface-enhanced Raman scattering and plasmon-enhanced fluorescence detections. Molecules 26(2):281. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules 26020281. co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  9. Tseng, Y.-W., Yen, -H., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2020.06. First report of a Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia strain associated with virescence, floral proliferation, and dwarf symptoms on Indigofera suffruticosa in Taiwan. Plant Disease 104: 1852 (SCI).
  10. Huang,-H., Tai,C.-H., Sharma, N., Chao, C.-H., Chang. C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2020.05. Characterization of a new monopartite Begomovirus with a betasatellite associated with leaf curl, yellow vein and vein enation in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Plant Disease 104: 1318-1327. (SCI)
  11. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Chan, C.-H., Ku, H.-M., C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2020.04. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein enables the mechanical transmission of a geminivirus. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 571–588. (SCI)
  12. Wang, W.-J., Lee, C.-H., Li, C.-W., Liao, S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Wang, G.-J.*. 2020.01. Orchid virus detection from orchid leaves using micro/nano hybrid-structured immuno-electrochemical biosensor. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 167 co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  13. Huang, C.-H., Tai,C.-H., Lin, -S., Chang. C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2019.09. Biological, pathological and molecular characteristics of a new potyvirus, Dendrobium chlorotic mosaic virus, infecting Dendrobium orchid. Plant Disease 103: 1605-1612. (SCI)
  14. Cheng, Y.-H., Huang,-H., Chang. C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2019.01. Identification and characterization of watermelon green mottle mosaic virus as a new cucurbit-infecting tobamovirus. Annals of Applied Biology: 174: 31–39. (SCI)
  15. Chang, C.-M., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Su, C.-C*. 2018. Identification and characterization of phyllody Phytoplasma associated with Vigna sesquipedalis in Taiwan. Taiwan Pestic. Sci. 4:53-67.
  16. Jian, Y.-S., Lee, C.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Wang, G.-J.*. 2018. Detection of Odontoglossum Ringspot Virus Infected Phalaenopsis Using a Nano-structured Biosensor. Journal of The Electrochemical Society: 165(9) H449-H454. co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  17. Huang, K.-S., Li, S.-L., Sun, J.-H., Wang, Y.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Chen, T.-C*. 2018. Development of a generic method for inspection of tospoviruses. European Journal of Plant Pathology 150: 457-468. co-corresponding author. (SCI).
  18. Huang, K.-S., Tai, C.-H., Cheng, Y.-H., Lin, S.-H., Chen, T.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2017. Complete nucleotide sequences of M and L RNAs of a new pepper-infecting tospovirus, Pepper chlorotic spot virus. Archives of Virology 162: 2109–2113. (SCI)
  19. Su, C.-C., Deng, W.-L., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chang, C.-J. Huang, H., Shih, H-T., and Chen, J.* Xylella taiwanensis sp. nov., causing pear leaf scorch disease. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 66 (11): 4766-4771. (SCI)
  20. Tseng, Y.-W., Deng, W.-L., Chang, C.-J., Su, C.-C., Shih, H.-T., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2016. The phytoplasma associated with purple woodnettle witches’-broom disease in Taiwan represents a new subgroup of the aster yellows phytoplasma group. Annals of Applied Biology 169: 298-310. (SCI)
  21. 石憲宗、蘇秋竹、張哲銘、曾美容、詹富智. 2016(05). 蟲媒植物病原原核生物及其媒介昆蟲整合管理-以葡萄皮爾斯病為例. 農業世界393: 22-29
  22. Lin, C.-L., Chang, W.-H., Wang, C.-H., Lee, C.-H., Chen, T.-Y., Jan, Fuh-Jyh* and Lee, G.-B.* 2015 (January). A microfluidic system integrated with buried optical fibers for detection of Phalaenopsis orchid pathogens. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 63: 572-579.co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  23. Tseng, Y.-W., Chang, -J., Chen, J.-W., Deng, W.-L., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. First report of a 16SrI Group phytoplasma associated with roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) wrinkled leaves and phyllody disorder in Taiwan. Plant Disease 98 (7): 991-991. (SCI).
  24. Tseng, Y.-W., Deng, -L., Chang, C.-J., Huang, J.-W., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. First report on the association of a 16SrII-A phytoplasma with sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) exhibiting abnormal stem curling and phyllody in Taiwan. Plant Disease 98(7): 990-990. (SCI).
  25. Su, C.-C., Deng, W.-L., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chang, C.-J., Huang, H., and Chen, J. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Xylella fastidiosa pear leaf scorch strain in Taiwan. Genome Announcements 2(2):e00166-14. doi:1128/genomeA.00166-14.
  26. Cheng, Y.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Tai, C.-H., Yen, J.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification, characterization and detection of a new tospovirus on sweet pepper. Annals of Applied Biology 164: 107-115. (SCI)
  27. Tsai, W. S., Kenyon, L., Hanson, P., Shih, S. L. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Tomato leaf curl disease in Taiwan and breeding for resistance against it. Plant Pathology Bulletin 22: 327-337.
  28. Chang, C.-J., Shih, H.-T., Su, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Fastidious prokaryotes and plant health. Plant Pathology Bulletin 22: 233-243.
  29. Chang, -H., Yang, S.-Y., Lin, C.-L., Wang, C.-H., Li, P.-C., Chen, T.-Y., Jan, Fuh-Jyh * and Lee, G.-B.* 2013. Detection of viruses directly from the fresh leaves of a Phalaenopsis orchid using a microfluidic system. Nanomedicine:Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 9: 1274-1282.co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  30. Lin, Y.-T., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Lin, C.-W., Lo, T.-C., Chung, C.-H., Chen, J.-C., Su, M.-H.., Yeh, S.-D., and Ku, H.-M.*. 2013. Differential gene expression in response to Papaya ringspot virus infection in Cucumis metuliferus using cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis. PLoS ONE 8(7): e68749. (co-first authors.) (SCI)
  31. Su, C.-C., Chang, C.- J., Chang, C.-M., Shih, H.-T., Tzeng, K.-C., Jan, F.-J., Kao, C.-W., and Deng*, W.-L. 2013. Pierce’s disease of grapevines in Taiwan: isolation, cultivation and pathogenicity of Xylella fastidiosa. Journal of Phytopathology 161: 389–396. (SCI)
  32. 王惠亮、黃詩婷、詹富智. 2013. 利用奈米磁顆粒分離技術檢測六種感染蝴蝶蘭病毒之研究. 農業生技產業季刊35:54-58.
  33. Chang, -H., Yang, S.-Y., Wang, C.-H., Li, P.-C., Jan, F.-J., Chen,T.-Y., Lee*, G.-B. 2012. An optical diagnostic system using isothermal amplification technique for Phalaenopsis orchids. Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems 2012: 204-207. (EI)
  34. Lin, C.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Chiang, Y.-H., Ho, H.-Y., Yu, T.-A., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. Development of transgenic watermelon resistant to Cucumber mosaic virus and Watermelon mosaic virus by using a single chimeric transgene construct. Transgenic Research 21: 983–993. (SCI)
  35. Ku, H.-M., Tan, C.-W., Su, Y.-S., Chiu, C.-Y., Chen, C.-T.*, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. The effect of water deficit and excess copper on proline metabolism in Nicotiana benthamiana. Biologia Plantarum 56: 337-343.*co-corresponding author. (SCI).
  36. Tseng, Y.-W., Deng, W.-L., Chang, C.-J., Su, C.-C., Chen, C.-L., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. First report of a 16SrII-A subgroup phytoplasma associated with purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) witches’-broom disease in Taiwan. Plant Disease 96: 582. (SCI)
  37. Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. Evaluation of DNA fragments covering the entire genome of a monopartite begomovirus for induction of viral resistance in transgenic plants via gene silencing. Transgenic Research 21: 231–241. (SCI)
  38. Su, C.-C., Chang, C.-J., Yang, W.-J., Hsu, S.-T., Tzeng, K.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Deng, W.-L.* Specific characters of 16S rRNA gene and 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer sequences of Xylella fastidiosa pear leaf scorch strains. European Journal of Plant Pathology 132: 203–216.*co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  39. Chang, C.-J., Shih, H.-T., Su, C.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. Diseases of important crops, a review of the causal fastidious prokaryotes and their insect vectors. Plant Pathology Bulletin 21:1-10.
  40. Shen, B.-N., Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. Molecular characterization of Broad bean wilt virus-2 isolated from lisianthus in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 21: 193-198.
  41. Ku, H.-M., Hu, C.-C., Chang, H.-R., Lin, Y.-T., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Chen, C.-T.* Analysis by virus induced gene silencing of the expression of two proline biosynthetic pathway genes in Nicotiana benthamiana under stress conditions. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 1147-1154. co-corresponding author. (SCI)
  42. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Identification and characterization of three new Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. Acta Horticulurare 901: 127-132.
  43. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Kenyon, L. Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Temporal distribution and pathogenicity of the predominant tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Taiwan. Plant Pathology 60:787-799. (SCI)
  44. Lin, C.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Tan, C.-W., Yeh, -D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Construction of binary vectors with bi-selectable markers for generating marker-free transg enic plants. Botanical Studies 52: 239-248. (SCI)
  45. Tsai, W.-S., Shih, S.-L., Venkatesan, S. G., Aquino, M. U., Green, S. K., Kenyon, L., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Distribution and genetic diversity of begomoviruses infecting tomato and pepper plants in the Philippines. Annals of Applied Biology 158: 275-287. (SCI)
  46. Lin, Y.-T., Lin, C.-W., Chung, C.-H., Su, M.-H., Ho, H.-Y., Yeh, S.-D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Ku, H.-M.*. 2011. In vitro regeneration and genetic transformation of Cucumis metuliferus via cotyledon organogenesis. HortScience 46: 616-621. (SCI)
  47. Lin, C.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Tsai, W.-S., Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Resistance to a DNA and a RNA virus in transgenic plants by using a single chimeric transgene construct. Transgenic Research 20: 261- 270. (SCI)
  48. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Complete nucleotide sequence of Capsicum chlorosis virus isolated from Phalaenopsis orchid and the prediction of the unexplored genetic information of tospoviruses. Archives of Virology 156: 421-432. (SCI)
  49. Huang, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. First report of Bidens mottle virus infecting calendula in Taiwan. Plant Disease 95: 362. (SCI)
  50. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. First report of Carnation mottle virus in Phaelenopsis Plant Disease 95: 354. (SCI)
  51. Huang, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Cheng, Y.-H., Lee, W.-S., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. First report of Capsicum chlorosis virus infecting tomato in Taiwan. Plant Disease 94: 1263. (SCI)
  52. Wu, Z.-B., Ku, H.-M., Su, C.-C., Chen, I.-Z., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular and biological characterization of an isolate of Apple stem pitting virus causing pear vein yellows disease in Taiwan. Journal of Plant Pathology 92: 721-728. (SCI)
  53. Zheng, Y.-X., Shen, B.-N., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Odontoglossum ringspot virus causing flower crinkle in Phalaenopsis hybrids. European Journal of Plant Pathology 128: 1-5. (SCI)
  54. Wu, Z.-B., Zheng, Y.-X., Su, C.-C., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of Apple stem grooving virus causing leaf distortion on pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) in Taiwan. European Journal of Plant Pathology 128: 71-79. (SCI)
  55. Wu, Z.-B., Ku, H.-M., Chen, Y.-K., Chang, C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Biological and molecular characterization of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus causing chlorotic leaf spot on pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) in Taiwan. HortScience 45: 1073-1078. (SCI)
  56. Zheng, Y.-X., Huang, C.-H., Cheng, Y.-H., Kuo, F.-Y., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. First report of Tomato spotted wilt virus in sweet pepper in Taiwan. Plant Disease 94 :920. (SCI)
  57. Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., Tsai, W. S., Chien R.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Identification and characterization of a mechanical transmissible begomovirus causing leaf curl on oriental melon. European Journal of Plant Pathology 127: 219-228. (SCI)
  58. Suzuki, J. Y., Tripathi, S., Fermín, G. A., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Hou, S., Saw, J. H., Ackerman, C. M., Yu, Q., Schatz, M. C., Pitz, K. Y., Yépes, M., Fitch, M. M. M., Manshardt, R. M., Slightom, J. L., Ferreira, S. A., Salzberg, S. L., Alam, M., Ming, R., Moore, P. H., and Gonsalves, D*. Efforts to deregulate Rainbow papaya in Japan: molecular characterization of transgene and vector inserts. Acta Horticulturae 851: 235-240.
  59. Chang, H.-H., Tseng, H.-H., Yeh, S.-D., Ku, H.-M.* and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Generation of monoclonal antibody against the replicase of Watermelon silver mottle virus and its application on the detection of L protein expression in planta. Plant Pathology Bulletin 18: 237-246.
  60. Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009a. Current progress of the reverse genetics of negative-strand RNA viruses and prospect of developing a reverse genetics system for tospoviruses. Plant Pathology Bulletin 18: 201-216.
  61. Lin, -Y., Tsai, W.-S., Ku, H.-M.*, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Transgenic strategies for developing transgenic plants with geminivirus resistance. Plant Pathology Bulletin 18: 185-200.
  62. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Green, S. K., Lee, L. M., Luther, G. C., Ratulangi, M., Sembel, D. T., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh. Identification of a new begomovirus associated with yellow leaf curl diseases of tomato and pepper in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Plant Disease 93: 321. (SCI)
  63. Shen, B.-N., Zheng, Y. X., Chen, W. H., Chang, T. Y., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Occurrence and molecular characterization of three pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses in pineapple in Taiwan. Plant Disease 93: 196. (SCI)
  64. Cheng, Y. H., Wang, R. Y., Chen, C. C., Chang, C. A., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. First report of Pepper veinal mottle virus in tomato and pepper in Taiwan. Plant Disease 93: 107. (SCI)
  65. Suzuki, J. Y., Tripathi, S., Fermín, G. A., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Hou, S., Saw, J. H., Ackerman, C. M., Yu, Q., Schatz, M. C., Pitz, K. Y., Yépes, M., Fitch, M. M. M., Manshardt, R. M., Slightom, J. L., Ferreira, S. A., Salzberg, S. L., Alam, M., Ming, R., Moore, P. H., and Gonsalves, D*. 2008. Characterization of insertion sites in Rainbow papaya, the first commercialized transgenic fruit crop. Tropical Plant Biology 1: 293-309. (SCI)
  66. Tsai, W. S., Huang, Y. C., Zhang, D., Reddy, K., Hidayat, S. H., Srithongchai, W., Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2008. Molecular characterization of the CP gene and the 3’UTR of Chilli veinal mottle virus from South and Southeast Asian. Plant Pathology 57: 408-416. (SCI)
  67. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Chen Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2008. Identification and characterization of a potyvirus causing chlorotic spots on Phalaenopsis European Journal of Plant Pathology 121: 87-95. (SCI)
  68. Zheng, Y.-X, Chen, C.-C., Yang, C.-J., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2008. Identification and characterization of a tospovirus causing chlorotic ringspots on Phalaenopsis European Journal of Plant Pathology 120: 199-209. (SCI)
  69. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Green, S. K., Shih, S. L., Lee, L. M., Ito, H., Kimbara, J., Hosoi, K., and. Tsai, W. S. 2007. First report of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 91: 1363. (SCI)
  70. Chiang, C.-H., Lee, C.-Y., Wang, C.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Lin, S.-S., Chen, T.-C., Raja, J. A. J., and Yeh S.-D*. 2007. Genetic analysis of an attenuated Papaya ringspot virus strain applied for cross protection. European Journal of Plant Pathology 118:333-348. (SCI)
  71. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Green, K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2007. Occurrence and molecular characterization of Squash leaf curl Philippines virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 91:907. (SCI)
  72. Lin, S.-S., Wu, H.-W., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Hou, R. F., and Yeh, S.-D*. 2007. Modifications of the helper component-protease of Zucchini yellow mosaic for generation of attenuated mutants for cross protection against severe infection. Phytopathology 97: 287-296. (SCI)
  73. Lin, M.-H., Lin, C.-W., Chen, J.-C., Lin, Y.-C., Cheng, S.-Y., Liu,T.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Wu, S.-T., Thseng, F.-S., and Ku H.-M.*. 2007. Tagging rice drought-related QTL with SSR DNA markers. Crop, Environment & Bioinformatics 4: 65-76.
  74. Chen, Y.-K.*, Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chen, C.-C., and Hsu, H.-T. 2006. A New Natural Host of Lisianthus necrosis virus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 90: 1112. (SCI)
  75. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Green, S. K. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Molecular characterization of a distinct tomato-infecting begomovirus associated with yellow leaf curl diseased tomato in Lembang, Java Island of Indonesia. Plant Disease 90: 831. (SCI)
  76. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Green, S. K., Rauf, A., Hidayat, S. H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Molecular characterization of pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus in leaf curl and yellowing diseased tomato and pepper in Indonesia. Plant Disease 90: 247. (SCI)
  77. Lin, -Y., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2005. Current development of the strategies for generating marker-free transgenic plants. Plant Pathology Bulletin 14: 159-176.
  78. Chen, C.-C., Ko, W.-F., Lin, C.-Y., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and. Hsu, H. T.*. 2003. First report of Carnation mottle virus in Calla lily (Zantedeschia). Plant Disease 86: 1539. (SCI)
  79. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Chen, C.-C., and Hsu, H. T. 2003. Identification of Tomato mosaic virus infection in lisianthus in Taiwan. Plant Disease 84: 1537. (SCI)
  80. Chen, C.-C., Lin, -Y., Ko, W.-F., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2003. Isolation and characterization of Carnation mottle virus from carnation. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12:199-208.
  81. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Zheng, Y.-X., Chao, C.-H.., Ko, W.-F, Chang, C.-C., and Chen, C.-C. 2003. Identification of a tobamovirus causing yellow mottle and stunting symptoms on lisianthus in Taiwan. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12: 122-132.
  82. Srisailam, S., Kumar, T.K.S., Rajalingam, D., Kathir, K.M., Sheu, H.-S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chao, P.-C., and Yu, C*. Amyloid-like fibril formation in an all beta -barrel protein-partially structured intermediate state(s) is a precursor for fibril formation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 17701-17709. (SCI)
  83. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Wu, Z.-B., Kuo, A.-J., Zheng, Y. X. Chang, H.-H., Su, C.-C., and Yang, Y.-S. 2003. Detection of Apple stem grooving and Apple chlorotic leaf spot viruses by the method of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Plant Pathology Bulletin 12: 10-18.
  84. Kuo, A.-J., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Yang, Y.-S*. 2002. The growth of tissue culture seedling in “Hengshan” pear. Horticulture NCHU 27: 25-35.
  85. Chiang, C.-H., Wang, J.-J., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Yeh, S.-D., and Gonsalves, D*. 2001. Comparative reactions of recombinant papaya ringspot viruses with chimeric coat protein (CP) genes and wild-type viruses on CP-transgenic papaya. Journal of General Virology 82: 2827-2836. (SCI)
  86. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Fagoaga, F., Pang, S.-Z., and Gonsalves, D*. 2000. A minimum length of N gene sequence in transgenic plants is required for RNA-mediated tospovirus resistance. Journal of General Virology 81: 235-242. (SCI)
  87. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Pang, S.-Z., Tricoli, D. M., and Gonsalves, D*. 2000. Evidence that resistance in squash mosaic comovirus coat protein-transgenic plants is affected by plant developmental stage and enhanced by combination of transgenes from different lines. Journal of General Virology 81: 2299-2306. (SCI)
  88. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Fagoaga, F., Pang, S.-Z, and Gonsalves, D*. 2000a. A single chimeric transgene derived from two distinct viruses confers multi-virus resistance in transgenic plants through homology-dependent gene silencing. Journal of General Virology 81: 2103-2109. (SCI)
  89. Pang, S.- Z., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Tricoli, D. M., Russell, P. F., Carney, K. J., Hu, J. S., Fuchs, M., Quemada, H. D., and Gonsalves, D*. 2000. Resistance to squash mosaic comovirus in transgenic squash plants expressing its coat protein genes. Molecular Breeding 6: 87-93. (the first two authors contributed equally to this work) (SCI)
  90. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Pang, S.-Z, Fagoaga, F., and Gonsalves, D.*. 1999. Turnip mosaic potyvirus resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana derived by post-transcriptional gene silencing. Transgenic Research 8: 203-213. (SCI)
  91. Cai, W., Gonsalves, C., Tennant, P., Fermin, G., Souza, M., Sarindu, N., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Zhu, H.-Y., and Gonsalves, D.*. 1999. A protocol for efficient transformation and regeneration of Carica papaya In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology Plant 35: 61-69. (SCI)
  92. Pang, S.- Z., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Gonsalves, D.*. 1997. Nontarget DNA sequences reduce the transgene length necessary for RNA-mediated tospovirus resistance in transgenic plants. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 94: 8261-8266. (SCI)
  93. Pang, S.- Z., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Carney, K., Stout, J., Tricoli, D. M., Quemada, H. D., and Gonsalves, D.*. 1996. Post-transcriptional transgene silencing and consequent tospovirus resistance in transgenic lettuce are affected by transgene dosage and plant deve The Plant Journal 9: 899-909. (SCI)
  94. Gonsalves, D.*, Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, C., Xue, B., Yepes, M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 1996. Developing transgenic crops that are resistant to tospoviruses. Acta Horticulturae 431: 427-431.
  95. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Yeh, S.-D.*. 1995. Purification, in situ localization, and comparative serological properties of Passionfruit woodiness virus-encoded amorphous inclusion protein and two other virus proteins. Pyhytopathology 85: 64-71. (SCI)
  96. Yeh, S.-D.*, Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chiang, C.-H., Doong, T.-J., Chen, M.-C., Chung, P.-H., and Bau, H.-J. 1992. Complete nucleotide sequence and genetic organization of Papaya ringspot virus Journal of General Virology 73: 2531-2541. (SCI)
  1. Lee, C.-H., Lee, G.-B., Wang, G.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2021. Development of novel techniques to detect orchid viruses. P207-218 in W.-H. Chen and H.-H. Chen (eds): Orchid Biotechnology IV. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. (ISBN 978-9811217760)
  2. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2017. The orchid-infecting viruses found in the 21st century. P145-164 in W.-H. Chen and H.-H. Chen (eds): Orchid Biotechnology III. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore. (ISBN 978-981-3109-21-6)
  3. 石憲宗、蘇秋竹、張哲銘、曾美容、詹富智. 2017.葡萄皮爾斯病之媒介昆蟲整合性管理. p63-68.農業害蟲管理暨食安把關研發成果研討會專刊. 主編:石憲宗、申屠萱、陳怡如、高靜華. 行政院農業委員會農業試驗所, 台灣台中, 中華民國一O六年四月. (ISBN 978-986-05-2515-1)
  4. Chen, T.-C. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2015. Tomato spotted wilt, p162-176 in P. Tennant and G. Fermin (eds): Virus Diseases of Tropical and Subtropical Crops. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. (ISBN 9781780644264)
  5. Chang, C.-J., Shih , H.-T., Su, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Fastidious prokaryotes and plant health. p17-34 in: C.-J. Chang, C.-Y. Lee, and H.-T. Shih (eds): Proceeding of the 2013 International Symposium on Insect Vectors and Insect-Borne Diseases. Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Taichung, Taiwan, 274pp.
  6. Tsai, W. S., Kenyon, L., Hanson, P., Shih, S. L. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Tomato leaf curl disease in Taiwan and breeding for resistance against it. p239-254 in: C.-J. Chang, C.-Y. Lee, and H.-T. Shih (eds): Proceeding of the 2013 International Symposium on Insect Vectors and Insect-Borne Diseases. Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, Taichung, Taiwan, 274pp.
  7. Zheng, Y.-X. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Identification and characterization of new Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. p309-328 in W.-H. Chen and H.-H. Chen (eds): Orchid Biotechnology II. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
  8. 詹富智*、鄭尤琇.2011. 標準作業手冊系列4─李痘病毒偵察調查. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 35pp。
    吳榮彬、詹富智*. 2008. 梨樹病毒病害及其防治策略. p128-141. 作物診斷與農藥安全使用技術手冊.國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院農業推廣中心編. 國立中興大學出版. 台中. 249pp。
  9. 鄭尤琇、陳慶忠、詹富智*. 2008.台灣蝴蝶蘭之新興病毒病害. p67-82. 植物重要防疫檢疫病害診斷鑑定技術研習會專刊(七). 張碧芳、黃振文、曾國欽編。行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版,台北. 82pp。
  10. 吳榮彬、詹富智*. 2007. 梨莖凹陷病. P85-89. 植物保護圖鑑系列17-梨樹保護. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 155pp。
  11. 吳榮彬、詹富智*. 2007. 梨脈黃化病. P81-84. 植物保護圖鑑系列17-梨樹保護. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 155pp。
  12. 吳榮彬、詹富智*. 2007.梨輪紋嵌紋病. P75-80. 植物保護圖鑑系列17-梨樹保護. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 155pp。
  13. 詹富智、陳慶忠、陳煜焜、曾國欽編.2007. 2007植物蟲媒病害與防治研討會專刊. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 278pp。
  14. 鄭尤琇、陳慶忠、柯文華、詹富智*. 2007.二種新鑑定感染蝴蝶蘭病毒之特性研究與檢測方法之研發. p149-160. 2007植物蟲媒病害與防治研討會專刊. 詹富智、陳慶忠、陳煜焜、曾國欽編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 278pp。
  15. 葉錫東、陳宗祺、林宜翩、詹富智、徐惠迪、陳慶忠.2007. 番茄斑萎病毒屬之分類、檢測及防治現況. P39-58. 2007植物蟲媒病害與防治研討會專刊. 詹富智、陳慶忠、陳煜焜、曾國欽編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 278pp。
  16. 葉錫東、陳良築、楊長賢、曾志正、詹富智編. 2004. 植物基因轉殖之原理與應用. 教育部顧問室植物生物技術教學資源中心出版. 台中. 301pp。
  17. 葉錫東、陳良築、楊長賢、曾志正、詹富智編. 2004. 植物基因轉殖與分子檢測技術. 教育部顧問室植物生物技術教學資源中心出版. 台中. 308pp。
  18. 詹富智、張賀雄、葉錫東. 2004. 利用病毒載體表現外源基因. p121-134. 植物基因轉殖之原理與應用. 葉錫東、陳良築、楊長賢、曾志正、詹富智編. 教育部顧問室植物生物技術教學資源中心出版. 台中. 301pp。
  19. 詹富智*、王曉俐. 2004. 菸草-農桿菌轉殖技術. p17-26. 植物基因轉殖與分子檢測技術. 葉錫東、陳良築、楊長賢、曾志正、詹富智編. 教育部顧問室植物生物技術教學資源中心出版. 台中. 308pp。
  20. 詹富智*、葉錫東. 2004. 薊馬傳播番茄斑萎病毒屬病毒之鑑定與病害診斷. p.19-43. 植物病毒診斷鑑定技術之發展與應用研用研討會論文集. 洪挺軒編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版. 台北. 74pp。
  21. 詹富智*、葉錫東. 2004. 薊馬傳播番茄斑萎病毒屬(Tospovirus)病毒之分子診斷鑑定要領. p.35-58. 植物重要防疫檢疫病害診斷鑑定技術研習會專刊(三). 張碧芳、黃振文編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版. 台北. 184pp。
  22. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chen, T.-C., and Yeh, S.-D.* 2003. Occurrence, importance, taxonomy, and control of thrips-borne tospoviruses, p399-421 in H. Huang and S. N. Acharya (eds): Advances in Plant Disease Management. Research Signpost, Kerala, India.
  23. 黃振文、蔡東纂、曾國欽、詹富智編. 2003. 植物重要防疫檢疫病害診斷鑑定技術研習會專刊(二). 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版. 台北. 142pp。
  24. 詹富智*、盧耀村、陳慶忠. 2003. 植物病毒病害診斷鑑定技術. p.35-52. 植物重要防疫檢疫病害診斷鑑定技術研習會專刊(二). 黃振文、蔡東纂、曾國欽、詹富智編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版. 台北. 142pp。
  25. 詹富智*、吳榮彬. 2002. 梨穗病毒性病害之診斷、鑑定及檢測實務. p.51-64. 植物重要防疫檢疫病疫診斷鑑定技術研習會專刊. 張碧芳、黃振文、蔡東纂、曾國欽編. 行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版. 台北. 208pp。
  26. Jan, Fuh-Jyh* and Ku, H.-M. 2001. Development of transgenic plants resistant to multiple viruses via gene silencing. Pages 239-250 in Proceedings of International Symposium on Biological Control of Plant Diseases for the New Century-Mode of Action and Application Technology. D. S. Tzeng and J. W. Huang, eds., Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing Univereisty Press, Taichung, Taiwan.
  27. 黃振文、曾國欽、蔡東纂、詹富智. 2001. 梨樹病害圖鑑.行政院農業委員會動植物防疫檢疫局出版.台北. 57pp。
  1. 2023年  獲國家科學及技術委員會「未來科技獎」
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  3. 2021年  獲社團法人台灣農學會110年「農業學術獎」
  4. 2021年  獲中華民國植物病理學會「學術獎」
  5. 2020年 獲109年中華種苗學會「個人學術成就獎」
  6. 2020年 獲國立中興大學『109年度研發成果技術移轉績優獎』
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  8. 2018年 獲國家生技醫療產業策進會「第十五屆國家新創獎」
  9. 2018年 第4次獲聘國立中興大學『特聘教授Ⅲ』
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  11. 2014年 榮獲2014年第38屆全國十大傑出農業專家
  12. 2014年 獲邀請擔任考選部『103年高普考試 農植組召集人』
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  16. 2013年 獲行政院國家科學委員會『傑出學者養成計畫』(2013~2016)
  17. 2013年『國科會102年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施』獎勵。
  18. 2012年 獲國家醫療產業策進會「第九屆國家新創獎」
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  20. 2011年 獲 99年度『 農資院教師評鑑優良獎』(第一名)
  21. 2011年 獲選為國立中興大學『100年度大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施-產學績優教師Ⅰ』
  22. 2011年 獲 99年度農資院『全院個人年度學術論文發表』第二名
  23. 2011年 獲中華民國植物病理學會著作貢獻獎
  24. 2010年 獲行政院國家科學委員會『傑出學者養成計畫』(2010~2013)
  25. 2010年 獲『中興大學99年度特別貢獻獎』
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  28. 2008年 獲中興大學農業暨自然資源學院94-96學年度教師評鑑研究第二名、服務推廣第三名
  29. 2007年 獲中興大學「96年度教師教學服務獎勵」
  30. 2005年 獲中興大學農業暨自然資源學院93學年度教師評鑑教學第一名、服務推廣第二名
  31. 2004年 獲中興大學特優導師
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  33. 2003年 獲中華民國植物病理學會著作貢獻獎
  34. 2001年 獲國科會甲等研究獎、2002~2006, 2008-2022年國科會計畫主持費獎助
  35. 1992年 八十一年公務人員高等考試二級考試植物病蟲害病理組考試錄取
  36. 1992年 教育部公費留考錄取(農學組)
  1. Gustian, D., Chang, H.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2021. Complementary studies on mechanical transmissibility of begomoviruses. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, May 1st, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan.
  2. Uslu, Y. E., Lee, C.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2021. Development of transgenic plants expressing a ToLCNDV movement protein for studying mechanical transmission of begomovirus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, May 1st, 2021, Taipei, Taiwan.
  3. Chen, J.*, Su, C.-C., Shih, H-T., Jan, Fuh-Jyh and Chang, C-J. 2021. Genome rearrangements of Xylella fastidiosa strains in US and research updates on taiwanensis. The 3rd European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa, online April 29-30, 2021.
  4. 詹富智*. 2020. 蝴蝶蘭的新興病毒及檢測技術之開發. 蘭花前瞻育種及國際產銷佈局研討會. 2020年11月11日. 台南. 國立成功大學生科教學大樓二樓小講堂. (invited speaker)
  5. Lee, C.-H., Kang, Y.-T, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2020. A begomoviral protein required for mechanical transmissibility of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus. 2020年科技部生命科學研究發展司「生農環境與多樣性學門」及「農產資源科學學門」聯合成果發表會. 2020年9月26日. 台中. 國立中興大學農環大樓國際會議廳.
  6. Chang, H.-H., Lee, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2020. A Nicotiana benthamiana FKBP type peptidyl-propyl cis-trans isomerase interacts with the movement protein of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus and is involved in virus resistance. 2020年科技部生命科學研究發展司「生農環境與多樣性學門」及「農產資源科學學門」聯合成果發表會. 2020年9月26日. 台中. 國立中興大學農環大樓國際會議廳.
  7. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Chan, C.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2019. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein enables mechanical transmissibility of a geminivirus. International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Important Crop, Sept. 2-5, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  8. Wang, W. J. Lee, C. H., Li, C. W., Liao, S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Wang, G. J.*. 2019. Direct label free detection of orchid virus using a micro/nano hybrid structured biosensor. The ASME 13th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Aug. 18-21, 2019, Anaheim, California, USA.
  9. Huang, C.-H., Tai,C.-H., Chang. C.-J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2019. Biological, pathological and molecular characteristics of a new potyvirus, Dendrobium chlorotic mosaic virus, infecting Dendrobium orchid. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. August 3-7, 2019, Cleveland, Ohio,
  10. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Tsai, W.-S., Chan, C.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Genetic determination of the movement protein in mechanical transmission of a geminivirus. The VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases, May 6-9, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  11. Lee, C.-H., Kang, Y.-T., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification of viral factors required for mechanical transmissibility of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus. The VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases, May 6-9, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  12. Chang, H.-H., Lee, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. A Nicotiana benthamiana PPIase gene, identified with Y2H screening, plays a role in antiviral system against Tomato leaf curl New Delhi begomovirus. The VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases, May 6-9, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  13. Tseng, Y.-W., Tai, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Engineering of CRISPR/Cas9 for resistance to Begomoviruses in Solanaceae plants. The VI International Symposium on Tomato Diseases, May 6-9, 2019, Taichung, Taiwan.
  14. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2019. Developing portable and on-site detection platform for orchid-infecting viruses. South Africa–Taiwan Joint Bilateral Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology, February 12-13, 2019, Cape Town, South Africa. (invited speaker)
  15. Lee, C.-H., Jian, Y.-S., Wang, -J., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Development of a nano-structured biosensor for rapid detection of Odontoglossum ringspot virus. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science 2018, December 1, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  16. Tseng, Y.-W., Wu, C.-F., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Development of a multiplex system for rapid detection of viroids in Solanaceae. The 9th International Conference of Clinical Plant Science 2018, December 1, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  17. Tseng, Y.-W., Wu, C.-F., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Development of a multiplex system for rapid detection of viroids in Solanaceae. The Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of ROC, November 30, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  18. Lee, C.-H., Jian, Y.-S., Wang, G.-J., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Development of a nano-structured biosensor for rapid detection of Odontoglossum ringspot virus. The Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of ROC, November 30, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  19. Huang, C.-H., Cheng, Y.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Identification and genomic characterization of a new tobamovirus infecting cucurbit. The Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of ROC, November 30, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  20. Wu, C.-F., Tseng, Y.-W., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Development of multiplex viroid rapid detection system for Solanaceae plants and seeds. International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP-2018), July 29-August 3, 2018, Boston, USA.
  21. Wu, C.-F., Tseng, Y.-W., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Development of multiplex viroid rapid detection system for Solanaceae plants and seeds. Satellite meeting: Impact of Viroid Research on Seed Health, Plant Certification and World Trade, ICPP-2018, July 28, 2018, Boston, USA.
  22. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein enables mechanical transmissibility of a geminivirus. Taiwan-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Virus Diseases- Tackling new threats on agriculture, July 3, 2018, Tsukuba, Japan. (invited speaker)
  23. Kang, Y.-T., Lee, C.-H., Tsai, W.-S., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Characterization of the determinants for mechanical transmissibility of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, April 28, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  24. Wu, C.-F., Tseng, Y.-W., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Development of a multiplex viroid rapid detection system for Solanaceae The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, April 28, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  25. Tseng, Y.-W., Wu, C.-F., Lee, C.-H., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2018. Reverse transcription-loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) for the rapid detection of six quarantined viroids of Solanaceae The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, April 28, 2018, Taichung, Taiwan.
  26. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2017. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein enables mechanical transmissibility of a 2017年海峽兩岸植物保護博士後論壇暨青年學術研討會. 2017年6月25-28日. 中國·福州.
  27. Jian, Y.-S., Wang, G.-J. *, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2017. Direct detection of orchid viruses in orchid leaves using a nanostructured electrochemical biosensor. 2017 International Symposium on Smart Medical Devices and the 22nd Symposium of Association for Chemical Sensors in Taiwan. May 20, 2017, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
  28. Jian, Y.-S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Wang, G.-J.*. 2017. Direct detection of orchid viruses using nanostructured electrochemical biosensor. International Symposium on Chemical-Environmental-Biomedical Technology (isCEBT2017). April 23-27, 2017, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
  29. Deng, W.-L.*, Sharma, N., Su, C.-C., Chang, C.-J., Tseng, Y., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh. Modification of chemically defined medium XF-26 for in-vitro cultivation of Xylella fastidiosa and Xylella taiwanensis isolated in Taiwan. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. July 30-August 3, 2016, Tampa, Florida, USA.
  30. Tai, C.-H., Chen, J.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. A novel vector system to engineer begomovirus resistance in transgenic plants by transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene-silencing mechanisms. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. July 30-August 3, 2016, Tampa, Florida, USA.
  31. Tseng, Y.-W., Deng, W.-L., Chang, C.-J., Su, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. The phytoplasma associated with purple woodnettle witches’-broom disease in Taiwan represents a new subgroup of the aster yellows phytoplasma group. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. July 30-August 3, 2016, Tampa, Florida, USA.
  32. Tai, C.-H., Sharma, N., Chao, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Characterization of a new monopartite begomovirus with a distinct betasatellite associated with rose mallow exhibiting leaf curl and vein enation. The 14th International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants. June 26-29, 2016, Singapore.
  33. Cheng, Y. H., Wang, J. P., Tsay, S. T., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Study of substances enhanced resistance to tomato leaf curl disease. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2016.
  34. Tai, Chia-Hsing, Sharma, Nabin, Chao, Chia-Hung, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of a new begomovirus with a distinct betasatellite associated with rose mallow exhibiting leaf curl and vein enation. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2016.
  35. Tseng, Yi-Wen, Chang, Chung-Jan, Su, Chiou-Chu, Deng, Wen-Ling, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. A Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris-related strain, purple woodnettle witches’-broom phytoplasma, representing a new subgroup of 16SrI group in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 29-30, 2016.
  36. Tai, C.-H., Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Kenyon, L., Hanson, P., Shih, S.-L., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Tomato leaf curl disease in Taiwan and breeding for resistance by both conventional and transgenic approaches. The Taiwan‐Poland Bilateral Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology and Biocatalysis. December 3, 2015, Warsaw, Polonia.
  37. Su, C.-C., Deng, W.-L., Shih, H.-T., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chang, C.-J., and Chen, J. 2015. Whole genome sequencing and analyses of Xylella fastidiosa fastidiosa Strain GV156 causing Pierce’s disease of grapevine in Taiwan. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 1-5, 2015, Pasadena, California, USA.
  38. 詹富智*. 2015. 中興大學植物醫學體系的建構與未來展望. 跨世紀植物防疫及檢疫技術回顧及展望研討會. 2015年6月26日. 台中. 國立自然科學博物館國際會議廳. (invited speaker)
  39. 詹富智*. 2015. 可攜式場邊蘭花病毒檢測技術之開發. 2015蘭花產業關鍵技術研討會. 2015年1月23日. 台中. 國立中興大學園藝學系. (invited speaker)
  40. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. Development of portable and on-site detection systems for Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. 2014 Plant Science Annual Meeting & Symposium- Innovation and Translational Technologies in Plant Science. December 13-14, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. (invited keynote speaker)
  41. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein enables mechanical transmissibility of a geminivirus. 2014 MOST Agricultural Environment Science Program Conference. September 10, 2014, Taichung, Taiwan. (invited speaker)
  42. Su, C.-C., Deng, W.-L., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chang, C.-J., Huang, H., and Chen, J. 2014. Characterization of Xylella fastidiosa pear leaf scorch strain in Taiwan through whole genome sequence analyses. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 9-13, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Phytopathology 104: S115.
  43. Lee, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Lin, Y.-T., Tsai, W.-S., Chan, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. A single amino acid substitution in the movement protein alters the mechanical transmissibility of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi Begomovirus. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 9-13, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Phytopathology 104: S136-137.
  44. Kuo, Y.-W., Lee, C.-H., Lin, C.-Y., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. Characterization of the critical factors responsible for host adaptation in Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 25-26, 2014.
  45. Lo, M.-C., Tai, C.-H., Huang, -H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. Identification and characterization of Carnation vein mottle virus causing chlorosis and mottle on Dianthus spp. in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 25-26, 2014.
  46. Tseng, Y.-W., Chang, C.-J., Deng, W.-L., Chen, J.-W., Shih, H.-T., Su, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. New Subgroups Phytoplasmas in 16SrI Group, Putatively Classified as 16SrI-R and 16SrI-S, on Roselle and Purple Woodnettle, respectively in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 25-26, 2014.
  47. Lin, S.-H., Yang, J.-Y., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2014. Identification of the host proteins interacting with Tomato Leaf Curl New Delhi virus movement protein for the functional study of the movement protein on mechanical transmissibility. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 25-26, 2014.
  48. Tseng, Y.-W., Chang, C.-J., Deng, W.-L., Huang, J. W., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and classification of a 16SrII-A group phytoplasma associated with sesame plants exhibiting leaf yellowing, abnormal stem curling and phyllody disorder in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of the Plant Protection Society of the Republic of China, Taichung, Taiwan, November 15-16, 2013.
  49. Lin C.-L., Chang, W.-H, Wang, C.-H., Li, P.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chen T.-Y. and Lee, G.-B. 2013. An integrated microfluidic system using buried optical fibers for detection of Phalaenopsis orchid pathogens. The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, TRANSDUCERS and EUROSENSORS 2013, June 16-20, 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
  50. Li, P.-C. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Development and detection of Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses with reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013.
  51. Cheng, Y.-H., Tai, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Identification and characterization of a new Tospovirus on bell pepper. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013.
  52. Lim, T.-H., Huang, C.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. Comparative properties of in vitro and in vivo infectious transcripts from Tobacco mosaic virus using distinct ribozymes in Nicotiana benthamiana. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013.
  53. Huang, K.-S., Chang, C.-M., Wang, C.-C., Lu, Y.-Y., Huang, L.-H. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2013. A one-step Taqman real-time quantitative RT-PCR for detection of multiple Tospovirus in individual thrips. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, April 26-27, 2013.
  54. Chang, -H., Yang, S.-Y., Wang, C.-H., Lee*, G.-B., Chen,T.-Y., Li, P.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2012. Pathogen detection from Phalaenopsis orchid by using an integrated microfluidic system. The 6th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering (NanoMED 2012), November 4-7, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand.
  55. Chang, -H., Yang, S.-Y., Wang, C.-H., Li, P.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Chen, T.-Y., Lee*, G.-B. 2012. An optical diagnostic system using isothermal amplification technique for Phalaenopsis orchids. The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2012), March 5-8, 2012, Kyoto, Japan.
  56. Huang, K.-S., Chang, C.-M., Wang, C.-C., Lu, Y.-Y., Huang, L.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2012. Taqman real-time quantitative RT-PCR for detection of Watermelon silver mottle virusin individual thrips. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, April 13-14, 2012.
  57. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Current status and prospects of new emerging Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. 2011 Plant Science Annual Meeting & Symposium- Frontier in Orchid Biotechnology 2011. Nomenber 13-14, 2011, Nantou, Taiwan. (invited speaker)
  58. 詹富智*. 2011. 番茄begomoviruses種類之演變、分布及其病原性研究. 氣候變遷對植物健康及檢疫措施影響研討會. 2011年11 月9 日. 國立中興大學. 台中。台灣。(invited speaker)
  59. Chan, C.-H., Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Identification of the critical factors for mechanical transmissibility of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 6-10, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Phytopathology 101: S30.
  60. Chang, -J.*, Su, C.-C., Yang, W.-J., Hsu, S.-T., Tzeng, K.-C., Deng, W.-L., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Phylogenetic relationship of Xylella fastidiosa between pear leaf scorch strains and strains of other host origins. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 6-10, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Phytopathology 101: S31.
  61. Deng, W.-L.*, Hsu, S.-J., Tzeng,Y., Huang, T., Su, C.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Chang, C.-J. 2011. Nutritional requirements and possible alternate hosts of Xylella fastidiosa that causes pear leaf scorch in Taiwan. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 6-10, 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Phytopathology 101: S41.
  62. 蔡文錫、林靜宜、施夙玲、Lawrence Kenyon、詹富智*. 2011. 台灣主要感染番茄 Begomoviruses 之抗性、時間分布與病原性研究.海峽兩岸植物病理學術研討會-兩岸重大植物病害之防檢疫及其近代科研進展. 2011年5 月25-26 日. 國立台灣大學. 台北。台灣。(invited speaker)
  63. Chan, C.-H., Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Characterization of the critical factors of mechanical transmission of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, March 25-26, 2011.
  64. Lee, C.-H., Huang, C.-H., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Identification and characterization of a new potyvirus that infects dendrobium in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, March 25-26, 2011.
  65. Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011. Evaluation of DNA fragments covering the entire genome of a monopartite begomovirus for induction of viral resistance in transgenic plants via gene silencing. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, March 25-26, 2011.
  66. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Kenyon, L. Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2011 Temporal distribution and pathogenicity of the predominant tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Taiwan. The Ninth Cross-Strait Symposium on Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. January 18-19, 2011, Taichung, Taiwan. (invited speaker)
  67. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Kenyon, L. Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Temporal distribution and pathogenicity of the predominant tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Taiwan. 2010 Plant Science Annual Meeting & Symposium- Conference in Frontier in Plant Biotechnology 2010. Nomenber 13-14, 2010, Nantou, Taiwan. (invited speaker)
  68. 鄭櫻慧*、陳金枝、廖吉彥、鄧汀欽、林鳳琪、詹富智. 2010. 番椒病毒病害之發生與調查. 近年來我國重大作物病害之發生及其診斷、監測與防治研討會. 2010年10月14日. 行政院農委會農業試驗所.
  69. 詹富智*. 抗多種病毒轉基因植物之研發. 2010轉譯農學暨台灣農業生物技術研討會. 2010年9月2-3日. 國立中興大學. (invited speaker)
  70. Tsai, W.-S., Kenyon, L., Green, S. K., Shih, S.-L., Lee, L.-M., Aquino, M. U., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Molecular diversity of tomato- and pepper-infecting begomoviruses in the Philippines. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, March 5-6, 2010.
  71. Huang, C.-H., Zheng, Y.-X., Cheng, Y.-H., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Identification and characterization of the causal agent of a new viral disease on sweet pepper in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, March 5-6, 2010.
  72. Li, P.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2010. Elimination of the Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses with ribavirin during micropropagation of protocorm-like bodies. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, March 5-6, 2010.
  73. 劉畊甫、陳建德*詹富智*. 2009。利用病毒誘導基因沉寂調控脯胺酸相關基因提高菸草對重金屬之吸收。台灣農業化學會第四十七屆年會。2009年6月26日。 台北。 台灣。
  74. Chang, H.-H., Ku, H.-M., Tsai, W. S., Chien R.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Molecular and biological characterization of a mechanically transmissible Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting oriental melon plants. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 1-5, 2009, Portland, Oregon, USA. Phytopathology 99: S21
  75. Zheng, Y.-X., Shen, B.-N., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Flower crinkle of Phalaenopsis orchids — a new disease caused by an old virus. The American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting, August 1-5, 2009, Portland, Oregon, USA. Phytopathology 99: S151.
  76. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Shen, B.-N., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Current status and possible control strategies of newly emerging Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, February 5-6, 2009. (Invited speech)
  77. Shen, -N., Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, W.-H., Chang, T.-Y., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Occurrence and molecular characterization of three pineapple mealybug wilt-associated viruses in pineapple in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, February 5-6, 2009.
  78. Tsai, W.-S., Green, S. K., Shih, S.-L., Lee, L.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Molecular diversity and resistance screening of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, February 5-6, 2009.
  79. Tsai, W.-S., Shih, S.-L., Green, S. K., Lee, L.-M., Luther, G. C., Ratulangi, M., Sembel, D. T., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular identification of a new tomato-infecting begomovirus associated with yellow leaf curl diseases in Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, February 5-6, 2009.
  80. Chang, H.-H., Chien, R.-C., Tsai, W.-S., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2009. Characterization of the pathogenicity and mechanical transmissibility of Tomato leaf curl New Delhi begomovirus with agrobacteria-mediated delivery system. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, February 5-6, 2009.
  81. 詹富智*. 蘭花新病毒的認識. 2008年蘭花生物科技研討會及產學交流會. 2008年11月29日.台灣蘭花生物科技園區, 台南. (Invited speaker)
  82. Tsai, W. S., Huang, Y. C., Zhang, D.Y., Reddy, K., Hidayat, S. H., Srithongchai, W., Green, S. K. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Characterization of the CP gene and 3’UTR of Chilli veinal mottle virus isolates from China, India, Indonesia, Taiwan and Thailand. The 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2008), August 24-29, 2008, Torino, Italy.
  83. Zheng,Y. X., Chen, C. C. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Phalaenopsis orchids showing chlorotic rings, a new disease caused by Carnation mottle virus. The 9th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP 2008), August 24-29, 2008, Torino, Italy. Journal of Plant Pathology, 90, S2.192.
  84. 鄭尤琇、陳慶忠、沈炳男、詹富智*. 蝴蝶蘭四種新興病毒病害之病原鑑定及其特性. 2008年植物分子生物學研討會. 2008年8月7-9日.國立嘉義大學. (Invited speaker)
  85. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of three new Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. The 12th International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants, April 20-24, 2008, Haarlem, Nederland. (selected speaker)
  86. Green, S. K.*, Tsai,W.-S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Shih, S.-L., and Lee, L.-M. 2008. Molecular diversity of Cucurbitaceae-infecting geminiviruses and implications for developing resistance. APSA-AVRDC Workshop, AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan, April 9-10, 2008.
  87. Chien, R.-C., Tsai, W.-S., Green, S. K and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of a mechanically transmissible Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus infecting oriental melon. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, January 25, 2008.
  88. Tsai, W. S., Shih, S. L., Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular diversity and agroinfection of tomato-infecting begomoviruses in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, January 25, 2008.
  89. Tsai, W. S., Green, S. K., Shih, S. L., Lee, L. M., Ito, H., Kimbara, J., Hosoi, K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular characterization of Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, January 25, 2008.
  90. Tsai, W. S., Huang, Y. C., Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular characterization of the CP gene and 3′UTR of Chilli veinal mottle virus from South and Southeast Asia. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, January 25, 2008.
  91. Wu, Z.-B., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, January 25, 2008.
  92. Ho, H.-Y., Ku, H.-M., Yu, T.-A., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Development of transgenic watermelon plants with multiple resistance to Cucumber mosaic-、Cucumber green mottle mosaic- and Watermelon mosaic viruses . 2007. International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotechnology. November 28-30, 2007, Taichung, Taiwan.
  93. 鄭尤琇、陳慶忠、柯文華、詹富智*. 2007. 二種新鑑定感染蝴蝶蘭病毒之特性研究與檢測方法之研發. 2007植物蟲媒病害與防治研討會. 96 年10 月26 日. 國立中興大學.
  94. 葉錫東、陳宗祺、林宜翩、詹富智、徐惠迪、陳慶忠.2007. 番茄斑萎病毒屬之分類、檢測及防治現況. 2007植物蟲媒病害與防治研討會. 96 年10 月26 日. 國立中興大學.
  95. Lin, C.-Y., Tsai, W.-S., Green, S. K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2007. Evaluation of the global genome of Tomato leaf curl virus for controlling geminiviruses via gene silencing. The American Phytopathological Society/ the Society of Nematologists Joint Meeting, July 28~August 01, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. Phytopathology 97: S22
  96. Wu, Zhong-Bin, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2007. Characterization of an isolate of Apple stem grooving virus from pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Hengshen) in Taiwan. The American Phytopathological Society/ the Society of Nematologists Joint Meeting, July 28~August 01, 2007, San Diego, California, USA. Phytopathology 97: S125
  97. Chen, C.-T.*, and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2007. Virus induced gene silencing on tobacco and phytoremediation. Botany & Plant Biology 2007 Joint Congress, July 7-11, 2007, Chicago, Illinois,USA.
  98. 詹富智. 2007.抗多種病毒且不帶選擇性標幟基因生技作物之研發. 2007年海峽兩岸學術研討會-近代植物病理研究之進展.96 年5 月22-23 日. 國立中興大學.
  99. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2007. Identification, characterization, detection, and possible control strategies of two new Phalaenopsis orchid-infecting viruses. The 9th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference (APOC), March 16-18, 2007, Goyang, Korea. (Invited lecture)
  100. Lin, C.-Y., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Construction of binary vectors for generating marker-free transgenic plants. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  101. Shen, B.-N., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Molecular characterization of Broad bean wilt virus-2 isolated from lisianthus in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  102. Wu, Z.-B., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Identification and characterization of Apple stem grooving virus isolated from pear plant in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  103. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Identification and characterization of an isolate of Carnation mottle virus from Phaelenopsis orchids in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  104. Ho, H.-Y., Ku, H.-M., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Generation of transgenic watermelon plants with broad-spectrum resistance to four viruses. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  105. Tsai, W.-S., Shih, S.L., Lee, M., Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, and Green, S. K*. 2006. Occurrence and molecular characterization of Squash leaf curl Philippines begomovirus in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Chiayi, Taiwan, December 16, 2006.
  106. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Chen, Y.-K. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Characterization of a new potyvirus causing chlorotic spots on Phalaenopsis orchids. 2006年植物分子生物夏令營(植物分子學及生物科技新知研討會). 95 年8 月28-30 日.國立中興大學惠蓀林場.
  107. Lin,Y.-C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Yeh, S.-D., and Ku, Hsin-Mei*. 2006. Isolation and functional analysis of virus resistance gene of horn melon. 2006年植物分子生物夏令營(植物分子學及生物科技新知研討會). 95 年8 月28-30 日.國立中興大學惠蓀林場.
  108. Panwar, V., Yeh, S.-D. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Post transcriptional gene silencing induced multiple virus resistance in transgenic cucurbits. 2006年植物分子生物夏令營(植物分子學及生物科技新知研討會). 95 年8 月28-30 日.國立中興大學惠蓀林場.
  109. 張怡珊、陳煜焜*、詹富智、陳慶忠.2006.洋桔梗壞疽並無彩色分離株之分子特性分析. 台灣植物病理學會九十五年度年會. 95 年12 月16 日. 國立嘉義大學.
  110. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Isolation, identification and characterization of a tospovirus causing chlorotic necrosis and ringspot on moth orchids (Phalaenopsis ). The Joint Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Canadian Phytopathological Society, and Mycological Society of America, Québec City, Québec, Canada, July 29– August 2, 2006. Phytopathology 96: S130
  111. Chen, C.-C., Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, Y.-K., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2006. Isolation and characterization of a new potyvirus causing chlorotic spots on moth orchids. The Joint Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Canadian Phytopathological Society, and Mycological Society of America, Québec City, Québec, Canada, July 29– August 2, 2006. Phytopathology 96: S22
  112. Chen,Y.-K.*, Jan, Fuh-Jyh. Chen, C.-C and Hsu, H.-T. 2006. A New Natural Host of Lisianthus necrosis virus. The Joint Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Canadian Phytopathological Society, and Mycological Society of America, Québec City, Québec, Canada, July 29– August 2, 2006. Phytopathology 96: S21.
  113. Lin, -Y. Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2005. Construction of binary vectors for generating marker-free transgenic plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The Fifth cross-strait symposium on Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, December 21-23, 2005.
  114. Tsai, W. S., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Huang, Y. C., and Green, S. K. 2005. Molecular characterization of five strains of chilli veinal mottle virus (ChiVMV) in Taiwan. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, December 16-17, 2005.
  115. Chen, C.-C., Ko, W.-F., Zheng, Y.-X., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Isolation and characterization of a potyvirus causing chlorotic spots on Phaelenopsis orchids. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, December 16-17, 2005.
  116. Zheng, Y.-X., Weng, L.-C., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Molecular evidence that the virus causing chlorotic spots on Phaelenopsis orchids is a new potyvirus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taichung, Taiwan, December 16-17, 2005.
  117. 曾獻嫺、葉錫東、詹富智*. 2005.西瓜銀斑病毒之核鞘特性­之研究.中華民國植物病理學會九十四年度年會. 94 年12 月17 日. 國立中興大學.
  118. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Chang, C. H., Yeh, S. D., and Chen, C.-C. 2005. Complete genome sequence and genetic organization of Lisianthus necrosis virus: Suggests it should be redelineated from Necrovirus into Tombusvirus. The XIII International Congress of Virology, San Francisco, USA, July 23-28, 2005.
  119. 詹富智* Marker-free 轉基因植物之構築及其發展. 植物基因工程發展之現況研討會. 94 年8 月30 日. 國立中興大學.
  120. 陳志威、陳建德、古新梅、蘇彥碩、詹富智*. 菸草在過量銅逆境下誘導脯胺酸的累積機制.中華農藝學會94年會. 94 年4 月20 日. 國立嘉義大學.
  121. 張惠如、古新梅、 陳建德、陳志威、詹富智*. 2005. 以病毒誘導基因沉寂策略進行菸草脯胺酸庫之代謝工程.中華農藝學會94年會. 94 年4 月20 日. 國立嘉義大學.
  122. 陳哲仁、王仕賢、林育宗、詹富智、陳若竹、劉宗華、古新梅*. 2005.新品種番茄”台南12 號”黃色素基因座之遺傳分析. 中華農藝學會94年會. 94 年4 月20 日. 國立嘉義大學.
  123. Yang, C.-J., Zheng, Y.-X., Chang, H.-H., Chen, Y.-K., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2004. Serological characterization and generation of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against Phalaenopsis chlorotic necrosis spot virus. The Annual Meeting of Taiwan Phytopathological Society, Taipei, Taiwan, December 4, 2004. Plant Pathol. Bull.13:V09.
  124. Yeh, S.-D.*, Chen, T.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2004. The taxonomic status and control strategy of thrips-borne tospoviruses. The 11th International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants, March 09-14, 2004, Taichung, Taiwan. (Invited lecture)
  125. Yang, C.-J., Zheng, Y.-X., Chang, H.-H., Chen,Y.- K., Chen, C.- C., and Jan, Fuh- Jyh*. 2004. Generation of monoclonal antibodies against a tospovirus isolated from Phalaenopsis orchids in Taiwan. The 11th International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants, March 09-14, 2004, Taichung, Taiwan.
  126. Chang, C.-H., Yeh, S.-D., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2003. Complete genome sequence and genetic organization of Lisianthus necrosis virus suggests it should be re-delineated from Necrovirus into Tombusvirus. Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 289-290.
  127. Zheng, Y.-X., Chen, C.-C., Chao, C.-H, Chang, C.-A., and Jan, Fuh- Jyh*. 2003. Identification of Tomato mosaic virus infection in lisianthus in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 290.
  128. Yang, C.-J., Chang, H.-H., Yeh, S.-D. and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2003. Generation of transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana plants expressing tospoviral genes for studying the essential proteins for virus replication. Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 293.
  129. Lin, -Y., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2003. Construction of binary vectors for generating marker-free transgenic plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 293.
  130. Chen, C.-C., Ko, W.- F., Zheng, Y.-X., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. 2003. Isolation of a tospovirus causing chlorotic and necrosis spots symptoms on moth orchids (Phalaenopsis ) Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 294.
  131. Zheng, Y.-X., Yeh, S.-D., Chen, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh- Jyh*. 2003. Molecular cloning of a tospovirus infecting Phalaenopsis orchids in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull.12: 293-294.
  132. Chen J.-R., Wang, S.-S., Lin, Y.-T., Chen, C.-C., Jan, Fuh- Jyh, and Ku, Hsin-Mei* .2003. Candidate gene analysis of yellow pigment loci in yellow flesh tomato. International Symposium on Plant Functional Genomics, Taipei, Taiwan.
  133. Gubba, A.*, Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Gonsalves, C., Stevens,M. R., Tricoli, D.M. and Gonsalves, D. 2002. Obtaining multiple resistance to tospovirus infection in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Conference of Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops: Research and Product Development that Reaches Farmers, November 4-7, Entebbe, Uganda.
  134. Chen, C. C.*, Ko, W. F., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Lin, C. Y. and Hsu, H. T. 2002. Characterization of Carnation mottle carmovirus isolated from calla lily (Zantedeschia). Plant Pathol. Bull.11: 242-243.
  135. Jan, Fuh-Jyh*, Shih, J. R., Yeh, S. D., and Gonsalves, D. 2002. Development of transgenic plants resistant to multiple viruses via gene silencing. Page 14 in: XII International Congress of Virology, July 27-August 1, 2002, Paris, France. (selected for oral presentation).
  136. Liou, R. F., Lin, C. P., Tzeng, K. C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Yeh, S.-D.* Overview of newly developed detection and monitoring techniques for invasive plant pathogens. In “APEC Symposium on Detection, Monitoring and Management of Invasive Plant Pest”. 0930_Session 5-1.
  137. Kuo, A.-J., Wu, Z.-B., Chang, H.-H., Yang, Y.-S., Su, C.-C., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Development of detection techniques for three viruses of the Rosaceae fruit trees and their distribution in Taiwan. Plant Pathol. Bull.10:215.
  138. Wu, Z.-B., Chang, H.-H., Zgeng, Y.-X., Su, C.-C., Yeh, S.-D., and Jan, Fuh-Jyh*. Cloning and characterization of the coat protein genes of Apple stem grooving, Apple chlorotic leafspot and Apple stem pitting viruses. Plant Pathol. Bull.10:215.
  139. Chiang, -H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Yeh, S.-D., and Gonsalves D*. 2000. Potential risk of papaya ringspot recombinant viruses with coat protein segments expressed in transgenic papaya. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, New Orleans, LA, USA, August 12-16, 2000. Phytopathology 90:S14.
  140. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Fagoaga, C., Pang, S.-Z., and Gonsalves, D.* Effect of transgene length and nontarget DNA sequence on RNA-mediated tospovirus resistance. 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Aug. 9-16, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  141. Chiang, C.-H., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Yeh, S.-D., and Gonsalves, D.* The resistance of the transgenic papaya carrying coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus is affected by the CP gene of the attacking virus hybrid. 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Aug. 9-16, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  142. Fagoaga, C., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Pang, S.-Z., and Gonsalves, D.* Post-transcriptional gene silencing-mediated multiple virus resistance in transgenic plants. 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Aug. 9-16, Edinburgh, Scotland.
  143. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Pang, S.-Z., Fagoaga, C., and Gonsalves, D.* Effect of transgene length and nontarget DNA sequence on RNA-mediated virus resistance: Its implication in developing a strategy to obtain multiple virus resistance. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Rochester, New York, USA, August 9-13, 1997. Phytopathology 87: S47
  144. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Fagoaga, C., Pang, S.-Z., and Gonsalves, D.* Resistance and gene expression of transgenic plants containing TuMV- CP and different segments of the TSWV N genes. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Rochester, New York, USA, August 9-13, 1997. Phytopathology 87: S47.
  145. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Pang, S.- Z., Tricoli, D. M., Quemada, H. D., and Gonsalves, D.* Genetic and molecular analysis of squash plants transformed with coat protein genes of squash mosaic virus. Annual Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, July 27-31, 1996. Phytopathology 86:S16-S17.
  146. Pang, S.- Z., Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Carney, K., Tricoli, D. M., Quemada, H. D., and Gonsalves, D.* Post-transcriptional transgene silencing and consequent tospovirus resistance in transgenic lettuce are affected by transgene dosage and plant development. Xth international congress of Virology, Jerusalem, Israel, August 11-16, 1996 (selected for oral presentation).
  147. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, and Yeh, S. D.* Characterization of amorphous inclusion protein of passionfruit woodiness virus. Plant Prot. Bull. 30, 420.
  148. 詹富智、葉錫東*. 1986. 百香果木質化病毒酵素聯結免疫血清法之建立. 植物保護學會會刊 28, 448-449.
  1. Gwo-Bin Lee, Wen-Hsin Chang, Chih-Hung Wang, Tzong-Yueh Chen, Ting-Yu Wang, Long-HuwLee, Jia-Ling Yang, Hui-Liang Wang, I-Chin Wang, Chih-Chieh Chuang, Fuh-Jyh Jan, Ping-Chen Li. 2016. Primer set, Method and kit for detecting pathogen in animals or plants. USPTO 9,238,839 B2 (2013-2033) (filed on March 5, 2013; approved on January 19, 2016).
  2. 李國賓、張文馨、 王志宏 、 陳宗嶽 、 王廷瑜 、李龍湖、楊佳玲、王惠亮、王怡瑾、莊智傑、詹富智、李品臻 . 2012. 檢測動物或植物病原之引子組、方法及套組 . 台灣專利 101126506 (filed on Mar. 2012/07/23)
  3. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2005. DNA constructs and methods to impart resistance to at least one virus on plants. US Patent 6903248. (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on June 7, 2005)
  4. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2004. DNA constructs and methods to impart resistance to papaya ringspot virus on plants. US Patent 6750382. (filed on Aug. 30, 2001; approved on June 15, 2004)
  5. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2001. DNA constructs to confer multiple traits on plants. Australia Patent AU729306B (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on Feb. 1st, 2001)
  6. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2000. DNA constructs to confer multiple traits on plants. European Patent EP0970237 (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on Jan 2nd, 2000)
  7. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 2000. DNA constructs to confer multiple traits on plants. Brazil Patent BR9807587A (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on Mar. 21th, 2000)
  8. Pang, S.-Z., Gonsalves, D., Jan, Fuh-Jyh. 1998. DNA constructs to confer multiple traits on plants. World Patent WO9837223A1 (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on Aug. 27, 1998)
  9. Jan, Fuh-Jyh, Gonsalves, D. Pang, S.-Z., 1998. DNA constructs to confer multiple traits on plants. Canada Patent CA2281002. (filed on Feb. 18, 1998; approved on Aug. 27, 1998)



























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